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The Organizers Meetup Berlin 2019 is a half-day of activities and sessions before IndieWebCamp Berlin 2019, for everyone who has co-organized an IndieWebCamp in the past two years or at least two Homebrew Website Club meetups with at least one meetup photo.
Similar to 2018/Organizers, the Organizers Meetup sessions are open to everyone who has co-organized an IndieWebCamp from 2017-2019, planning an IndieWebCamp later this year, or co-organized at least two Homebrew Website Club meetups during those years, and posted at least one meetup photo. If you’re not sure, ask an organizer.
Please add yourself below if you will be participating in the Organizers' Meetup:
Arriving late / maybe:
Rosemary Orchard (17:45)
- Sven Knebel - joined near the very end.
- ...
Remote Participation
If you can't make it in person but you're available to participate remotely, please add yourself below. Please note that we'll likely make use of Mozilla's remote conference setup, which requires the Vidyo Desktop Client. The link to join the live chat will be at https://v.mozilla.com/flex.html?roomdirect.html&key=uRIeFq6SA8
Sorry to miss you, let us know if you can't make it and we'll try to reach out with specifics that may apply to your city.
- ...
- 04:00 - 09:00 PST (UTC-7)
- 07:00 - 12:00 EST (UTC-4)
- 11:00 - 16:00 UTC
- 14:30 - 18:00 (UTC+2)
Friday 2019-05-03:
- 14:30 Organizers' Meetup (OM) start & intros
- 15:00 Organizers' Meetup Sessions
- 17:30 Organizers' Meetup Wrap-up & Next Steps
- 18:00 Organizers' Meetup closes and
- 18:30 Dinner Meetup at De Noantri
14:30-18:00 Organizers' Meetup meeting: Mozilla Berlin!
- Room: Gainsboro (Commons) 3rd floor next to the kitchen, has Vidyo)
18:30 Dinner after:
- De Noantri Görlitzer Str. 63, 10997 Berlin. De Noantri is a pizza restaurant.
Etherpad Notes
Renewed from 2018/Berlin:
Tantek Çelik suggestion reading/viewing BEFORE the meetup:
- everything linked from this section "Why to avoid negative behaviors" from the microformats wiki
- especially Kathy Sierra article and Google Videos about dealing with poisonous people
- everything linked from this section "Why to avoid negative behaviors" from the microformats wiki
Tantek Çelik consider BEFORE meetup, discuss at meetup:
- should IWCs have red and yellow lanyards for no photo, or ask before taking photo?
- this might result in that interesting scenario that while the meeting itself was quite diverse, the photos will not reflect it, should people exclude themselves from the pictures, and I remember this being a trouble point with indieweb when it popped up on Twitter as a topic. I definitely don't like random photos taken about me, but I'd very much encourage participating in at least a group picture -
Peter Molnar
- this might result in that interesting scenario that while the meeting itself was quite diverse, the photos will not reflect it, should people exclude themselves from the pictures, and I remember this being a trouble point with indieweb when it popped up on Twitter as a topic. I definitely don't like random photos taken about me, but I'd very much encourage participating in at least a group picture -
- should IWCs have red and yellow lanyards for no photo, or ask before taking photo?
Tantek Çelik consider IWC Organizer kits with:
- stickers (IWC, mf, webmention, etc.)
- pins (IWC, mf, pronoun)
- nametags (ideally HELLO MY URL IS)
- red / yellow lanyards for no photo or ask before taking
- ... if this is a good idea, create a separate page for it (linked from Organizers) and make a checklist, and/or way to order (some/most) these things as a set)
Tantek Çelik
- What did we think we did right / better / worse compared to last year?
- What did we leave open / unresolved from 2018/Berlin/Organizers?
- What new community challenges have we encountered since?
- What are the most important things we can do to improve the community in the coming uyear?
- Which of those are the easiest / most scalable?
- Remaining/ongoing tasks from 2018/Berlin/Organizers#Task_List
- ...
Tantek Çelik
- we should re-evaluate the generations page (again) at the Organizers meetup
- It's becoming increasingly imprecise, inaccurate, misleading, and perhaps even alienating and we need to fix that ASAP
Ideas from this page and from Organizers#Issues were listed in the etherpad and then sessions were put in a rough priority, or given an explicit time slot.
