A Domain of One's Own Meetup
- July 23, 2020 at 10:30 AM Pacific
- Event Code of Conduct:
- Zoom Link:
RSVP to one of the following:
- Directly on the etherpad
Chris Aldrich (facilitator / co-host)
Greg McVerry
- Tim Owens
- Katie Hartraft, Reclaim Hosting
- Tim Clarke, Muhlenberg College
- John Stewart, University of Oklahoma
- Shannon Hauser, University of Mary Washington
- Taylor Jadin
- Lauren Brumfield, Reclaim Hosting;
- Emma Duke-Williams, University of Dundee (UK),
- Tineke D'Haeseleer, Muhlenberg College
- Meredith Fierro
Kimberly Hirsh
- Martin Hawksey
- Will Monroe
- Mo Pelzel, Director of Academic Technology, Grinnell College
- Ben Harwood
- Alan Levine wanted to join us, but has limited connectivity. As a consolation, he's shared a Domains-related project he's been working on:
- Welcome
- Introductions: short 2 minute introductions of attendees with an optional brief demonstration of something you've done on your domain or purpose for which you're using your domain.
- Group photo for those who wish to participate
- Main meetup: Ideally everyone should bring a topic, demonstration, question, or problem to discuss with the group. Depending on time and interest, we can try to spend 5-10 minutes discussing and providing feedback on each of these. If questions go over this time limitation, we can extend the conversation in smaller groups as necessary after the meetup.
- Katie Hartraft
- Tim Owens has a site running Ghost
- frequently changes systems so has an issue with linkrot over time
- Virtual VSTE 2020 site runs a SPLOT which collects resources submitted by users without an account
- Chris Aldrich
- Demo of Microsub reader, Micropub posting to his own site, and Webmention to the original site
- Emma Duke-Williams blogging for many years; using CampusPress and how to use it best with students
- Getting VLE to work is taking more time
- John Stewart
- Assistant Director of Academic U of Oklahoma
- run 6-7000 DoOO users in Create
- develop training for everyone
- created mapping website using Google tools like sheets and AwesomeTables and embed them in our own domain via js
- Kimberly Hirsh
- UNC Chapel Hill
- Uses her site as a blog and open research/journal
- Shares her dissertation process
- (uses
- She's moving from MailChimp to something else for herself and didn't want to have to pay for it; using phpList on Installatron provided by Reclaim Hosting (uses domain name on Reclaim)
- Tim Clarke (he/him)
- Instructional designer at Muhlenberg overseeing their DoOO program
- with a glossary for a textbook
- Tim Clarke here, my long-neglected personal domain is I have a super simple but really positive use of WordPress in this past spring semester. I co-taught a Mapping Religion with the awesome Sharon Albert. Our class that integrated Religion Studies and Geographic Information Systems/Science. I used the Escapade theme (, and the A-Z Listing plugin ( to make our discussion work happen around the creation of a crowdsourced glossary for our readings. I created accounts for everyone within a wordpress site on my own DoOO, and bought a $5 domain name to drop on top. You can see the results at . If you're looking to get away from the conventional discussion board in a Learning Management System, and also to model how to find organizing themes and concepts across readings, this might be a fun thing to try. Thanks! Please reach out if I can be helpful.
- Tim, Did you and your students create the map that's linked in the header also? TC: that header is borrowed from a really cool DH project, the Agas Map of Early Modern London - I highlighted some churches and took a screenshot for the banner of our glossary.
- Meredith Fierro
- Customer Support Manager at Reclaim
- She's been diving into Reclaim Radio as a streaming ds106 platform (runs Azuracast)
- Taylor Jadin
- Instructional technologist
- (uses Ghost), previously used Ghost, and SSGs like Jekyll and Hugo
- GIFT Cookbook using Truewriter (SPLOT)
- I need pinterest but for faculty only; lists tools and helpful snippets
- for streaming across social distancing while playing games or doing other things (also runs Azuracast)
- Working with a student to redesign homepage for the Knight Domains project
- Shannon Hauser
- Associate Director of the Digital Knowledge Center at University of Mary Washington (Center that peers tutors on digital projects, home of DoOO at our institution)
- HTML 5up template for a site
- all HTML without easy facility for others to edit/change, but it's beautiful
- She's been borrowing from Coventry which has a CC license
- Lauren Brumfield
- Director of Operations for Reclaim
- Her personal site is almost a portfolio of her work,
- Happy Birthday Reclaim!!
