April 28 through May 5, 2017
Recent Events
- BRIGHTON: 68 Middle Street
- LONDON, England: ProvenDough
- SAN FRANCISCO, California: Mozilla
Join us for an evening of quiet writing, wiki editing, IndieWeb demos and discussions! Create or update your personal web site! Finish that blog post you’ve been writing, edit the wiki! Demos of recent IndieWeb breakthroughs, share what you've gotten working! Join a community with like-minded interests. Bring friends that want a personal site! Any questions? Join the #indieweb chat!

- BELLINGHAM, Washington: The Foundry

Upcoming Events
- BALTIMORE, Maryland: Digital Harbor Foundation
- PORTLAND, Oregon: DreamHost
Join us for an evening of quiet writing, IndieWeb demos and discussions! Create or update your personal web site! Finish that blog post you’ve been writing, edit the wiki! Demos of recent IndieWeb breakthroughs, share what you've gotten working! Join a community with like-minded interests. Bring friends that want a personal site! Any questions? Join the #indieweb chat!
- NüRNBERG, Deutschland: tollwerk
Join us for an evening of quiet writing, wiki editing, IndieWeb demos and discussions! Create or update your personal web site! Finish that blog post you’ve been writing, edit the wiki! Demos of recent IndieWeb breakthroughs, share what you've gotten working! Join a community with like-minded interests. Bring friends that want a personal site! Any questions? Ask in the chatroom!
Portland, Oregon
IndieWeb Summit
Audio edition for This Week in the IndieWeb for April 22nd - 28th, 2017. https://indieweb.org/this-week/2017-04-28.html
You can find all of my audio editions here: https://martymcgui.re/tag/this-week-indieweb-podcast/
Music from Aaron Parecki’s 100DaysOfMusic project: Day 48 - Glitch, Day 49 - Floating, Day 9, and Day 11
Thanks to everyone in the #indieweb chat for their feedback and suggestions. Please drop me a note if there are any changes you’d like to see for this audio edition!
Posts about the IndieWeb
New Community Members
Created by Www.darkglass.org on Tuesday
Created by Dougbeal.com on Friday
New Wiki Pages
Riot.im is a glossy Matrix client.
Created by Salt on Friday and edited 2 more times
CiviCRM is a contact relationship manager that is built on PHP and focuses on civics/non-profit organization.
Created by gRegorLove on Friday and edited 1 more time
Created by Colinwalker.blog on Wednesday and edited 1 more time
Created by Gregorlove.com on Wednesday
WWTD or What Would Tantek Do? is a clarion call that serves as a good reminder of how to get back to Indieweb basics.
Created by Www.boffosocko.com on Tuesday
trusted contact
trusted contact is a feature of services like Facebook to nominate friends to help if you get locked out of your account.
Created by gRegorLove on Saturday
tz is timezone.
Created by tantek on Sunday
time zone
time zone is timezone.
Created by tantek on Sunday
Category:2017 sessions
Created by Gregorlove.com on Friday
Challenges for the IndieWeb was a session at IndieWebCamp Bellingham 2017, discussing the nature of indieweb vs.
Created by Gregorlove.com on Friday
Webmention, static site POSSE, the "How" was a session at IndieWebCamp Bellingham 2017.
Created by Gregorlove.com on Friday
Microformats was a session at IndieWebCamp Bellingham 2017.
Created by Gregorlove.com on Friday
BrewPubSubHubbub is an open protocol for distributed Bellingham beer publish/subscribe notification on the Internet.
Created by [evanwolf] on Friday
lrrd is If one layer of indirection seems too easy, you can use LRRD to look up GET /.well-known/host-meta to get an XML document with a lrrd url template to look up your acct in to get back an xml document that lists the rel Links to the endpoints you might need.
Created by KevinMarks on Friday
North Star Principles was a session at IndieWebCamp Bellingham 2017.
Created by Gregorlove.com on Friday
Why IndieWeb was a session at IndieWebCamp Bellingham 2017.
Created by Gregorlove.com on Friday
Changed Wiki Pages
- 2017/Bellingham/Schedule 14 edits by gregorlove.com and c.micro.blog
- micro.blog 10 edits by c.micro.blog and colinwalker.blog
- events/2017-05-03-homebrew-website-club 9 edits by tantek.com, gregorlove.com, mey.vn, adactio.com and calumryan.com
- 2017/Bellingham 6 edits by gregorlove.com
- IRC People 4 edits by eddiehinkle.com, kevinmarks.com, sebastiangreger.net and dougbeal.com
- 2017/Düsseldorf/Guest List 3 edits by dirkdoering.de and lispel.de
- Middleman 3 edits by gregorlove.com
- food 3 edits by eddiehinkle.com and cleverdevil.io
- Micropub 3 edits by www.svenknebel.de and aaronparecki.com
- 2017/Leaders 2 edits by petermolnar.net
- reacji 2 edits by tantek.com
- tools 2 edits by www.svenknebel.de
- 100DaysOfIndieWeb 2 edits by tantek.com
- undelete 2 edits by www.svenknebel.de
- Events 2 edits by tantek.com
- User:Gregorlove.com 2 edits by gregorlove.com
- file-storage 1 edit by kartikprabhu.com
- events/2017-05-17-homebrew-website-club 1 edit by www.svenknebel.de
- DreamHost 1 edit by c.micro.blog
- Tumblr 1 edit by c.micro.blog
- indieweb network 1 edit by c.micro.blog
- repost 1 edit by gregorlove.com
- p3k 1 edit by aaronparecki.com
- NIPSA 1 edit by gregorlove.com
- private posts 1 edit by loqi.me
- html regex 1 edit by martymcgui.re
- events/2016 1 edit by tantek.com
- Getting Started 1 edit by c.micro.blog
- 2017/Nuremberg/Guest List 1 edit by www.svenknebel.de
- Bundle 1 edit by kartikprabhu.com
- web hosting 1 edit by c.micro.blog
- FreeMyOAuth 1 edit by martymcgui.re
- Bridgy 1 edit by snarfed.org
- Matrix 1 edit by gregorlove.com
- static site generator 1 edit by gregorlove.com
- database-antipattern 1 edit by loqi.me
- User:Colinwalker.blog 1 edit by colinwalker.blog
- CTHULU 1 edit by loqi.me
- WordPress with Bridgy 1 edit by c.micro.blog
- reactions 1 edit by tantek.com
- Authy 1 edit by gregorlove.com
- wiki/backup 1 edit by www.svenknebel.de
- Template:Homebrew Website Club 1 edit by tantek.com
- MediaWiki:Sidebar 1 edit by tantek.com
- template 1 edit by c.micro.blog