100 days

From IndieWeb
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A 100 days project in the IndieWeb community is representative of challenges to do or make something and post about it on your own site with some regularity (every day) and/or total completion number (like 100 posts) over a period of time like that same number of days or within a (calendar) year.

Inspired by the 100DaysOfIndieWeb project which was inspired by the 100DayProject:

How do you start?
Decide to do a 100 day project. Pick a start date -- and an ending date 100 days later. Then do one thing a day for 100 days (mornings are especially good).

Do something quick, creative, and do it without fear. Don't think too much, or better yet, don't think at all! See where it leads.

How to

How to do a 100 days or 100 posts/things project:

How to overview

  • start a challenge at any time, and commit to starting
  • make a thing, every day for 100Days challenges, or as often as you like for 100Posts or equivalent
  • post on your personal site, when you finish something, on that same day for 100Days, typically with the #100Days tag (or equivalent or a custom hashtag)

Each project can be as small as you want.

The only requirements for each project "thing" is:

  • It must be something you did yourself
  • It must be something with a publicly visible result

How to details

  • make or do something that you can immediately write about or publish
    • It's okay if it's a super tiny thing!
  • post it or about it when you finish it, and tag it, e.g. #100Days (or a custom extension like #100DaysOfIndieWeb, see examples below).
    • Optional: start post (name or content) with "Day N: " where N is 1 to 100, representing the day and post number for your "100 days of " series.

How to 100 Days of IndieWeb

How to do 100 days of IndieWeb:

  • every day (before 10-11am ( Aaron Parecki's approach))
  • make something indieweb-related that you will use immediately on your personal site (use what you make)
  • post a screenshot or video demonstrating the change to your website, and tag it with "100DaysOfIndieWeb" and "indieweb".
    • Optional: start post (name or content) with "Day N: " where N is 1 to 100, representing the day and post number for your "100 days of " series.

If you have a page that aggregates all your posts with a tag, then you already have a URL you can use to share your results. Otherwise, find some other way to collect all your posts into a page on your website or your wiki user page.

How to make a project page

Project Page:

  • Find some other way to collect all your posts into a page on your website or your wiki user page.
  • If you have pages on your site that aggregates all your posts with a tag, then you already have a URL you can use to share your progress & results, though you may want a way to filter by year, or show a specific instance of a project if you do it more than once.
  • You can also post a blog post summarizing / listing your 100 days posts to date.

100 days projects

The following 100 days indieweb projects have been successfully completed by at least one person! Feel free to try one of these or ask the people that did them what they thought of the experience! Or if you’re feeling particularly daring and want to explore new territory: more 100 days projects.

100 Days of IndieWeb

100DaysOfIndieWeb is a challenge to ship something IndieWeb-related every day for 100 days. Make a post every day with the #100DaysOfIndieWeb tag on your personal website when you finish something for that day. Each project must be something you can demonstrate in a screenshot or video. Inspired by the 100DayProject:

How do you start?
Decide to do a 100 day project. Pick a start date -- and an ending date 100 days later. Then do one thing a day for 100 days (mornings are especially good).

Do something quick, creative, and do it without fear. Don't think too much, or better yet, don't think at all! See where it leads.

The only requirements for each indieweb "thing" is:

  • It must be something you use yourself
  • It must be something with a publicly visible result (e.g. has a visible effect on the presentation of your web page, or is an improvement to an open source tool)


100 Days of Music

#100daysofmusic Completions:

100 Days of Open Source

100 days of open source — commit some new functionality or a bug fix to an open source project each day (preferably an indieweb open source project!)


100 Days of Positive Posts

#100DoPP — post something positive, whether something positive you did, a positive / constructive idea or suggestion, or even sharing / recommending something positive someone else is doing or suggesting. Preferably *before* posting anything negative that same day.


100 Words in 100 Days

100 Poems in 100 Days

100 posts projects

Earliest known suggestion:

100 Posts of IndieWeb


For 2023, the following folks have started a #100Days project, with the expectation that the 100 days are 100 sequential days, allowing for "makeup" days, or "doubling up" if need be to catch-up for any missed days.

100 Days of IndieWeb

#100DaysOfIndieWeb participants posting something about the IndieWeb for 100 days:

100 days of blogging

Publish posts, articles or notes, at least once a day on your blog (or one of your blogs), every day for 100 days. This can build on any other 100 days project because you can blog about that other project every day!


Positive Posts


  • For 2020, Tantek Çelik has completed 49 days of photos — take a photo every day, and post it the same day (or the day after but hashtagged for its day).


More than 7 days of site work


Below are people who started participating in a 100 Days indieweb-related project (brainstorming and other durations ok!) in 2018.

Pick something from the lists of possible projects below, start, and add yourself!

If you have a page that links to all of your challenge posts, link to that! Or you can add links to your individual posts here as well.

