2019/New Haven/annotation
Owning your Annotations was a session at IndieWebCamp New Haven 2019.
Notes archived from: https://etherpad.indieweb.org/annotation
IndieWebCamp New Haven 2019
Session: Owning your Annotations
When: 2019-03-30 15:10
- https://quickthoughts.jgregorymcverry.com/2019/03/17/when-inclusion-exudes
- Bookmark
- Use block quotes
- add paragraph
- https://gist.github.com/jgmac1106/726a8399dce96e28e0ae9cfd1ad288c3
- https://github.com/bokand/ScrollToTextFragment
Hypothes.is can be used to create:
- replies
- annotations
- highlights
- bookmarks - by creating "page notes" with tags
- read posts - it's implicit for highlights or annotations that at least those portions were read, while the presumption with multiple highlights and annotations on a page indicates more than just a reading, but a close reading of a page.
- One could technically use it as a blogging platform, but the "blog" would live on other's websites while the Hypothes.is UI would still provide a reverse chronological presentation that also includes an RSS feed
Hypothes.is has two different canonical presentations with slightly varying URL patterns: Examples:
- https://hyp.is/FJnGaEWxEemE0KeGm6_zwA - shows the highlight/annotation in situ on the original page
- https://hypothes.is/a/FJnGaEWxEemE0KeGm6_zwA - shows the highlight/annotation on its own free-standing page
- Ideally, this is the page that should have a link to the original URL for webmentions (it currently doesn't) as well as microformats markup to allow proper parsing.
- With proper mark up on these pages, one could manually force webmentions for sites that support them
There is a facet tool that will show all the highlights, annotations, and bookmarks that appear on a particular website from Hypothes.is:
- Example: https://jonudell.info/h/facet/?group=__world__&wildcard_uri=https%3A%2F%2Fboffosocko.com%2F*&max=50
This could be used for seeing how one's personal has or hasn't been marked up using the tool.
Greg McVerry has used Hypothes.is tools to generate the HTML of his annotations for putting on his own website.
See Also
- 2019/New Haven/Schedule
- Hypothes.is
- annotation
- bookmark
- highlight
- reply
- quote
- https://www.w3.org/TR/annotation-html/ - Embedding Web Annotations in HTML (W3C Working Group Note 23 February 2017)
- https://www.w3.org/TR/annotation-model/ - Web Annotation Data Model - W3C Recommendation 23 February 2017