Page/New Pages

From IndieWeb

New pages

I think that these could be broken off into new pages or put into the sidebar.

Things for the sidebar

  • to-do - next steps for IndieWebCamp and indie web efforts.
  • issues - any problems with the wiki, the website, or anything else to do with IndieWebCamp
  • Links to translations or language flags?

List of Guides

Notable Projects

I think it would be nice to have a list websites that showcase notable IndieWeb projects. Maybe eventually we could determine the list based on their IndieMark Score. This page would be primarily for newcomers trying to get a feel for what projects best embody the IndieWeb principals by going through a list of links to examples.


This page is about how to promote IndieWeb ideas, and resources that can help you do that.

  • buttons - buttons and badges to show your support on your website
  • Indieweb hashtags: #indieweb #indieauth #ownyourdata etc...
  • elsewhere - indieweb and indiewebcamp related news, communities, content on other sites

Important articles

A page with a list of distinguished articles:


The IndieWeb shares many of its principles with other efforts/communities, yet there are some key aspects that distinguish the IndieWeb from previous efforts.

  • Principles over project-centrism. There are many similar efforts that are based on a single (often open source) project. We believe a community developing a plurality of projects following a set of principles is more robust and produces better results than any such monoculture.
  • Selfdogfood. The best way to figure out what's most important, and actually build it, is to scratch your own itch, by creating for and on your personal domain, and iterating.
  • Design and UX first, formats/protocols second. We focus on UX first, and then as we figure that out we re-use/subset/implement/iterate/develop the absolutely simplest most minimal formats & protocols necessary to support that UX.