Photo Policy
- Need a clear photo policy -
Tantek Çelik
- previous IWCs / years:
What went well this year compared to last year
What we can do better
- we still need
- better name tags (re-usable / My URL is)
- photo permission lanyards (or large red & yellow stickers as a backup)
- pronoun pins (supply for each city's local organizer to hold onto)
- more IndieWebCamp and microformats stickers (need supply for local organizer ahead of time)
- large postits in advance (~30 large stickies should be fine)
- IndieWebCamp Organizing should clarify "local organizer" requirements - so they know they have to get / order things in advance
- ✅ Technical set up with a tutorial from our host's IT person Ricardo
- ✅ badges(yulia - badges will be created by security)
- ✅ stickers (yulia)
- ✅ Lanyards for photo preference disclosure - No Lanyrds for this camp. Discussed but unable to address in time. Should work on for Summit. In lieu, using the 2018/Berlin system of red outline drawn on badge. Please add to: https://indieweb.org/2019/Organizers#What accordingly
- ✅ Did not bring collection of pronoun pins. Preferred pronouns to be written on badges by participants.
- ✅ Confirm photographers
Tantek Çelik and Yulia Startsev
- ✅ Start /2019/Berlin/Introductions with template and conclusions from ^^^ previous tasks (tantek)
- ✅ Make sure there is a section of the room outside of view of the cameras for people who do not wish to appear and ensure it is marked/identified appropriately. (yulia)
- Corner near the door can be always out of view of camera
- ✅ Signage for helping people find the place (Calum) >> emailed to Yulia
- ✅ Add lunches to the schedule place (Yulia)
- ✅ Pick up office supplies
- Find large size postit notes for scheduling / session grid (yulia)
- Find red and yellow large dots for photo permissions
- ✅ CoC contacts ->
Tantek Çelik and Yulia Startsev (Greg) I also added
Martijn van der Ven
- ✅ check the prep kit (yulia)
- ✅ update the wiki to reflect things we are missing (pronoun pins, photograph preference stickers)
- ✅ check the introductions page (tantek)
- ✅ Keynotes
- Comic
- Flow Diagram
- First time keynote
- Solution: yulia does "my first indie web camp"
- ✅ Recording sessions: Introduction, Keynote, Intros & Demos
- Yulia Startsev will bring tripod and set it up to record the morning sessions
- ✅ Recording Sunday demos
- Yulia Startsev will bring tripod and set it up to record the demos session
- ✅ Recording individual sessions in different rooms
- Use hangouts and air to record --> David is responsible for his room
- ✅ confirm main etherpad for the event (URL?) https://etherpad.indieweb.org/2019-Berlin
- ✅ Should we seed the list of intro demos for day 1? (from Zegnat)
- yes (yulia)
- ✅ reconfigure main room into rows of tables and chairs for day 1 intros (yulia)
- Security will set up chairs
- ✅ figure out what is happening with lunch on sunday
- Order Pizza (there might be someone who help with funding -
Tantek Çelik will help with funding)
- Order Pizza (there might be someone who help with funding -
Next Tasks
- ✅ Organizers meetup photo!
- ✅ Accessibility statement. Applicable to all events there should be an accessibility statement for both IWC and HWCs - for example see BTConf https://beyondtellerrand.com/accessibility - and link to it from /accessibility (Calum) Creating example specific to Berlin 2019 venue https://indieweb.org/2019/Berlin#Accessiblity
- ✅ Draft inclusivity statement for review - e.g. explicitly noting that IWC event itself does not serve/provide alcohol. See also https://2018.xoxofest.com/inclusion How about that we are also family and child friendly? https://indieweb.org/inclusivity_statement (noted that it needs review)
- some folks will not attend an event if there is any availability of alcohol because of the increased possibility of harrassment
- should we rename "Homebrew" Website Club because of possible beer/alcohol-related connotations that may be discouraging folks?
- [ ] needs (more and better) tito instructions
Martijn van der Ven
- [ ] needs (more and better) tito instructions
- ✅Photo and video/live streaming permissions wiki page draft - link to it from CoC and https://indieweb.org/photography_policy
Task List
Note the tasks coming out of sessions.
- [ ] need (more and better) tito instructions
Martijn van der Ven
Next Time
These topics were suggested but did not get discussed at this Organizers' Meetup.
- [ ] Look at how to organize HWC and IWC page(s?)
- HWC wiki automation has been in progress, but progress has been slow the past months: https://indieweb.org/Organizers/event_pages
- IndieWebCamp_Organizing
- [ ] evaluate task lists from Summit and NYC
- Afternoon of 2019-05-03, because:
- afternoon = remote participation with US organizers
- break for dinner