2019/Austin/Project Goals
2019 Austin Project Goals are a list of people and their project goals for IndieWebCamp Austin 2019.
Project Goals
Adding yourself here is OPTIONAL.
If you'd like to share what projects you're working on or want to work on at the event, login to the wiki and add yourself here with the handy attendee template!
Alphabetically sorted by full display name.
Name: Aaron Parecki
IndieWeb Projects: p3k, IndieAuth spec
Personal URL: https://aaronpk.com
Indie RSVP: https://aaronparecki.com/2019/01/23/24/indiewebcamp π« π¬
Elsewhere: @aaronpk, github.com/aaronpk
Name: David Shanske
IndieWeb Projects: WordPress Indieweb plugins
Name: Tantek Γelik
Organization: Mozilla
IndieWeb Projects: Falcon: Working On, migration to a new web host, Micro.blog profile showing photo posts, Micro.blog rel=me, RelMeAuth
Personal URL: http://tantek.com
Elsewhere: @t, github.com/tantek
Name: David Millar
IndieWeb Projects: The Griddle, Dave's Mapper (https://github.com/davmillar/davesmapper Source), IndieWeb Chrome extensions
Personal URL: https://davegoesthedistance.com
Elsewhere: @davemillar, github.com/davmillar, @dave@puz.fun
Name: Rayna Harris
Organization: Data Intensive Biology at UC Davis
Personal URL: http://www.raynamharris.com/
Remote Participants
As with past IndieWebCamps, we'll setup remote participation for folks who can't be there in person but can still participate during the camp over chat and hopefully live video.
Name: Marty McGuire
IndieWeb Projects: developer tools for making great micropub clients, πΈπ, This Week in the IndieWeb Audio Edition
Personal URL: https://martymcgui.re/
Indie RSVP: http://mmg.re/4yFPvp
Elsewhere: @schmarty, github.com/martymcguire, wehavetoask.com
Name: Greg McVerry
Organization: ReVIEW Talent Feedback System
IndieWeb Projects: Education, Guestbook, Getting Started
Name: Chris Aldrich
Organization: Aldrich Entertainment / Boffo Socko Books
IndieWeb Projects: Indieweb for Education, Indieweb for Journalism, outreach, WordPress Outreach Club, David Shanske Fan Club
Personal URL: http://boffosocko.com
Indie RSVP: https://boffosocko.com/2019/02/20/rsvp-for-indiewebcamp-austin-2019/
Elsewhere: @chrisaldrich ,
/chrisaldrich, GitHub,
@chrisaldrich@mastodon.social , ALL the rest