July 14-21, 2017
Upcoming Events
- EDMONTON, Alberta: Athabasca Hall
- WELLINGTON, New Zealand: iwantmyname
- BERLIN, Germany: Starbucks Sony-Center
- BRIGHTON: 68 Middle Street
- BALTIMORE, Maryland: Digital Harbor Foundation
- FREDERICK, Maryland: Urbana Regional Library in the UR Small Conference Room
- SAN FRANCISCO, California: Mozilla
- Virtual on CEST
Join us for an evening of quiet writing, wiki editing, IndieWeb demos and discussions! Create or update your personal web site! Finish that blog post you’ve been writing, edit the wiki! Demos of recent IndieWeb breakthroughs, share what you've gotten working! Join a community with like-minded interests. Bring friends that want a personal site! Any questions? Ask in the chatroom!
Berlin, Nürnberg, Brighton, London, Bellingham WA, San Francisco, Portland
- the Campus in Dortmund
IndieWeb at “CAMPFIRE”, one of several IndieWebCamp events in 2017!

Audio edition for This Week in the IndieWeb for July 8th - 14th, 2017. https://indieweb.org/this-week/2017-07-14.html
You can find all of my audio editions here: https://martymcgui.re/tag/this-week-indieweb-podcast/
Music from Aaron Parecki’s 100DaysOfMusic project https://100.aaronparecki.com: Day 85 - Suit, Day 48 - Glitch, Day 49 - Floating, Day 9, and Day 11.
Thanks to everyone in the #indieweb chat for their feedback and suggestions. Please drop me a note if there are any changes you’d like to see for this audio edition!
Posts about the IndieWeb
New Community Members
Created by Prtksxna.com on Thursday and edited 9 more times
Created by Glenn.thedixons.net on Tuesday and edited 1 more time
New Wiki Pages
User:Vanderven.se martijn/IndieAuth
IndieAuth is a way for doing Web sign-in, where you use your own homepage to sign in to other places.
Created by Vanderven.se martijn on Tuesday with 14 more edits by sebastianlasse.de and www.svenknebel.de
ISNTATEST is a proposed Indieweb Social Network Trailer Acid Test from Examples Shown in the Trailer.
Created by tantek on Wednesday with 5 more edits by loqi.me, tantek.com and www.boffosocko.com
IndieWebCamp kit
IndieWebCamp kit is a small minimum set of supplies that help to run an IndieWebCamp such as large sticky notes and Hello My Name Is name badges.
Created by tantek on Tuesday with 5 more edits by tantek.com, aaronparecki.com and sebastianlasse.de
statistics are numbers that show measurements of various IndieWeb things like sites, posts, usage of protocols like Webmention, deployments of projects and plugins.
Created by tantek on Wednesday with 5 more edits by loqi.me and www.boffosocko.com
webcal is a URL scheme for accessing calendar information (typically via an iCalendar feed over HTTP).
Created by tantek on Wednesday with 3 more edits by loqi.me and tantek.com
Google Domains
Google Domains is Google's domain name registrar.
Created by gRegorLove on Friday and edited 3 more times
aspects are a feature of the Diaspora open source software that allow users to categorize their contacts into sets like family, friends, work, etc for the purpose of viewing from or private posting to only a subset of your contacts.
Created by tantek on Thursday and edited 2 more times
Discourse is an open source web forum and discussion platform that integrates with a wide variety of CMSs and other publishing platforms.
Created by [cleverdevil] on Thursday with 2 more edits by gregorlove.com and loqi.me
isso is a commenting server similar to disqus.
Created by ben_thatmustbeme on Thursday with 2 more edits by kaja.sknebel.net and www.svenknebel.de
Join us for an evening of quiet writing, wiki editing, IndieWeb demos and discussions! Create or update your personal web site! Finish that blog post you’ve been writing, edit the wiki! Demos of recent IndieWeb breakthroughs, share what you've gotten working! Join a community with like-minded interests. Bring friends that want a personal site! Any questions? Ask in the chatroom!
Created by Kongaloosh.com on Wednesday and edited 1 more time
Suggest Friends
Suggest Friends is a button in the Facebook web UI that is visible when viewing a friend's "Friends" tab on their profile, clicking it brings up a list of your friends that they are not already friends with with a "Suggest Friend" button next to each.
Created by tantek on Wednesday and edited 1 more time
Activello is what appears to be a WordPress theme that displays zero content without JS (js;dr) and is thus to be avoided.
Created by tantek on Wednesday and edited 1 more time
stream.thatmustbe.us is an open source project and hosted service for converting microformats2 to jf2 and other formats, and converting jf2 to microformats2 optionally rendered as HTML and/or optionally with a style sheet which can be used to produce an iframe embeddable result.
Created by tantek on Tuesday and edited 1 more time
Firefox Focus
Firefox Focus is a free, open source mobile web browser for both iOS and Android.
Created by Zegnat on Wednesday and edited 1 more time
Leaders Summits are half-day events for everyone who has co-organized an IndieWebCamp or was active organizing Homebrew Website Club meetups in the past two years.
Created by Www.svenknebel.de on Friday and edited 1 more time
indie map
indie map is a public IndieWeb social graph and dataset, made by Ryan Barrett and launched at IndieWeb Summit 2017 http://www.indiemap.org.
Created by aaronpk on Monday
The Odin Project
The Odin Project is a set of free online courses to learn people about web development, based on a Ruby on Rails back-end.
Created by Vanderven.se martijn on Saturday
Photobucket is a photo hosting silo.
Created by Gregorlove.com on Sunday
Created by Www.boffosocko.com on Thursday
edublogs is a hosted custom version of WordPress geared toward students, teachers, and educational institutions.
