2017/NYC/Projects List

From IndieWeb
See IndieWebCamp NYC for the most recent and a list of all past IndieWebCamps in NYC!

IndieWeb NYC 2017

Please register for a ticket at http://2017.indieweb.org/nyc and then add yourself to the guest list here.

Official Guest List

If you have a personal site If you want a personal site
Are you a Creator? Do you create & share
copywriting, graphics, design, UI/UX, and/or code?

Add yourself to the guest list publishing an RSVP post in reply to the event page and send it a webmention!
If you're in the process of setting up your personal site, or don’t have a personal site but want one, or want to create and contribute to the IndieWeb but don't know where to start, you’re still very welcome! You can register for a ticket at http://2017.indieweb.org/NYC

Venue Capacity: TBD

  • Signed-up via
    • Indie RSVP to 2017.indieweb.org/NYC: TBD
    • via ti.to ticket only: TBD (TBD listed, TBD private)
  • Spots remaining: TBD
  • Note: these numbers are updated manually by editing this page and may not reflect the actual number of tickets registered on the event page.

Participant Projects

Adding yourself here is OPTIONAL.

If you'd like to share what projects you're working on, or other links etc., Login to the wiki and add yourself here with the handy "Attendee" template!

Alphabetically sorted by full display name.

Name: Marty McGuire

IndieWeb Projects: This Week in the IndieWeb Audio Edition (weekly podcast), Screech (Micropub client for posting audio), Slater (Micropub client for posting events), Spano (micropub media endpoint), Flask-IndieAuth (library to require IndieAuth sign-in for Flask web apps)
Ideas for this weekend:
• Nice monthly and yearly archives
• add video upload support to Screech
• better handling of received webmentions
• strategies for automatic syndication and/or sending of webmentions.

Name: Tantek Çelik (organizer)

Organization: Mozilla

IndieWeb Projects: Falcon (my CMS), CASSIS JS∩PHP (on github), Whistle (URL shortener)
For this weekend:
pay page like my contact page,
• update resume with h-resume,
• manual POSSE an article to Strava and document process & how to improve,
• maybe investigate 280 character Twitter#POSSE_to_Twitter

Personal URL: http://tantek.com

Elsewhere: @t, github.com/tantek

Name: David Shanske (organizer)

IndieWeb Projects: Indieweb Plugins for WordPress
For this weekend:
• Finish enhancements to h-card code and deploy to website.
• Finish enhancements to Facepile code and submit PR for inclusion in plugin.
• Solution for displaying homepage mentions on homepage, possibly as widget.

Name: Oliver Baptiste (organizer)

IndieWeb Projects: Jekllize my website
For Sunday:
• Decide whether to use Github Pages / Cloudflare or self-hosting
• review old iterations of websites and develop content strategy

Participants from Tito


No one is listed yet. Add yourself to the list using the attendee template!


Remote Participants

As with past IndieWebCamps, we'll setup remote participation for folks who can't be there in person but can still participate during the camp over IRC and hopefully live video.


No one is listed yet. Add yourself to the list using the attendee template!


Folks that can't make it (but hopefully can participate before/after remotely!)


No one is listed yet. Add yourself to the list using the attendee template!


Sorry to miss you! Hope you can attend a future IndieWebCamp!

RSVPs from Facebook

RSVPs received on to the Facebook event (and not represented in an earlier section)

See Also