Micropub for WordPress

From IndieWeb
(Redirected from wordpress micropub plugin)

Micropub for WordPress is a plugin to add a Micropub server endpoint to your site.


The development version of the plugin is hosted on Github. Please file issues and pull requests for improvement there.

Features Supported

The Micropub plugin is designed to offer a complete experience that can be further enhanced by other WordPress plugins.

  • Supports the following post types
    • Like
    • Report
    • Reply
    • Bookmark
    • Event
    • RSVP
  • Queries
    • config
      • syndicate-to
      • media-endpoint
      • q - query for supported queries
      • properties - query for supported properties
    • syndicate-to
    • category - query for category list to provide suggested categories
    • source - supports source for a single url, or if no URL provided, will return a list of the last 10 posts(can be changed with the optional limit parameter).
  • Properties
    • visibility
    • post-status
    • Location-visibility - Experimental property to set whether the location provided should be displayed.
  • Commands
    • mp-slug
    • mp-syndicate-to

The Media Endpoint supports the following queries:

  • Last
  • Source

Plugin Enhancements

  • Simple Location
    • Display published time in timezone offset sent by Micropub or timezone of location sent via Micropub
    • Display location based on location-visibility property which is mapped into WordPress geodata standard by the Micropub
    • Adds geo query to return location information
  • Post Kinds
    • Takes over return of source query as it better handles mf2 properties
    • Takes over rendering of microformats properties. Post Kinds supports many more properties and types of posts, but doesn't currently support events.

See Also

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Assistance Join the #indieweb chat β€’ IRC and other chat options β€’ WordPress FAQ β€’ WordPress Outreach Club β€’ Troubleshooting Tips β€’ WordPress tools β€’ WordPress channel
See also WordPress related wiki pages β€’ Category:WordPress plugins β€’ Category:WordPress themes β€’ Category:WordPress sessions β€’ WordPress.com β€’ WordPress using IndieMark β€’ AWS Tutorial