Created by Www.boffosocko.com on Wednesday
MVF is an abbreviation for minimum viable feature, the concept and methodology of designing, developing, and deploying the simplest possible (often seemingly incomplete in comparison to others) but still usable variant of a new feature for a site or product as a means to shipping quickly and iterating based on actual (preferably selfdogfood) use and experience rather than overdesigning up front and never finishing coding.
Created by tantek on Wednesday
MVP is an abbreviation for minimum viable product, the concept and methodology of designing, developing, and deploying the smallest/simplest possible variant of a product as a first step to shipping, getting real world feedback, and iterating from there.
Created by tantek on Wednesday
Changed Wiki Pages
- IndieAuth 20 edits by vanderven.se martijn, jjuran.org, www.svenknebel.de and aaronparecki.com
- events/2017-07-26-homebrew-website-club 9 edits by vanderven.se martijn, www.svenknebel.de, eddiehinkle.com and tantek.com
- non-interactive IndieAuth 8 edits by www.svenknebel.de
- indieauth.com 7 edits by vanderven.se martijn, aaronparecki.com and www.svenknebel.de
- Falcon 6 edits by www.svenknebel.de and tantek.com
- Instagram 5 edits by tantek.com, seblog.nl and www.boffosocko.com
- Micropub/Servers 5 edits by ascraeus.org
- The Social Network 5 edits by tantek.com and www.boffosocko.com
- Known 5 edits by jeremycherfas.net and www.boffosocko.com
- Indieweb for Education 5 edits by www.boffosocko.com
- SWAT0 4 edits by tantek.com and unicyclic.com mal
- wall 4 edits by tantek.com and aaronparecki.com
- RelMeAuth 4 edits by vanderven.se martijn and aaronparecki.com
- disclosure 4 edits by miklb.com, seblog.nl and tantek.com
- Events 3 edits by kongaloosh.com and sebastianlasse.de
- IFTTT 3 edits by www.boffosocko.com
- User:Vanderven.se martijn 3 edits by vanderven.se martijn and www.boffosocko.com
- friending 3 edits by tantek.com
- IndieWebCamps 3 edits by tantek.com and loqi.me
- photo 3 edits by tantek.com and gregorlove.com
- follow 3 edits by tantek.com
- Planning 2 edits by loqi.me and tantek.com
- Accelerated Mobile Pages 2 edits by www.boffosocko.com and loqi.me
- WARC 2 edits by loqi.me and snarfed.org
- silo-quits 2 edits by loqi.me and tantek.com
- relationship-status 2 edits by vanderven.se martijn and tantek.com
- Main Page 2 edits by sebastianlasse.de and www.svenknebel.de
- User:Boffosocko.com 2 edits by www.boffosocko.com
- Webmention 2 edits by shanehudson.net and www.boffosocko.com
- User:Kaja.sknebel.net 2 edits by www.svenknebel.de and loqi.me
- authorship 2 edits by vanderven.se martijn
- Facebook 2 edits by www.boffosocko.com and loqi.me
- Getting Started on WordPress 2 edits by www.boffosocko.com
- p3k naming convention 1 edit by aaronparecki.com
- Perch 1 edit by www.svenknebel.de
- Homebrew Website Club 1 edit by sebastiangreger.net
- events/2017-07-12-homebrew-website-club 1 edit by tantek.com
- Template:irc user 1 edit by aaronparecki.com
- commonplace book 1 edit by www.boffosocko.com
- Indieweb for Journalism 1 edit by www.boffosocko.com
- portfolio 1 edit by www.boffosocko.com
- archival copy 1 edit by www.boffosocko.com
- PASTA 1 edit by www.boffosocko.com
- code-of-conduct 1 edit by www.boffosocko.com
- HTTPS 1 edit by snarfed.org
- Checkie 1 edit by loqi.me
- 2017/Berlin/Guest List 1 edit by seblog.nl
- lulz 1 edit by aaronparecki.com
- 309 1 edit by aaronparecki.com
- micro.blog 1 edit by matthiasott.com
- Posts about the IndieWeb 1 edit by aaronparecki.com
- event 1 edit by vanderven.se martijn
- huginn 1 edit by www.boffosocko.com
- Webmention-developer 1 edit by petermolnar.net
- JSON Feed 1 edit by matthiasott.com
- sandstorm 1 edit by www.boffosocko.com
- WordPress 1 edit by www.boffosocko.com
- IndiePub 1 edit by www.boffosocko.com
- blogroll 1 edit by www.boffosocko.com
- read 1 edit by tantek.com
- User:David.shanske.com 1 edit by prtksxna.com
- domain name registrar 1 edit by gregorlove.com
- Template:Homebrew Website Club 1 edit by gregorlove.com
- User:Ascraeus.org 1 edit by ascraeus.org
- screenshot 1 edit by prtksxna.com
- GNU social 1 edit by ben.thatmustbe.me
- Private-Webmention 1 edit by www.svenknebel.de
- HubZilla 1 edit by ben.thatmustbe.me
- who to follow 1 edit by loqi.me
- block 1 edit by aaronparecki.com
- rsvps 1 edit by tantek.com
- 2017/Dortmund 1 edit by sebastianlasse.de
- wiki 1 edit by www.svenknebel.de
- User:Martymcgui.re 1 edit by www.svenknebel.de
- OAuth 1 edit by www.svenknebel.de
- longevity 1 edit by www.boffosocko.com
- Template:gwg 1 edit by www.boffosocko.com
- Template:GWG 1 edit by www.boffosocko.com
- Google Plus 1 edit by www.boffosocko.com
- MediaGoblin 1 edit by www.boffosocko.com
- fragmention 1 edit by kevinmarks.com