June 9-16, 2017
Recent Events
- BERLIN, Germany: ttt Werkstattraum
- NÜRNBERG, Deutschland: tollwerk
- LONDON, England: ProvenDough
- BELLINGHAM, Washington: The Foundry
- SAN FRANCISCO, California: Mozilla
- FORT COLLINS, Colorado: Momo Lolo Coffee House
Join us for an evening of quiet writing, wiki editing, IndieWeb demos and discussions! Create or update your personal web site! Finish that blog post you’ve been writing, edit the wiki! Demos of recent IndieWeb breakthroughs, share what you've gotten working! Join a community with like-minded interests. Bring friends that want a personal site! Any questions? Ask in the chatroom!

Upcoming Events
- PORTLAND, Oregon: Mozilla
IndieWeb Summit
- BRIGHTON: 68 Middle Street
- LONDON, England: London, England
- BALTIMORE, Maryland: Digital Harbor Foundation
- SAN FRANCISCO, California: Mozilla
- Virtual on CEST
Join us for an evening of quiet writing, wiki editing, IndieWeb demos and discussions! Create or update your personal web site! Finish that blog post you’ve been writing, edit the wiki! Demos of recent IndieWeb breakthroughs, share what you've gotten working! Join a community with like-minded interests. Bring friends that want a personal site! Any questions? Ask in the chatroom!
Audio edition for This Week in the IndieWeb for June 3rd - 9th, 2017. https://indieweb.org/this-week/2017-06-09.html
You can find all of my audio editions here: https://martymcgui.re/tag/this-week-indieweb-podcast/
Music from Aaron Parecki’s 100DaysOfMusic project: Day 48 - Glitch, Day 49 - Floating, Day 9, and Day 11
Thanks to everyone in the #indieweb chat for their feedback and suggestions. Please drop me a note if there are any changes you’d like to see for this audio edition!
Posts about the IndieWeb
New Community Members
Created by Kaja.sknebel.net on Friday
New Wiki Pages
server indieauth is a way for a server to authenticate to another server, which can be used for a number of use cases including verifying webmentions from private posts, fetching feeds with private content, etc.
Created by Aaronparecki.com on Wednesday with 7 more edits by loqi.me, www.svenknebel.de and seblog.nl
Introductions session of 2017/Düsseldorf.
Created by Tantek.com on Friday and edited 6 more times
untag is sending a request to delete a tag-of reply post on someones post.
Created by sebsel on Wednesday and edited 2 more times
Content extraction
Content extraction are techniques and tools to get the main/structured content from web pages.
Created by sknebel on Monday with 2 more edits by loqi.me and www.svenknebel.de
LaTeX is a plain-text based publication formatting markup language.
Created by petermolnar on Wednesday and edited 2 more times
Tung is an iOS social podcast player that is now open source.
Created by [miklb] on Saturday with 2 more edits by loqi.me and gregorlove.com
phpenv is a tool to help you install and run multiple versions of PHP on a single computer.
Created by aaronpk on Sunday and edited 1 more time
Reviews for Known
Reviews for Known is a plugin that adds review post types to Known.
Created by gRegorLove on Monday and edited 1 more time
open collective
open collective is a service for collecting donations and transparently tracking how the money is used.
Created by gRegorLove on Sunday and edited 1 more time
Created by Staceydepolo.com on Thursday and edited 1 more time
FreeOTP is an open-source application for HOTP and TOTP authentication.
Created by Zegnat on Monday and edited 1 more time
Sitedown is software to generate a static HTML site from a collection of Markdown files.
Created by gRegorLove on Wednesday and edited 1 more time
TPAC is the W3C's annual Technical Plenary and Advisory Committee meeting week where most W3C Working Groups meet, a few Community Groups, and there is an all hands plenary day on the Wednesday of that week for general presentations and BarCamp-style break out sessions.
Created by tantek on Wednesday and edited 1 more time
Introductions session of 2017/Nuremberg.
Created by Tantek.com on Saturday
Created by Aaronparecki.com on Wednesday
CSV Conf
CSV Conf is a conference featuring stories about data sharing and data analysis from science, journalism, government, and open source.
