A directory on the web lists websites or pages typically grouped by topic or areas of interest, sometimes using categories or tags, often useful for finding niche communities and discovering new websites.
Silos often provide recommendation engines or ideas about who to follow to give their users content to read. As IndieWeb adherents begin to own their own data on their own websites, they'll want services similar to these whether they are centralized or decentralized.
IndieWeb Examples
See indieweb directory.
Directory-like features and sites
Blogrolls were an early method of providing an personal list of websites that were interesting or influential to early bloggers.
Blogrolls sometimes had subsections e.g. by category, and thus acted as a personal mini-directory of sorts.
While not a directory, webrings are another method of discovering new websites.
Indie Map
indie map is a public IndieWeb social graph and dataset, made by Ryan Barrett and launched at IndieWeb Summit 2017. A list of the domains in the set can be found in the project's GitHub repository.
IndieMap is fully automatically generated, without user-input, without groupings by topic / category, and thus is more of a map than a directory.
[IndieNews]] is an indieweb news aggregator, similar to Hacker News, which only accepts submissions via webmention. While not a directory, the submissions are posts that provide another discovery path to people discussing IndieWeb related topics.
Hyperlink Node Directory
Hyperlink Node Directory (currently generating PHP errors as of 2024-11-16) is a project by Brad Enslen comprised of a collection of web links. It could be considered a directory of directories, and it can used for discovery of new websites and for surfing the web.
IndieWeb chat names
chat-names - is a list of many people in the IndieWeb chat and thus functions as a sort of "White Pages" directory of IndieWeb people.
The IndieWeb Directory on Glitch
"IndieWeb Directory on Glitch" is a list of people with personal websites on the IndieWeb who have signed-in with IndieAuth. Hosted on Glitch.
The list of people that have saved their sites does not seem to have any particular order or categorization.
Examples In The Wild
Now Now Now
Now Now Now is directory of people built by Derek Sivers. Incidentally, because of it's set up, this is also a directory of people who have their own websites. See also: now
A list of servers with sites for a variety of people and users and based on the original
Personal Sites
Personal sites are awesome is a website, built by Andy Bell using a Github repo so we can all discover each others websites. All the links are by folks that want to share their site with the world.
OwnCast runs a directory of OwnCast instances at You can opt your instance in to publishing to the directory, and your instance will appear at the top when it's actively streaming.
districts on Neocities
districts is "a site directory created on Neocities for Neocities". A place to discover other people who have been creating (mostly oldschool) web pages about their interests on Neocities.
Blog Surf
Blog Surf is a directory both of sites and of blog posts. As of 2020-02-27 it indexes 752 blogs. These blogs are categorised by tags within the directory. The directory also keeps a list of posts made by these blogs and is able to show either the latest posts of the whole collection, or on a per-tag basis.
ooh directory is a directory of blogs personally curated by Phil Gyford. There is a list of criteria for inclusion. The main criteria is the inclusion of an Atom or RSS feed, be updated in the last few months, self-submit. It also includes a , be in English, among other criteria. It includes a directory by category, a [random blog page], a list of updated list of [recently updated blogs] with their most recent post. See
Blog of the .Day
Blog of the .Day features a random indieweb blog each day. It features an RSS feed one can subscribe to. Instructions for including a blog appear on the site. Created by capjamesg, now stewarded by
Joe Crawford.
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- Brad Enslen and Kicks Condor have a variety of articles they've written on this topic since 2017 and before.
- Foundations of a tiny directory Kicks Condor lays out the importance of the human element and reasons for a tiny directory.
Past Examples was a syndication service / directory organized into various subs, similar to Reddit, created by Kicks Condor. All interaction with the site, such as linking and upvoting, was performed by Webmention. Discussion happens on blog posts themselves, as per Indieweb convention.
Colin Walker Webmention Directory
Colin Walker had a personal directory (404 as of 2024-11-16) comprised of websites that have sent his site webmentions.
the dailywebthing linkport
- the dailywebthing linkport is a hybrid directory/linkblog operating from 2004-2023, and its sister site, dailywebthing daily pointers, since 2000, Both created by Joe Jenett
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- How to build
- Directory Building Just Got Easier, Cheaper and Indieweb lays out how to build a hybrid directory/linkblog using Wordpress complete with Indieweb features.
- Indieweb features
- Centralized vs. Decentralized
- Decentralized Search and the Indieweb Brainstorms about offering an alternative decentralized discovery means via blogrolls, linkblogs and particularly "many hundreds" of small directories. The theory being if people are constantly bumping into different directories everywhere they go, they will eventually start using them.
See Also
- recommendation_engine
- discovery
- who to follow
- search
- planet
- tags
- person-tag
- indie map
- webring
- blogroll
- Progressive Web App Directory
- h-card as a service
- unmung's Mastoview is very similar to a directory with a randomizer built in
- a list of personal software blogs collected and organized from various sources with Hacker News scores calculated/displayed as an indicator of value to the collection. Includes links to feeds as well as the ability to generate an OPML of the list.
- Example directory of personal site home pages: