August 19-26, 2016

Recent Events

Homebrew Website Club Meetup

Brighton (England), Göteborg (Sweden), Portland OR, San Francisco, Los Angeles CA, Bellingham WA
Homebrew Website Club Meetup
Join us for an evening of quiet writing, wiki editing, IndieWeb demos and discussions! Create or update your personal web site! Finish that blog post you’ve been writing, edit the wiki! Demos of recent IndieWeb breakthroughs, share what you've gotten working! Join a community with like-minded interests. Bring friends that want a personal site! Any questions? Ask in the chatroom!

Upcoming Events

IndieWebCamp NYC2
Dalberg New York City, NY
Homebrew Website Club Meetup

Brighton (England), Göteborg (Sweden), Portland OR, San Francisco, Bellingham WA, Los Angeles CA
Homebrew Website Club Meetup
Join us for an evening of quiet writing, wiki editing, IndieWeb demos and discussions! Create or update your personal web site! Finish that blog post you’ve been writing, edit the wiki! Demos of recent IndieWeb breakthroughs, share what you've gotten working! Join a community with like-minded interests. Bring friends that want a personal site! Any questions? Ask in the chatroom!
Homebrew Website Club Meetup

Brighton (England), Göteborg (Sweden), Portland OR, San Francisco, Bellingham WA, Los Angeles CA
Homebrew Website Club Meetup
Join us for an evening of quiet writing, wiki editing, IndieWeb demos and discussions! Create or update your personal web site! Finish that blog post you’ve been writing, edit the wiki! Demos of recent IndieWeb breakthroughs, share what you've gotten working! Join a community with like-minded interests. Bring friends that want a personal site! Any questions? Ask in the chatroom!
IndieWebCamp Brighton
Brighton, UK
IndieWebCamp Brighton 2016
Homebrew Website Club Meetup

Brighton (England), Göteborg (Sweden), Portland OR, San Francisco, Bellingham WA, Los Angeles CA
Homebrew Website Club Meetup

Brighton (England), Göteborg (Sweden), Portland OR, San Francisco, Bellingham WA, Los Angeles CA

Posts about the IndieWeb

Homebrew Website Club 2016-08-24
by on
#indieweb poll
by on
Homebrew Website Club Meetup Pasadena/Los Angeles Notes from 8-24-16
by on
Launched an #indiewebcamp t-shirt run shipping from the EU! With time to order before Brighton!
by on
Micropub CR
by on
A New Reading Post-type for Bookmarking and Reading Workflow
by on

New Community Members

Created by on Monday

Created by on Sunday

Created by on Wednesday

New Wiki Pages


A tagline is a short phrase intended to uniquely identify a person, product, or company, usually displayed visually on a web page shortly after the name.

Created by on Monday with 7 more edits by,, and

personal cloud

A personal cloud is a software solution to administrate services, usually with a nice user interface.

Created by on Wednesday with 5 more edits by and

read later

Read later is an indication on (or relating to) a website that one wants to save the URL to come back and read the content at a future time.

Created by on Monday and edited 3 more times

home server

A home server is a machine you keep at home to host some of your services.

Created by on Thursday and edited 3 more times


swag is indieweb apparel and accessories you can purchase.

Created by on Wednesday and edited 3 more times


Unixcorn is a non-profit hosting cooperative based in France, providing free-price hosting services for git (Gitlab), e-mail (Postfix + Dovecot + Roundcube), Nextcloud and Known.

Created by cmal on Wednesday and edited 2 more times


Wallabag is a free-software tool for saving/bookmarking web pages, in the style of Instapaper and Pocket.

Created by ChrisAldrich on Wednesday and edited 1 more time is a minimal UI blogging tool meant for quick posting with good pseudonymity.

Created by [kevinmarks] on Friday and edited 1 more time


Canopy is Python software by Angelo Gladding that helps you create a simple Indieweb site with an eye toward being socially aware of friends/contacts in a broader social graph.

Created by on Thursday and edited 1 more time


Visualization is the process of displaying data with graphics or charts.

Created by on Friday

Time shifting

Time shifting is the act of recording or saving a piece of content (usually video, audio) that is live and consuming it at a later date..

Created by chrisaldrich_ on Tuesday

dns redundancy

dns redundancy is when you have two DNS providors listed for your nameservers to allow for failover.

Created by bear on Tuesday

Changed Wiki Pages