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WordPress Intro was a session at IndieWebCamp Austin 2017.
- Notes archived from: https://etherpad.indieweb.org/wordpress
- Watch: βΆοΈ 31:37s
IndieWebCamp Austin 2017 Session: WordPress Intro When: 2017-12-09 14:00 CST
- Tom Brown (session facilicator)
- David Shanske (co-session facilitator)
- Michael Bishop
- Chris Aldrich (remote)
- Marty McGuire
- Jon Lebkowsky
- ...add yourself
David Shanske ran us through the settings of various plugins, beginning with the main IndieWeb WordPress plugin.
Once installed, a list of IndieWeb related plugins appears in the WP admin under IndieWeb | Extensions.
Webmention plugin settings
- New entries under Settings | Discussion
- Must enable "Attempt to notify any blogs linked to from the article" to send WMs
- Must enable "Allow link notifications from other blogs..." to receive them.
- Homepage webmentions
- GWG puts homepage webmentions to his /about/ page
- Chris Aldrich sends them to a /mentions page: http://boffosocko.com/mentions/
Micropub - a micropub server plugin. Has no options.
Potential options will be custom endpoints and settings for syndicate-to addon plugins
Bridgy Publish
- Under IndieWeb | Bridgy
- Registration section has links that let you renable bridgy publish for various services (FB, Twitter, ...)
- For each service, you can enable/disable bridgy publish for that service, or set it to be checked by default.
Syndication Links
- displays links from your posts to syndicated copies elsewhere. e.g. those made by bridgy publish
- has options like showing icons at various sizes, text, hidden links.
Post Kinds
- replaces Wordpress "Post Formats" feature
- all new icons added by David Shanske today!
- display options
- "embed sites" will show reply context
- walked through example.
- create a new post
- Kinds box shows up in right sidebar
- choose a kind and the "Post Properties" section shows up below the post
- showed example for retrieving response data from a URL (article name and summary, site name, author info)
Showed examples from david.shanske.com
- David Shanske started using OwnYourSwarm to have more location posts.
His checkins include location maps using the Simple Location Plugin
- Simple Location also adds a "Timezone" selector to posts.
- Added after a trip to Ireland due to OwnYourSwarm using his home timezone
- Pro-Tip: click the clock to detect and use the browser's timezone.
- The Timezone selector was not working on the demo machine (Chrome on macOS)
IndieAuth plugin replaces the WordPress admin login with the IndieAuth flow
- Independent Publisher
- SemPress
- ZenPress - in development on GitHub
- _mf2
- 2016 fork in GWG's Github repository