- Working to consolidate DoOO Support resources into a centralized space
- Will Monroe
- Asst director for at Law School
- Teaches pre-services teachers and has a proto-DoOO project
- Morris (Mo) Pelzel
- At Grinnell College
- Using the TruWriter SPLOT for a Time of Coronavirus experience
- Node.js site :
- Martin Hawksey
- ALT in the UK host domains for an organization membership
- was a curation site going back about 10 years until the paywall came crashing down; last year he created a version of that site using WordPress and a few plugins
- Mail Poet plugin for creating a newsletter
- Post listing the main plugins/setup (HT to greg for the tip to include webmentions)
- Tineke D'Haeseleer
- At Muhlenberg with Tim Clarke
- Teaches East Asian History
- Laura Gibbs' Growth Mindset Cats plugin
- (daily briefings for students during Covid19 Spring half)
- She's been experimenting with Elgg as a community platform for asynchronous teaching/classroom use
- Suggestions that WithKnown (also written by Ben Werdmuller) or WordPress with Webmention as an alternative for interactive websites
- Comment: Elgg! That takes me back - to when I was first using blogging with students & we used Elgg ! It was so powerful & ahead of its time
- Ben Harwood
- instructional designer at Skidmore
- joining at the last minute from Twitter
- Using Zoom and Ensemble Video for recording video with transcript and captions to push it into WordPress (with Ensemble Video plugin for embedding playlists)
- Moving from Blackboard to another LMS
Topics for Discussion
- Quick examples as entry points for beginning users on the web
+1 chris +1 kimberly
The Syndicated gradebook
- how can we use feed readers to automate some basic assessment process
- How can we make import/export less painful
+1 shannon
Training for students
- how can we help students become creators of the web?
- Emma: Training students: I've run a "paper blogging" session with groups of students to get them into the idea, without them fretting about the technicalities of buidling.
Academic Samizdat for publishing Journal articles
- Chris Aldrich
Building community in asynchronous online courses
- COVID teaching or otherwise
- come have fun with us Currently in the Community of Inquiry Module
+1 shannon
+1 mo
+1 Greg McVerry
Reclaim Cloud OMG!
- Community Forums:
+1 +1 chris +1 shannon
- Docker/container based platform for non-php based applications
- minecraft servers, mastodon,
- similar to AWS, Linode, and virtual systems
Open publishing
- OER, etc.
- Running janeway, manifold, pressbooks, etc.
Greg McVerry
- teaching this: Teaching and Learning feelfree to have faculty jopin or use the content
- Just a simple RSS planet for class using an iframe: [1]
- [2] a free tech camp I am facilitating
- [ Web Ring]
- 106 New Literacies
Questions / Problems
- Add your ideas here
General Announcements
- WP Campus Online Conference is coming up next week:
- Upcoming IndieWebCamp pop-up Session: Getting Started with WordPress
Next Meetup
- Preferred dates/times/timezones
- Monthly? every two weeks? more frequently?
- Others interesting in hosting/co-hosting?
Kimberly Hirsh - Monthly, EST/EDT but flexible
- Tim Clarke - monthly would be great. I'll come to your timezone :)
- timmmmyboy - Monthly is great, open to multiple timezones and cognizant that it can be hard to find the right times
- Tineke D'Haeseleer: monthly would be good
- Lauren Brumfield- Monthly; EST timezone; timing is flexible
- katiehartraft - Monthly is good for me, EST/EDT but flexible
- John Stewart - Monthlly; EST is good
- shauser - Monthy, mid-day (like first meeting), EST
- {{jgmac1106} monthly
- meredithfierro Monthly is perfect as well! EST, completely flexible on timing
- mopelzel monthly works great for me as well ... CDT, but flexible
- utc -4
Follow up
- some pop up sessions possibly
- Reclaim Cloud with examples, discussion, and maybe a hack session
- monthly meetups with shorter introductions and mini-topics
- mini-topics can be taken from some of the above ideas