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Welcome to the planning page for IndieWeb Summit 2019.
- June 28th: 2019/Organizers Summit, see Organizers if you want to participate!)
- June 29-30th IndieWeb Summit
- Venue: Mozilla Portlnd
- We will have the Commons room on the third floor the whole two days
- Includes lobby for registration, kitchen for food
Tantek Çelik: TO DO: Need to reserve rooms for BarCamp sessions
Tickets and Registration
- Ticketing:
- Our tickets are available at https://2019.indieweb.org/summit
We need a few volunteers to cover a few tasks during the event!
gRegor Morrill volunteers co-ordinator, note-taking in #indieweb during 2019/Intros
Marty McGuire 2019/Intros timer
Andi Galpern photos
Lillian Karabaic t-shirts at checkin
- ...
Volunteer tasks: (feel free to grab one and put it next to your name in the list above!)
- setting up the stickers / pins / name badges table (and checking it regularly)
- setting up the session grid rows and columns in a good spot (see 2018 for last year's)
- helping folks set up (or restore) personal websites! (e.g. walking them thru Getting Started with at least getting a domain name, and using the blank GitHub static home page to start with
- Would be great to help in particular with (1) leading a Getting Started session on day 1, (2) setting aside an hour on day 2 to help people
- ...
What | When | Details | Who |
Registration (Day 1) | Saturday 8:45 - 9:45am | Greet people and check in as they come in, help fill out nametags. There will be an iPad mini to check people off as they arrive. | ![]() |
Registration (Day 2) | Sunday 8:45 - 9:45am | Greet people and check in as they come ins. There will be an iPad mini to check people off as they arrive. | ![]() |
Remote Participation Room 1 | Saturday and Sunday | Provide equipment for and run remote participation for this breakout room | ... Add yourself here… (see this for more details) |
Remote Participation Room 2 | Saturday and Sunday | Provide equipment for and run remote participation for this breakout room | ... Add yourself here… (see this for more details) |
Remote Participation Room 3 | Saturday and Sunday | Provide equipment for and run remote participation for this breakout room | ... Add yourself here… (see this for more details) |
Moved todo list to GitHub issues:
Assigned todos:
- Can we contact folks we reached out to for 2018/Planning#Press?
- ...
Know someone who should be at IndieWeb Summit? Add them here and hopefully someone else in the community will know them personally and can reach out!
Though anyone can sign themselves up, an explicit personal invitation often motivates people to attend and participate in IndieWebCamps.
If you're not sure about someone, feel free to ask in informally IndieWeb chat.
Add as much as you can of: full name (given family), website URL, Twitter, reasons why (e.g. indieweb related blog posts, projects, adjacent communities etc.)
To Be Invited
- Mamie Rheingold - works with Humane Tech per (this Atlantic article)
- LGBTQ community in PDX area {your name here}
- Art organizations in the PDX area {your name here}
- Klint Finley - wrote about IndieWeb for Wired http://klintfinley.com/
- Mozilla folks (including alumni) in PDX area {your name here}
- ...
Have Invited
If you know someone above personally, reach out to them, preferably openly (e.g. with a blog post, tweet, logged IRC), and document when / with permalink your invitation!
Greg McVerry reach out to edCamp pdx
- Contacted all organizers via Twitter and emailed
Greg McVerry state university and community college faculty and computer science club
- Email sent to Portland Community College
- Email sent to Clark College
- Email sent to Clackamass Community College
- Email sent to Mt Hood Community College
- Email senty to Portland State University Computer Science Department
- Tech diversity allies in PDX {your name here}
- emailed PDXWIT
- emailed TechRisePDX
- emailed the Urban League
- emailed freegreek.org
Greg McVerry Adult education and library programs in PDX
- ...
Cannot Make It
- ...
moved to 2019/Organizers
Estimated expenses for IndieWeb Summit
Est. Amt. | Actual Amt. | What/Where | Sponsor | Notes |
Organizers' Summit | ||||
$100 | Breakfast | Mozilla | ||
Pre-Party | ||||
$300 | Bar tabs at Pine St Market | Name.com | estimated 30-40 people | |
Day 1 | ||||
$200 | Breakfast and coffee, | estimated 50 attendees | ||
Day 2 | ||||
$200 | Breakfast and coffee, | estimated 50 attendees | ||
$500 | Catered Lunch | |||
Other Costs | ||||
$??? | Tickets/Sponsorship | |||
$??? | Supplies | Tickets/Sponsorship | Post-its, lanyards, paper, stickers |
What keynotes shall we have? Brainstorm below (subjects, and speaker suggestions optional but also ok)
New this year:
- ...
