(Redirected from 2015-commitments)
At the 2014-12-17 Homebrew Website Club SF meetup, we declared our 2015-01-01 personal site ship commitments to each other[1].
For more commitments, see Other Commitments.
From IRC - at Homebrew Website Club 2014-12-17:
- [2]
Tantek รelik: implement favoriting from my site, which then would POSSE the faves to Twitter
- #ownyourfavorites (ownyourdata)
- 2014-12-31 done! E.g.:
- [3]
Pius Uzamere: going to put some VR content on my personal site
- 2015-12-28 done! E.g.:
- New post type
- [4][5]
Brett Slatkin: https on my site
- [6]
Jon Pierce: static site generator and https on http://jonpierce.com/
- [7]
Ryan Barrett: more checkins more often with a better UI
- [8]
Nick Doty: working citeproc that generates HTML citations with microformats; at least one h-cite post on my site.
- h-cite support - simpler, more interoperable citations
- 2015-01-01 done!
- demo: https://npdoty.name/pandoc-hcite/
- open source: https://github.com/npdoty/citeproc-py
- [9] Ari Bader-Natal: moving my projects to my own site
- #ownyourprojects
- 2015-01-01 done! and then some! In particular:
- #ownyourprojects: https://aribadernatal.com/projects/
- unified blog archive: https://aribadernatal.com/blog/
- PESOS tweet archive: https://aribadernatal.com/tweets
- new CMS: Markdown, generated with Jekyll, and served by Amazon's CloudFront CDN.
- updated markup/design from table-based to mobile-friendly responsive design
- https everywhere (https Level 4 IndieMark)
- [10]
Kyle Mahan: styling thing I want to figure out how to fix, external data about the post, date posted, location, want to restyle it so that it's easy to see and click, no mixed content warning (https level 4)
- design
- I refocused on fixing the mixed content warning as my actual commitment [11]
- Completed 2014-12-20. I am running a service called Pilbox that mirrors and resizes foreign content. It's running at https://kylewm.com/imageproxy, so the mirrored content is guaranteed to be behind https even if the original isn't. Images are cached by nginx to avoid hitting the third party sites for every request [12]
- [13] Katie Johnson: would like to add a blog to katiejohnson.me
Ben Roberts: https://ben.thatmustbe.me/note/2014/12/18/1/
- ability to check-in at locations
- completed 2014-12-24 e.g. https://ben.thatmustbe.me/checkin/2014/12/19/3/
- ability to check-in at locations
David Shanske: http://indiewebcamp.com/irc/2014-12-18#t1418962576242
- code cleanup: "Kinds can do everything I want instead of also having Post Formats"
- improved reply-context including author icon and author name
- completed: majority of work in advance of 01-01, however, massive changes to Kinds(Indieweb post types) and the removal of WordPress Post Formats created some design issues. Working on redoing the site design to account for this as part of a new project.
Kyle Mahan: https://kylewm.com/2014/12/indieweb-challenge-remove-mixed-content-warning-by-2015-01-01
- https level 4. get rid of the mixed content warning on pages that embed external images
Tantek รelik: http://tantek.com/2014/352/t2/ownmynotes-2010-2015-ownmyfavorites
- #ownyourfavorites
Nick Doty: https://indiewebcamp.com/User:Npdoty.name
- a demo paper with a citeproc-generated hCite
Aaron Parecki: https://aaronparecki.com/notes/2014/12/19/1/indieweb
Colin Tedford: http://colintedford.com/2014/12/19.2117-indieweb-commitment-for-2015-01-01/
- UI - Fix single post display
- 2014-12-31 I finally fixed this siteโs single post display as promised
bear: https://bear.im/bearlog/2014/354/2015-01-01-indieweb-commitment
- micropub endpoint on personal site: getting a micropub endpoint setup so I can post notes and articles to my site without having to go thru the 7 manual steps I have to do now
- Complete 2015-01-01: http://indiewebcamp.com/irc/2015-01-01/line/1420179066403
- First micropub post: https://bear.im/bearlog/2015/001/micropub-endpoint-is-now-working
- First note via quill: https://bear.im/bearlog/2015/002/testing-my-micropub-endpoint-using-quill
Bret Comnes: http://bret.io/2014/12/20/goal-to-get-photo-ho/
- media storage choice: get photo hosting to S3 via micropub working
- Making progress on modularizing GitPub http://indiewebcamp.com/irc/2015-01-02#t1420235235605
- In starting to add S3 storage, began refactoring a bunch
Kartik Prabhu: https://kartikprabhu.com/notes/2015-indieweb-commitment
- help another Get Started: get @DivyaTaksโs new portfolio site up and running
- Has content ready but design issues prevented from launching just yet http://indiewebcamp.com/irc/2015-01-02#t1420192555255
- Template:neuro: https://indiewebcamp.com/irc/2014-12-20#t1419142876763
- "add favs to Publify, been on our TODO for 2 years"
- ... add yours!
- Carolyn Wood: https://twitter.com/carywood/status/547603346987974656
- 2015-01-31: "launch [personal indieweb site] in January"
- Charles Stanhope: https://twitter.com/cstanhope/status/547647066634080256
- "committing to get to IndieMark Level 1"
- Completed 2014-12-31: http://charles.stanho.pe/2014/365/a0/
- Originally intended to resurrect a custom site generator tool, but ended up writing HTML by hand.
- Marcus Povey: https://mapkyca.com/2014/i-think-my-indieweb-commitment-for-2015-might-be-to
- "my #indieweb commitment for 2015 might be to find a way of importing and self hosting my photos (currently on flickr)"
- Satisfied 2014-12-29 "Ran a successful first full test of my Flickr to @withknown photo and video import tool overnight!" https://mapkyca.com/2014/ran-a-successful-first-full-test-of-my-flickr-to
- KnownFlickrImport
- David Peach: http://davidpeach.co.uk/note-2045/
- "retweeting and favourites / likes working from site, posseing them to Twitter."
- Completed 2014-12-26 e.g. http://davidpeach.co.uk/repost-2068/
- #ownyourfavorites
- #ownyourreposts
- "retweeting and favourites / likes working from site, posseing them to Twitter."
Christophe Ducamp
- support posting notes. http://xtof.withknown.com/2014/work-in-progress-on-indieweb-commitment-2015-01-01-2014357b12015-indieweb-site-launch-commitment-trying-to
- completed 2014-12-31: https://twitter.com/xtof_fr/status/550343855389032448
- example note: http://christopheducamp.com/notes/ceci-est-une-note
Belated but still welcome commitments (including some 0 day launches!)
- Pierre 'catwell' Chapuis: Indie Web
- 0 day launches: adding Web sign-in and a h-card to my home page.
- later this week: h-entry markup to this blog
Additional 2015-01 launches
Things people have built and shipped things above and beyond their 2015-01-01 commitments (if any)
- 2015-01-02
Colin Tedford Improved display of the sidebar, neatened up the comments area as much as I could using CSS.
- 2015-01-04 Added h-card.
- 2015-01-06 Improved archive pages.
- 2015-01-15: Enabled Shortlinks.
- 2015-01-04
David Shanske Updated Response Display
- 2015-01-04
Barry Frost And so it's time to launch a new version of my personal website
Why 2015-01-01
Q: Why specifically 2015-01-01?[14]
A: Tantek รelik I picked 2015-01-01 as a proposed ship commitment date since I shipped "notes" on my own site on 2010-01-01.[15]
Blog posts about the 2015-01-01 personal site ship commitments