
From IndieWeb
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Badges was a session at IndieWebCamp NYC 2018.

Notes archived from: https://etherpad.indieweb.org/badges



NATE!!!!! HELLO Howdy!

Greg McVerry walked through example of his having sent badges from his recent class edu522

Event Attendance example

Greg McVerry wrote up a workflow for event attendance. Photo: 71f30adaed0f3c6caf935cc3822e799a0bf375e53d74462aff6f3ff5.jpg


Not too dissimilar to Pokemon Go where people can collect monsters, which could be done via webmention per Tantek ร‡elik conversation with Ben Werdmรผller indiemon brainstorming design starts here: https://chat.indieweb.org/2016-07-14#t1468465361878000 Three actors:

   Venue creators 
   Monster creator
   Monster collectors

This also sounds similar to sticker replies or photo_reply.

  • +1 the UX from a tool like slack is another interesting way to casually recognize somebody. I built a little proof of concept hipchat bot last year that would react to "/props to Greg McVerry for coming up with interesting ways to use badges" to award a "kudos" badgeclass with open badges 2.0 evidence narrative of "for coming up with interesting ways to use badges" -Nate

This same concept could be done as a digital passport for checkins and travel which includes digital passport stamps.

"Monster creator" inspiration: https://gopherize.me/

See Also

Assertion Workflows

David Shanske: Since I wasn't going to try Indiemon, I wrote up my technical suggestion for Greg McVerry https://david.shanske.com/2018/09/28/thoughts-about-assertion-workflows/


See Also