February 24 through March 3, 2017
Recent Events
- PORTLAND, Oregon: DreamHost
Join us for an evening of quiet writing, wiki editing, IndieWeb demos and discussions! Create or update your personal web site! Finish that blog post you’ve been writing, edit the wiki! Demos of recent IndieWeb breakthroughs, share what you've gotten working! Join a community with like-minded interests. Bring friends that want a personal site! Any questions? Ask in the chatroom!

Upcoming Events
- BERLIN, Germany: Venue: Salon Schmück
- NüRNBERG, Deutschland: tollwerk
- LONDON, England: ProvenDough
- BELLINGHAM, Washington: Woods Coffee
- LOS ANGELES, California: Starbucks
- SAN FRANCISCO, California: Mozilla
Join us for an evening of quiet writing, wiki editing, IndieWeb demos and discussions! Create or update your personal web site! Finish that blog post you’ve been writing, edit the wiki! Demos of recent IndieWeb breakthroughs, share what you've gotten working! Join a community with like-minded interests. Bring friends that want a personal site! Any questions? Ask in the chatroom!
Posts about the IndieWeb
New Community Members
Created by Aexoxea.id.au on Thursday
New Wiki Pages
Omnibear is a Chrome extension for posting text notes, replies, and likes to your website using Micropub.
Created by [keithjgrant] on Thursday with 9 more edits by keithjgrant.com, loqi.me and cweiske.de
AIM is AOL Instant Messenger.
Created by Zegnat on Wednesday with 3 more edits by loqi.me, vanderven.se martijn and gregorlove.com
moblogging is an early 2000s era portmanteau for mobile blogging, using a mobile device to post notes, photos, and even video to your blog, that somehow people successfully did despite predating Twitter and mobile native smartphone apps in general!
Created by tantek on Wednesday and edited 2 more times
DMOZ is a free open directory website, historically known as Open Directory Project (ODP), that is shutting down 2017-03-14 per notice on their home page http://www.dmoz.org/.
Created by tantek on Thursday and edited 2 more times
VR is Virtual Reality, usually this means blocking your sight for true reality and showing something different..
Created by Zegnat on Wednesday and edited 2 more times
license is terms under which you are allowed to (re)use a piece of work; in the context of the IndieWeb, for source code such as in open source projects, or content, like the IndieWeb wiki itself which has a specific Copyright..
Created by tantek on Wednesday and edited 1 more time
A fragment is part of a URL, and typically refers to a fragment identifier at the end of a URL preceded by a # but may also refer to a media fragment which may use a fragment identifier or a query string.
Created by tantek on Wednesday and edited 1 more time
Created by Aaronparecki.com on Tuesday and edited 1 more time
IndieWebCamp Berlin 2017 is the third IndieWebCamp in Berlin and one of several IndieWebCamp events in 2017!
Created by Jkphl.is on Friday and edited 1 more time
A dereferer is a (commonly server-side) script that prevents a linked website to see what page the link was clicked on by either replacing or removing the referer.
Created by Sebastiangreger.net on Thursday and edited 1 more time
Created by Eddiehinkle.com on Tuesday
2017/Berlin/Guest List
Created by Jkphl.is on Friday
splatter is a laravel based indieweb personal web implmentation under development by Ben Roberts.
Created by ben_thatmustbeme on Monday
release is a snapshot of the code & other files in a repository as of a particular datetime, often with an explicit name (commonly referred to as the tag for the release)..
Created by tantek on Wednesday
repository is a collection of typically code & other files, issues & responses, and a set of releases related to a specific project, often hosted in source control such as Git, on a service like GitHub or on independent sites using open source software..
Created by tantek on Wednesday
Changed Wiki Pages
- events/2017-03-08-homebrew-website-club 15 edits by derhess.de, sebastiangreger.net, calumryan.com, tantek.com, aaronparecki.com, martymcgui.re and www.boffosocko.com
- User:Eddiehinkle.com 14 edits by eddiehinkle.com
- media fragment 6 edits by aaronparecki.com, tantek.com and loqi.me
- promoted 5 edits by tantek.com
- 2017/Düsseldorf/Guest List 5 edits by adactio.com and marcthiele.com
- Amazon S3 5 edits by tantek.com, aaronparecki.com and www.svenknebel.de
- Twitter 4 edits by aaronparecki.com and tantek.com
- Nginx 4 edits by jonnybarnes.uk and petermolnar.net
- Indigenous 3 edits by miklb.com and eddiehinkle.com
- annotation 3 edits by www.boffosocko.com
- Planning 3 edits by jkphl.is
- quotation 3 edits by seblog.nl and tantek.com
- GitHub 2 edits by aaronparecki.com
- Micropub/Clients 2 edits by keithjgrant.com and www.boffosocko.com
- Ghost 2 edits by aaronparecki.com
- Micropub-extensions 2 edits by www.svenknebel.de
- WordPress/Plugins 2 edits by www.boffosocko.com
- backfeed 2 edits by www.boffosocko.com
- deviantART 2 edits by ascraeus.org
- events/2017-02-22-homebrew-website-club 2 edits by tantek.com
- HTTPS 2 edits by jonnybarnes.uk
- Webmention 2 edits by www.svenknebel.de and tantek.com
- File:2017-03-01-hwc-pdx.jpg 2 edits by aaronparecki.com
- 2017/Nuremberg/Guest List 2 edits by adactio.com and sebastiangreger.net
- repost 2 edits by seblog.nl
- Main Page 2 edits by aaronparecki.com and jkphl.is
- events/2017-03-01-homebrew-website-club 2 edits by aaronparecki.com and tantek.com
- Jekyll 1 edit by eddiehinkle.com
- projects 1 edit by eddiehinkle.com
- giving-credit 1 edit by aaronparecki.com
- outage 1 edit by tantek.com
- downtime 1 edit by tantek.com
- posts 1 edit by tantek.com
- 2016/Brighton/posttypes 1 edit by tantek.com
- MediaWiki:Sidebar 1 edit by tantek.com
- recipe 1 edit by aaronparecki.com
- multi-photo 1 edit by snarfed.org
- watch 1 edit by eddiehinkle.com
- Events 1 edit by tantek.com
- multilingual blogging 1 edit by vanderven.se martijn
- Template:Homebrew Website Club 1 edit by aaronparecki.com
- read later 1 edit by www.boffosocko.com
- User:Sebastiangreger.net 1 edit by sebastiangreger.net
- Flickr 1 edit by aaronparecki.com
- bookmark 1 edit by seblog.nl
- emoji 1 edit by loqi.me
- Micropub 1 edit by tantek.com
- read 1 edit by www.boffosocko.com
- Getting Started on WordPress 1 edit by www.boffosocko.com
- report abuse 1 edit by tantek.com
- WordPress with Bridgy 1 edit by www.boffosocko.com
- responses 1 edit by tantek.com
- Falcon 1 edit by tantek.com
- Lanyrd 1 edit by aaronparecki.com
- Let's Encrypt 1 edit by jonnybarnes.uk
- Tumblr 1 edit by aaronparecki.com
- Strava 1 edit by tantek.com
- area-tag 1 edit by tantek.com
- expand a page 1 edit by tantek.com
- tinbox 1 edit by loqi.me
- Instagram 1 edit by aaronparecki.com