Created by Gregorlove.com on Wednesday
Changed Wiki Pages
- 2017/Leaders 23 edits by tantek.com, aaronparecki.com, seblog.nl, david.shanske.com, gregorlove.com, www.svenknebel.de, vanderven.se martijn and ben.thatmustbe.me
- event 13 edits by gregorlove.com, tantek.com, seblog.nl and www.svenknebel.de
- 2017/Schedule 13 edits by gregorlove.com, aaronparecki.com, tantek.com and snarfed.org
- events/2017-06-14-homebrew-website-club 13 edits by vanderven.se martijn, jkphl.is, barryfrost.com, staceydepolo.com, upon2020.com, www.svenknebel.de and tantek.com
- events/2017-06-28-homebrew-website-club 10 edits by vanderven.se martijn and gregorlove.com
- 2017/Guest List 9 edits by eli.li, eddiehinkle.com, gregorlove.com and vanderven.se martijn
- timeline 7 edits by tantek.com and www.svenknebel.de
- 2017 7 edits by tantek.com, aaronparecki.com, vanderven.se martijn and gregorlove.com
- Time-based One-time Password Algorithm 7 edits by gregorlove.com, loqi.me, ben.thatmustbe.me and vanderven.se martijn
- 2017/Düsseldorf/Schedule 6 edits by tantek.com and gregorlove.com
- rsvp 6 edits by vanderven.se martijn, david.shanske.com and seblog.nl
- person-tag 4 edits by tantek.com, loqi.me and seblog.nl
- tag-reply 3 edits by tantek.com and loqi.me
- scrobble 3 edits by tantek.com
- CC0 3 edits by loqi.me
- Loqi 3 edits by gregorlove.com and www.svenknebel.de
- Calagator 3 edits by aaronparecki.com
- Known 3 edits by gregorlove.com
- XHTML 2 edits by loqi.me and tantek.com
- Planning 2 edits by gregorlove.com and mey.vn
- Google Photos 2 edits by tantek.com
- Posts about the IndieWeb 2 edits by aaronparecki.com and boffosocko.com
- MediaWiki:Sidebar 2 edits by tantek.com
- create 2 edits by aaronparecki.com
- audience 2 edits by tantek.com and loqi.me
- User:Billy.moonlightrambler.net profile billymaddex 2 edits by billy.moonlightrambler.net profile billymaddex
- 2017/Nuremberg/Schedule 2 edits by tantek.com
- 2017/Düsseldorf 2 edits by tantek.com and gregorlove.com
- 2016/LA/Schedule 2 edits by gregorlove.com
- 2016/MIT2/Schedule 2 edits by gregorlove.com
- User:Gregorlove.com 2 edits by gregorlove.com
- Donut.js 2 edits by aaronparecki.com and gregorlove.com
- non-interactive IndieAuth 2 edits by loqi.me and www.svenknebel.de
- HMAC-based One-time Password Algorithm 2 edits by loqi.me and vanderven.se martijn
- Delicious 1 edit by www.boffosocko.com
- site-deaths 1 edit by www.boffosocko.com
- 2017/Düsseldorf/groups 1 edit by gregorlove.com
- h-entry 1 edit by tantek.com
- cloud 1 edit by tantek.com
- 2016/Nuremberg/Schedule 1 edit by gregorlove.com
- 2016/MIT/Schedule 1 edit by gregorlove.com
- 2016/Düsseldorf/Schedule 1 edit by gregorlove.com
- User:Vanderven.se martijn 1 edit by vanderven.se martijn
- Main Page 1 edit by tantek.com
- 2016/NYC/Schedule 1 edit by gregorlove.com
- IRC People 1 edit by www.svenknebel.de
- Google 1 edit by tantek.com
- Events 1 edit by gregorlove.com
- 2017/Düsseldorf/offline 1 edit by tantek.com
- IndieWebCamps 1 edit by gregorlove.com
- pnut 1 edit by www.boffosocko.com
- Private-Webmention 1 edit by vanderven.se martijn
- Webmention-brainstorming 1 edit by www.svenknebel.de
- responses 1 edit by tantek.com
- reacji 1 edit by seblog.nl
- safety check 1 edit by loqi.me
- quotation 1 edit by tantek.com
- longevity 1 edit by tantek.com
- markdown 1 edit by loqi.me
- podcast 1 edit by colinwalker.blog
- hugo 1 edit by loqi.me
- User:Www.svenknebel.de 1 edit by www.svenknebel.de
- 2016/state-of-indieweb 1 edit by aaronparecki.com
- email list 1 edit by loqi.me
- Craft 1 edit by shanehudson.net
- js;dr 1 edit by tantek.com