
From IndieWeb

WordPress Frequently Asked Questions or WordPress FAQ are frequently asked questions encountered when using WordPress to run one's personal website.

We've documented some FAQ related to the overlap of IndieWeb and WordPress below. While many of these questions may be answered elsewhere in the wiki, these are some of the more common stumbling blocks people may come across, and thus may also be entry points for improving pieces for the future.


Q. I set WordPress to need comment approval unless one had previously been approved, yet for some reason it isn’t recognising previously-approved commenters, so I’m having to approve them all by hand.

A. Part of WordPress's built-in comment approval and anti-spam mechanism works by checking against the email field as input by a user when making a comment. Since Webmention doesn't require an email address field for sending a comment, it skirts around WordPress's traditional approval system and as a result webmentions may be marked for moderation or, if Akismet is installed, as spam as a result.

For more details and potential remedies to this, see: https://indieweb.org/WordPress_with_Bridgy#Spam

Avatar syndicated to Twitter

Q. I'm using the Bridgy Publish plugin or Bridgy to syndicate my status updates to Twitter and I'm getting the tweet across properly, but it's adding a copy of my Gravatar/avatar as a separate photo to the post. How can I fix this?

A. Some themes and/or plugins may be adding a u-photo on your Gravatar or other avatar without nesting it into an h-card. As a result, Brid.gy thinks you're attempting to send a photo to Twitter as well. You'll need to track down where the errant u-photo microformat is coming from and either remove it or nest it properly within your h-card to get the syndicated result you desire.

See Also

Topics Getting Started on WordPress β€’ Advanced WordPress Set Up β€’ Plugins β€’ Themes β€’ Examples β€’ WordPress with Bridgy β€’ Development β€’ Data β€’ Security
Primary Plugins Indieweb Plugin β€’ Webmention β€’ Semantic Linkbacks β€’ Micropub β€’ IndieAuth β€’ Post Kinds β€’ Syndication Links β€’ WebSub plugins
POSSE Plugins Syndication Links β€’ Social Network Auto Poster β€’ JetPack Publicize β€’ WP Crosspost β€’ Tumblr Crosspostr β€’ Diasposter β€’ Mastodon Autopost β€’ Bridgy Publish plugin (deprecated) β€’ Medium (deprecated)
PESOS Plugins Keyring Social Importers β€’ DsgnWrks Twitter Importer β€’ DsgnWrks Instagram Importer
Other Plugins IndieBlocks β€’ Shortnotes β€’ ActivityPub Plugin β€’ Aperture β€’ Refback plugin β€’ IndieWeb Press This β€’ WordPress MF2 Feeds Plugin β€’ WordPress uf2 β€’ OpenID β€’ Simple Location β€’ Parse This β€’ Indieweb Actions β€’ PressForward β€’ Yarns Indie Reader β€’ WhisperFollow β€’ blogroll2email
Themes SemPress β€’ (SemPress Child Themes: SemPress Lite, SenPress, and Index) β€’ Autonomie β€’ Independent Publisher β€’ IndieWeb Publisher β€’ mf2_s β€’ Twenty Sixteen IndieWeb-friendly fork β€’ IndieWeb Twenty Fifteen Theme β€’ Doublescores
Assistance Join the #indieweb chat β€’ IRC and other chat options β€’ WordPress FAQ β€’ WordPress Outreach Club β€’ Troubleshooting Tips β€’ WordPress tools β€’ WordPress channel
See also WordPress related wiki pages β€’ Category:WordPress plugins β€’ Category:WordPress themes β€’ Category:WordPress sessions β€’ WordPress.com β€’ WordPress using IndieMark β€’ AWS Tutorial