
From IndieWeb
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IndieWebCamp Dusseldorf 2016 Schedule:

Saturday May 7, 2016

Day 1 is discussions in a BarCamp-like environment. Bring a topic you'd like to discuss or join in on topics as they are added to the board.

Time Main Room Room: 2 Room: 3 Outside
9:00 Organizer setup
9:30 Camp opens. Badges, networking, and breakfast.
10:00 Introductions, Selfdogfood Demos of what works today

▶️ 1:25:46s

11:00 Session Scheduling
11:45 Intro to Webmention Comments and Community
12:45 Group Photo and Lunch
14:00 Bookmarking

▶️ 50:58s

My Website! Now What?
15:00 Performance Photos

▶️ 53:34s

16:00 Travel and Maps and Timezones, oh my!

▶️ 43:07s

17:00 Intro to Micropub Databases vs Flat Files Layouts and Design for a Home Page

▶️ 54:06s

18:00 Day 1 closing

Sunday May 8, 2016

Day 2 is about implementing what we discussed. Work with others or on your own. We'll have demos at the end of the day to share what everyone worked on!

9:00 Organizer setup
9:30 Camp opens. Networking, and breakfast.
10:00 Day 2 kick-off, session scheduling
12:45 Lunch
14:00 Hack sessions continue
16:30 Demos

▶️ 1:32:38s

17:45 Community Clean-up
18:00 Camp closed! Free pre-conference warm-up party for btconf

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