
From IndieWeb
(Redirected from quill.p3k.io)

Quill is a simple app for posting text notes to your website using Micropub. Quill is part of p3k, created by Aaron Parecki.


IndieWeb features that Quill supports:

  • publishing posts:
    • note
    • reply
    • with
      • tags (including person-tag support if your Micropub endpoint handles URLs as tags and determining that they're person-tags)
      • location information
      • POSSE to Twitter (at least, maybe others)
    • bookmark with
      • tags
      • via a bookmarklet (install from Quill once you've signed-in!) can be used to automatically extract the page name, URL, and quote from a page in your browser
    • favorite
      • via a bookmarklet (install from Quill once you've signed-in!), lets you favorite pages from your browser with one click
    • repost
      • via a bookmarklet (install from Quill once you've signed-in!), lets you repost others posts pages from your browser with one click
    • photo with alt text
    • event
    • review
    • travel
  • editing posts:

IndieWeb Examples

People using Quill to post to their website:

See Also

  • quill.p3k.io
  • Micropub
  • Brainstorming: I wonder if Quill could prompt you when you write more than two paragraphs with a yellow note or something that said something like: It looks like you're writing an article, make sure your first paragraph summarizing the point you're making, and consider adding a title. could be a whole separate feature or script for textarea inputs for posting. Quippy πŸ‘€ πŸ“Ž