Updates (similar to past years)
- What is the IndieWeb?
Aaron Parecki/
Tantek Çelik - let's show instead of tell, lightning self / *personal* site (not project) intros - 1-2 min max?. (aside: save the personal *project* intros for day 2)
- State of the IndieWeb
Tantek Çelik - can put together an update similar to past years
- ...
Organizers Summit
Similar to 2016/Organizers, 2017/Organizers, 2018/Organizers, the Organizers Summit sessions are open to everyone who has co-organized an IndieWebCamp from 2015-2018 or at least two Homebrew Website Club meetups during those years, and posted at least one meetup photo. If you're not sure, ask an organizer.
Notes from previous years
See 2018/Planning#Notes_from_previous_years Notes from after 2017 IndieWeb Summit to keep in mind for this year
Remote Viewing Party
Some people are thinking of meeting up in Europe to join remotely all from the same location. A bit like the previous Berlin Remote Event.
Martijn van der Ven is able to run an event in Åmål in colaboration with Studieförbundet Vuxenskola Väst. SV is able to provide several rooms, internet connectivity, projector for remote viewing of the main event, and coffee and tea. The venue should be available to us all throughout the night, if desired.
Help wanted for planning and finalising an actual schedule!
(Possible trip to the Moose Ranch for guaranteed Moose petting!)
Rosemary Orchard would love to attend
Suggestions for the schedule are welcome:
Rosemary Orchard suggests starting at lunchtime with local sessions/intros, and then progressing into the evening with remote viewing/participation in Portland.
Archived Planning
Planning dates and venue possibilities for IndieWebSummit 2019 in Portland!
Can help co-organize:
Venue possibilities
- Mozilla PDX
- The Cleaners at the ACE (cost? only has maybe 1-2 upstairs small rooms for breakouts)
- ...
Possible Dates
Dates (2019 June), consider (Th)FSa and (F)SaSu variants, (parens) for Organizers / pre-party / social
- 6/29-30 (Saturday / Sunday) SAVE THE DATES
- +1
Aaron Parecki
- +1
Tantek Çelik
- +1
Marty McGuire
- +1
Greg McVerry later in June better for parents in NorthEast due to snow day and school calendar extensions
- +1
gRegor Morrill
- +1
Jonathan LaCour this is likely the best date for me
- +1/0/-1 Add yourself here… (see this for more details) because reasons
- +1
- 6/8-9 (Saturday / Sunday)
- +1
Aaron Parecki
- -1
David Shanske
- +1
Marty McGuire
- -1
Greg McVerry brother's wedding
- +1
Tantek Çelik but prefers end of the month
- +1
gRegor Morrill
- +1
Rosemary Orchard - probably adjacent to WWDC, so I could make it!
- +1/0/-1 Add yourself here… (see this for more details) because reasons
- +1
- 6/15-16 (Saturday / Sunday)
- +1
Aaron Parecki
- -1
Tantek Çelik: conflict on 6/15 with Double Dipsea race
- -1
Marty McGuire: conflict with Nation of Makers Con
- -1
Greg McVerry last week of school for the kids
- +0
gRegor Morrill I can make this but the co-organizers should be there :)
- +1/0/-1 Add yourself here… (see this for more details) because reasons
- +1
- 6/22-23 (Saturday / Sunday)
- +1
Aaron Parecki
- -1
Tantek Çelik: conflict with Mozilla All Hands the week before in Whistler, VC
- +1
Marty McGuire
- +1
Greg McVerry unless
Tantek Çelik can get me a spot at all-hands
- +0
gRegor Morrill I can make this but the co-organizers should be there :)
- +1/0/-1 Add yourself here… (see this for more details) because reasons
- +1
On-site Considerations
- food - vegetarian default
- we can order food in for day 2 if we want
Archived Todo
Todos moved to GitHub
Tantek Çelik URGENT: confirm whether there is ethernet available at Mozilla that the captionist can use. Need to confirm this in order to know whether they can broadcast the captions to a URL or only to a TV in the room.
