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2024/Brighton/Planning is an archive of the Planning of IndieWebCamp Brighton 2024.
Archived from Planning#Brighton:
Paul Robert Lloyd has looked into possibilities (with help from
Mark Everitt)
- We have pre-booked The Skiff, with a limit on 30 attendees maximum
- Other options in Brighton that were looked into, but are considerably more costly, include:
- 2024-03-09β¦10 (Saturday & Sunday)
Nearby events:
- 2024-03-07 - Patterns Day
Can help co-organize:
Paul Robert Lloyd
Tantek Γelik
Jeremy Keith β likely
- Add yourself here⦠(see this for more details)
Interested in participating!
Tantek Γelik
Rosemary Orchard
Peter Molnar
Mark Sutherland
David Shanske - Interested in seeing my UK compatriots. Needs at least a month if not two notice to make an overseas journey.
Martijn van der Ven
Jeremy Cherfas
Mark Everitt
- Sven Knebel
Paul Watson
- Add yourself here⦠(see this for more details)
Previously: 2019/Brighton