100 Days of Positive Doing Posting Days


For 2018, Tantek Çelik decided to do 100 Positive Doing then Posting Days:

  1. Every day: *do* something positive in-person (not just online)
  2. Post about it on your own site (take a physical note and post it later)
  3. Ideally post about it before posting anything critical (or negative) that same day

More details: http://tantek.com/2018/002/t1/hello

8 days completed:


100 Days of IndieWeb

Partially completed:

  • 2018-11-15: Greg McVerry started https://quickthoughts.jgregorymcverry.com/pages/100daysofindieweb (404 as of 2024-01-04).


100 days projects completed in 2017.

100 Days of IndieWeb

100 Days of Music


100 Days of Open Source

100 days of open source — commit some new functionality or a bug fix to an open source project each day (preferably an indieweb open source project!)

100 Days of Positive Posts

#100DoPP — post something positive, whether something positive you did, a positive / constructive idea or suggestion, or even sharing / recommending something positive someone else is doing or suggesting. Preferably *before* posting anything negative that same day.


100 Words in 100 Days


A Month of Posting

AKA National Blog Posting Month.

Other month-long challenges:

Other durations

If 100 days seems to intimidating, perhaps start with a smaller number like 30, 10, or 7 days as a goal. E.g.

30 Days


  • ...

Various 30 day challenges clustered by month:



Main article: October


  • National Novel Writing Month (typically shortened NaNoWriMo) is a challenge to write a 50,000-word novel (or other extended work) in the month (30 days) of November.


31 days (every day of December)

24 days (first 24 days of December) is another pre-existing (if seasonal) duration of "do something every day", AKA "advent calendar"


10 Days

10 Days of Reading Chapters

#100chapters - Read at least one chapter of a book each day, and post a read post accordingly on your own site.

About a week


More 100 things projects

Since (nearly?) any set of "100" things can be done in a series of consecutive days or a total count over a period of time, and for any count like 7, 10, 31, 100 etc., these brainstorms focus on the thing, and not the regularity/frequency, and use "100" as a placeholder count, intended to be replaced by whatever count an individual wants to set as a goal.

Make and create

  • 100 posts — notes or any kind of posts.
  • 100 articles — actual article posts, not just notes, on specific atomic subjects
    • both this and the prior project can build on any other 100 things project because you can post about any projects items
  • 100 photos — take and post a photo, can also build on any 100 things project that requires a photo
    • 100 positive photos — post a positive photo as your first post of the day. Ok to also post negative / critical photos, just make sure the first photo you post on a day is positive.
  • 100 inventions — invent something new, or publish something you invented
  • 100 new IndieWeb wiki articles — create a new meaningful and appropriate article on the wiki that is directly relevant to the IndieWeb, and post a public note about it (like this), inviting contributions from others!
    • See to-do for ideas and ask in the #meta discussion channel for suggestions.
    • Check Wanted Pages (red links) and create them in apparent desired priority / number of links!
    • Keep track of your additions, and see how many have "stuck" after 100 days (i.e. not been deleted, merged, redirected, or otherwise removed).
  • 100 new Wikipedia articles — create a new meaningful article about a notable subject (i.e. following all Wikipedia rules/guidelines), and post a public note about it, inviting contributions from others!
    • Check the Wikipedia Most Wanted Articles for topics you have have interest / expertise in
    • Find a Wikipedia WikiProject that interests you and check their list of wanted pages
    • Keep track of your new articles, and see how many have "stuck" after 100 days (i.e. not been deleted, merged, redirected, or otherwise removed).
  • 100 new docs pages — create new shared public documentation for something like an open-source project or web standard, and post a public note about it, inviting contributions from others!
  • 100 new productivity tips — productivity tips you came up with and use yourself, and their benefits to you, cite inspiration if related to a tip you saw/read elsewhere!
  • 100 new tidying or organizing tips - tidying or organizing tips you came up with and use yourself, and their benefits to you, cite inspiration if related to a tip you saw/read elsewhere!
  • 100 new habits or reinforcements - habits or methods for reinforcing habits you came up with and use yourself, and their benefits to you, cite inspiration if related to a tip you saw/read elsewhere!* 100 origamis — make different origamis, and post photos of each one
  • 100 x 10 origami cranes — make 10 origami peace cranes at a time (each day), and post a photo of the full set in progress, finishing 1000 origami cranes in total
  • 100 days of journaling, e.g. journal in response to a prompt (from a meditation, from others)

If you consider yourself more an idea person than a builder:

  • 100 new 100 days projects — post (or add, e.g. here in #Brainstorming) a new specific 100 days project that seems at least reasonably feasible, perhaps something you might even do (on its own).
  • '100 prompts'- post a challenge for others to complete. This could be a photo challenge, quotes to reflect on, or a writing prompt.

If you have LOTS of time on your hands:

  • 100 x 100 days projects — start 100 new 100 days project, one at a time (perhaps one each day for 100 days). E.g. as a 100 days project this means that on day 100 of this project you will be doing 100 *different* individual projects if you're able to keep up, then it will decrease by 1 each day until you're finished with the 100th day of the 100th project on day 199.