- Have asked. May need to better understand what is the exact setup that the Ethernet is needed for? Is it being plugged into a laptop? Mirrored display? Something else?
- we will need somewhere the captionist can plug her laptop in to Ethernet as well as HDMI to one of the TVs. She also needs an audio feed from the main audio board, so probably somewhere near that is best, or maybe even inside the video control room.
Aaron Parecki 07:19, 17 June 2019 (PDT)
Tantek Çelik: update Twitter list of participants from https://2019.indieweb.org/summit
Aaron Parecki Figure out and document remote participation so a volunteer can help with it!
- Figure out necessary RSVP fixes (to parsers, WordPress plugins, wiki pages, documentation)
- update and send 2019/Planning/update-email to registered attendees
Tantek Çelik Create and stub all redlinked wiki pages!
- document expenses
- execute outreach plan focused on inclusivity
Aaron Parecki Create "Remote Participation" section on 2019, starting with 2018/#Participating and adding enough description/links to folks can sign-up, prepare their setups in advance (any software/testing needed etc.)
- Perhaps you can copy and past a bit from here: https://indieweb.org/IndieWebCamps/Attendance#Technology
- Order lanyards and name badges
- we have red, yellow and black lanyards
- we have branded hanging nametags that we used for the previous two summits
Aaron Parecki T-shirts are ordered and will arrive in time for Summit
Tantek Çelik send out emails for travel scholarships
Tantek Çelik,
Aaron Parecki: pick keynote speaker(s)
- 3 invited keynotes confirmed (+2 by
Tantek Çelik,
Aaron Parecki
- one bonus invitation outstanding
- 3 invited keynotes confirmed (+2 by
Lessons Learned
- Need a "intros" (and hack day) demo switching plan/process, and a dedicated volunteer to help with it to minimize downtime between demos (in order to fit in as many demos as possible, e.g. if we want to scale to 50-100 demos)
- ideas like setup a demo laptop and have all those who can show on that first
- setup two demo laptops and switch video presentation between so the next person can have their personal site loaded and ready to go while the current person is speaking/demoing
- setup a lightning connector option for people to quickly connect their iPhone/iPod/iPad to show/demo their already loaded site.
- :( GitHub Issues for planning:
Tantek Çelik wasn't very productive with updating or commenting on any GitHub planning issues and just maintained his own plain text list (too much hassle futzing with GitHub web UI on a single issue by issue basis). Many (most?) issues required real-time conversation to efficiently resolve, and async-comment-style discussion (GitHub issues) is ill-suited for that (too much cognitive load to switch into an issue thread context and switch out while waiting for replies etc.)
Aaron Parecki on the other hand had a much better time using github issues compared to previous methods such as large blocks of text on the wiki. Large blocks of wiki text are too much to skim for a status overview. When trying to focus on just one task, the block-of-text method makes discussions/progress difficult to see, and it's also hard to focus on just one task when the other tasks are visible above/below the one you're looking at. Using GitHub issues meant that it was easy to see the full thread and focus on just one thing at a time.
- we need time between session scheduling and the first session in order to set up the schedule grid on the wiki
- could we do session scheduling *before* lunch and first session after lunch? that would give time for setting up the schedule grid at the start of lunch
- some people were adding notes to the "TBD" etherpad since all the sessions had linked out to that pad name before-hand
- perhaps unlinked "Etherpad TBD" would solve that aspect at least
gRegor Morrill: Usually I've had the session/etherpad placeholders commented out until the session schedule is done, so that's one option. I also updated https://etherpad.indieweb.org/tbd day-of to indicate it's a placeholder and notes shouldn't be taken there, so this hopefully won't be a problem going forward either way.
- alternatively, if the etherpad links don't need to be named the hashtag, then they could be created ahead of time. (e.g. red-session-1, yellow-session-2)
gRegor Morrill -0.5. Template:iwc-session-links autolinks to the to-be-created wiki page using the hashtag, so this would require more editing post-camp when archiving etherpad notes.
- since the etherpads are ephemeral and get archived to the wiki anyway, this may be good enough
gRegor Morrill: I think we mentioned during 2019/Organizers the session facilitator cards that Marty used for 2018/Baltimore. That sheet includes good instructions for the etherpad and session facilitating.
- ...
See Also
- 2019
- 2019/Schedule
- result: 14.5 hours of session videos!
- result: 51 people signed in day 1! (Of 60 registrants)