IndieWeb for business

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XKCD Networking comic

IndieWeb for business is the use of an indieweb site or section thereof for business purposes, to post professional products or services, announcements, reminders, and generally interact with business clients, instead of social media silo posts and pages.

IndieWeb Examples

Tantek Çelik

Aaron Parecki

Chris Aldrich

While not technically a for-profit business, Chris Aldrich has a website for a non-profit book exchange (aka Little Free Library) which he uses for outreach to communities in traditional social silos. In particular it leverages POSSE and backfeed via Bridgy to help support the library and its mission.

William Hertling


  • A Glass blower. Kevo Marks up his gallery in h-product and uses [https://snipcart, a jQuery plugin that parses HTML data for third-party store). Kevo also uses Known as a company blog and syndicates all his artwork from Instagram using OwnYourGram.



  • A traditional e-commerce website with webmention capability could accept reviews from sites on particular product pages and display them not as traditional comments (or replies) but in a product "Review" section. Since webmentions are bi-directional reviews could be more thoroughly audited and provide much more than the simple identities that are given on traditional e-commerce sites currently.
  • One might use acquisition posts and webmentions to cross link products on websites to create "Verified Purchase" statuses for more reliable reviews.



IndieWebCamp sessions related to business:

Companies offering IndieWeb as a Service

Main article: IndieWeb as a Service

While there are a variety of companies that offer services used by IndieWeb sites for web hosting, domain registration, or other functionalities, some are more consciously offering their services with indie web use in mind.

There are also a number of individual consultants that can help people build IndieWeb capable sites and technology.


See Also