Reinforce the good

  • 100 posts of positive news — find and post a link (citation) to a positive news article published that same day, to help counteract the counterproductive impacts of negative news
  • 100 IndieWeb wiki contributions
  • 100 Wikipedia contributions — contribute at least one meaningful sentence or paragraph (or a whole article) to Wikipedia. Keep track of your additions, and see how many have "stuck" after 100 days.
  • 100 improved docs — improve documentation for something (could be open-source projects you use or have made, could be things you do or have figured out that aren't well-described somewhere else)
  • 100 HTML tags — post about an HTML tag, tips for using, what it means to you
  • 100 rel values — post about an existing rel value, how to use, how you’ve used it
  • 100 microformats - post about an mf2 root or class property
  • 100 web standards (or related), post about a web standard, tips for using, relevance to you
  • 100 W3C happenings, post about a W3C telecon or meeting, spec publication/advancement
  • 100 yoga poses — do different yoga poses, and post photos of them
  • 100 listens — listening to audiobooks or podcasts? Could be something like listen to a new/different podcast (episode) a day or 30 minutes of an audiobook at a time. Then post a listen post
  • 100 followings — Publish a note or a following post for someone that people should add to their readers
  • 100 song reviews — review a song you have listened to from an artist you like
  • 100 movie reviews — review a movie you have seen
  • ...

Community contributions

  • 100 new GitHub issues — file new GitHub issue (either bug or feature request) on an open repo (OSS, web standards, personal sites etc.) unique, novel issues, check for similar / duplicates first. Preferably across multiple projects, not just one project, and ideally 100 different projects!
  • 100 Bugzilla bug reports — file a new https://bugzilla.mozilla.org bug or feature request a day (while reasonably thoroughly checking for duplicates first), add one more day for each bug that’s is resolved/closed as a duplicate of a previous bug
  • 100 pull requests — submit (GitHub) pull requests that fixes a bug(s) or adds a feature on an open repo (OSS, web standards, personal sites etc.)
  • 100 standards issues or fixes — scoped subset/combo of the GH issues / PRs items above, either pick a specific standard org or community (W3C, WHATWG, IETF, microformats.org, spec.indieweb.org) or across all of them, file an issue or make a proposal for resolving an issue or make a PR to help close/fix an existing issue

Regular maintenance

  • 100 changed passwords — instead of deleting accounts, change one (silo) account password a day (idea from Aaron Parecki in chat, presumably no repeats). Not sure what the point of posting about it would be? To remind others to change their password on that site?

Let go of things and services

  • 100 discarded items — donate, sell or otherwise get rid of a physical object in your life. Keep a one in one out rule for any acquisitions which then don't count towards this goal so you keep continuously reducing the number of total objects.
  • 100 tabs processed and closed — for those of us with >100 tabs open across our browsers, process/close (at least) one tab at a time, and write about why you think you had it open, what action you took accordingly. Similarly, close any tabs you open during the project, and don't count those towards the goal
  • 100 deleted accounts — delete one silo account at a time (not counting any you sign-up for), post about it, and add it to silo-quits.
    • Tantek Çelik seriously considering at some point, though harder than deleting apps (would want to document data-retention policies, how to delete all silo data, screenshots etc.)
  • 100 deleted native apps — delete one native app at a time from your (mobile) device, optionally replacing its usage with a web app, post about what you're deleting and what you're replacing it with, and add it to app-quits.
  • 100 unsubscribes from mailing lists — unsubscribe to a different email-list and post about leaving it, why did you join the in the first place, why it no longer serves you or is no longer a priority. If you reach zero before 100 days are up you're done! Or if you reach zero optional ones, e.g., you're still subscribed to "required" lists for work.
  • ...

Self care

Pick something you’d like to do as a beneficial habit, do it and then track / post about it each day!

Previous Projects Started

  • 100 Days of 500 Words - write a post that is exactly 500 words (human language of choice) every day for 100 days.

Possible Start Dates

  • Now
  • ...

Other Durations

These may be deserving of a separate article themselves, or perhaps a more general "n days goal" page which links to and summarizes this page and the other (perhaps seasonal) durations.

More 30 Days

See 30 Day challenge for more ideas, and if you adopt one, add it to this brainstorming section!


  • 30 Days of collaborative webmention poetry. Greg McVerry and Dogtrax (https://dogtrax.edublogs.com - 404 as early as 2021-04-30) wrote a collaborative poem using webmentions. Each day one of the pairs, usually both, would add to the poem by writing a new poem. untitled poem.

More 10 Days

  • 10 Days of Twitter or #10DoT is an online course which, in 10 minutes a day over 10 days, gets participants tweeting and building up your professional network. It was built for educators and researchers to build work related networks on Twitter. (This could potentially be used as a model for gradually helping people set up their own online IndieWeb presences over the span of a few days' work.)

See Also