IndieWebCamp Bellingham 2017 demos took place 2017-05-04 and 2017-05-05.
Introduction Demos
gRegor Morrill
gRegor Morrill showed https://gregorlove.com
Wm Salt Hale showed http://altsalt.net
Joe McLaughlin
Joe showed his Twitter and Facebook feeds. Wants to get his own domain set up for those types of content.
Katie Johnson
Katie showed https://www.katiejohnson.me/
Andrew Kvalheim
Andrew showed https://andrew.kvalhe.im/
Ginger Reinauer
Ginger showed http://www.gingerblackdesigns.com/
Final Demos
From chat logs: https://chat.indieweb.org/2017-05-05#t1494025623999000
Kartik Prabhu
Kartik Prabhu demoing his file storage for posts on https://kartikprabhu.com/
- Stores html and json version of posts
- shows the html
- with mf2
- shows a custom h-* mf2, h-manifold-note
- his software reads that to know it's a note, not an article
- shows json
- mf2 parsed into json
- adds some empty properties, like "None" but since his software isn't looking for it, it doesn't cause problems; nice because it's not as picky as a database
gRegor Morrill
gRegor Morrill demoing fix on gregorlove.com/events
- no upcoming events currently, but link to "past events"
- the event for this IWC Bellingham wasn't handling datetimes spanning two days
- today I fixed that: https://gregorlove.com/2017/05/indiewebcamp-bellingham/
- mf2 correctly gets the start and end date as well
Joe McLaughlin
- Joe demos joesmcl.wordpress.com
- dusted off his wordpress.com site
- orginally got the account so he could comment on LA Metro website years ago.
- with Andrew's help found out he was getting a DNS redirect from some extension that broke https access to his wordpress.com
- after all that and lunch, gRegor went through the rel-me page for adding rel-me links to Wordpress.com without a plugin
- once we got through it it was pretty easy, added rel-me to twitter, updated URL on twitter.com
- indiewebify.me didn't quite work correctly to identify his rel-me connection
- but went to indieauth.com, entered his wordpress.com site, clicked on Twitter, and I was in!
- posted a success screenshot in Slack after logging in to IndieAuth
- bought joesmcl.com this weekend
- updated DNS to point it to wordpress.com
- will be switching over to Drupal and CiviCRM when he gets more time
Phil Wolff
- (evanwolf in chat) sharing a Google Doc with us: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1d4XY-SFctkdPGIBzPzxBicDvpW1o7b7y0zrOBLcq8fY/edit?usp=sharing
- "Read My Frackin Manual"
- a manual for a person
- wrote up problem statements
- e.g. I spend too much time getting other people up to speed and maybe that can be more efficient
- help others answer questions about you better like: How can I avoid triggers, how can I engage better?
- did some whiteboarding
- rough sketching of what he needs to build out
- five main sections
- capture: quick sets, pre-built collections/attributes make it very easy to dive in
- indicate on a scale how comfortable you are with things, e.g. how comfortable you are with hugging
- add you rown attributes / share your own sets
- help sort the list. What's most important to you? What doesn't matter until later in a relationship?
- if you only had 30 second elevator pitch how to tell people to interact with you, what would it be?
- connect to social, work, game, etc. networks, wherever you might want to share
- what are you sharing? how much explanation, with whom? when? for how long? under what conditions?
- publish: book form, pdf, epub of this info.
- engroup: I have a list of people, their attributes and set, can I create a composite view of them? e.g. "wow, half our people are allergic * to fish"
- listen: provide an activity stream, things to see and that you can act on.
- requests to disclose additional information
- notify when sets evolve and update your attributes / scores
- next step is story level; this has been a grand tour
- (Q from Andrew): isn't it better to do these things in conversations rather than with robotic AI?
Andrew Kvalheim
- thought a lot about what he would want to put up, didn't come to solid decisions
- wanted it to be implemented maximally declarative
- added rel-me tags to his site
- theoretically can log in with indieauth. Hasn't tested but looked fine.
- set a hastily written PR for gravatar impl on the RSVP page
Wm Salt Hale talked about altsalt.net
- main goal was to release Middleman module that pushes posts to Bridgy
- didn't really get much on that. Wrote out pseudo code for it
- did a lot of reading up on Middleman
- did a lot of not-sleeping
- brainstormed on showing RSVPs for conferences he's attended
- table layout showing whether he attended, organized, etc.
- planned not implemented, though