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Demos for IndieWeb Summit 2018 took place June 27, 2018.
- ▶️ YouTube video (1:24:55)
- Chat logs, 16:13 PDT.
Chris Aldrich
Chris Aldrich
- helped other people a lot.
- gets more itchy from the IRC chat room
- created a new post kind to track his itches
- indieweb.org is another silo he doens’t want to depend upon for his itches
- using flames as icon for ithces “burning desire”
- For
Martijn van der Ven’s sake a completely new itch-of property!
- And a separate itch-feed to subscribe to
- “is an itch post completed by a scratch post?”
Jonathan LeCour
Jonathan LaCour shows Indiepaper
- If you have a micropub compatible site, indiepaper can submit read-later posts to it
- is using Aperture for it, aperture has a special feature where it creates Micropub endpoints for channels
- Showing of the read-later bookmarklet
- Clicks it on a page
- Switches to Together and shows a new article in his readlater channel
- All general social interactions from within the reader will work
- https://indiepaper.cleverdevil.io
- Any old micropub works, but microsub is nicer (and more complicated to explain)
Eric Drechsel
- https://edrex.pdxhub.org/
- Patch for Perkeep, a backend storage system, written years ago
- New query system for metadata of the files
- So you can write something like an SSG on top of the perkeep file storage
- Showing the commands for querying an image right now
- Getting a hash first, that hash can then be used to do things. Running a oneline to “do it all at once”
- Shows the metadata coming up
- Next step, feeding it into something like Metalsmith
Ryan Barrett
Ryan Barrett
- asking for a round of applause for all the people running organisation
- starts on the reader wiki page
- talking about how nice decoupling readers and servers is
- talking about how there are many feed fetching “silos” already
- Holding up NewsBlur as example
- https://baffle.snarfed.org
- Using Cloudflare in front
- CDN can run code for you on the nodes to keep work off of your own servers
- Worker takes Microsub requests and translates them to newsblur api calls, and translates the response back
- More commandline and curling!
- curling the newsblur endpoint on baffle
- Showing the output in Together
- Successful prototype
Lillian Karabaic
Lillian Karabaic
- did one of those things that “looks really simple”
- but involved a lot of “getting
David Shanske to fix things”
- Shows the weather at her latest location in her footer
- Checkins now show pictures. Previous checkins went through IFTTT, now straight from indieweb stack
- Only problem: no titles on the checkins anymore
gRegor Morrill
gRegor Morrill
- Worked on indiebookclub
- The Micropub client for everything you are interested in reading
- Now has query-string support that allows you to prefill fields in the form
- This will enable to creation of things like bookmarklets
- It is all on the documentation page
- Also joined the indiewebwebring
- https://boundary.me
- Packaging up WordPress with IndieWeb plugins and small config
- To run on the Raspberry Pi
- Reason this is interesting is the user experience
- Unzip a file on the Raspberry Pi, go to the “store”, get WordPress and it is all done
- Hosting with SSL etc
- your own domain can point to the Raspberry with a CNAME
- Nolan is now logged in to the Raspberry Pi. Sadly you still have to go activate the plugin manually
- Also comes with an IndieWeb friendly theme
- And the plugin shows the entire process of what you can do and steps to follow
Malcolm Blaney
Malcolm Blaney, https://unicyclic.com
- project for the day changed a few times
- discussion this morning around authorization endpoints. Decided that would be fun to implement in half a day
- Demoing login to Monocle
- Shows the redirect to his own authorization endpoint
- Has a continue button to login to Monocle
- talking to his own reader, dobrado
- Yesterday had a talk about Microsub, so can continue with the Monocle login flow
- Now Monocle is pulling the feed data from his own reader on his own site
- Should match up with the public reader on unicyclic
- “hopefully they are in sync”
- Checking to see if it matches up. Doesn’t loook pretty in Monocle yet, but seems to get all the posts
- authorization endpoint challenge included a free copy of
Aaron Parecki’s book!
Manton Reece
Manton Reece
- Worked on a couple of things
- he noticed a micro.blog user tried indiebookclub, but nothing happened
- indiebookclub sends a summary as fallback for endpoints that do not understand read-of
- micro.blog now supports fallbacks!
- For OwnYourSwarm was using indieauth.com rpeviously for micro.blog users
- But that is annoying
- So now micro.blog is its own IndieAuth endpoint
- a lot simpler for the users this way
Jamey Sharp
- https://jamey.thesharps.us/
- Worked on writing issues on other people’s projects
- Did a PR on Together, was merged in
- Links to original posts now open in a new tab
Grant Richmond
Grant Richmond, https://grant.codes
- demoed his theming in the intros
- It now works in more browsers than just Chrome
- Easteregg: you can keep the theme icon pressed to enter rainbox mode
- Worked on a site: “micropub example posts”, http://examples.tpxl.io
- Shows the rendered HTML for post types, the HTML, and the parsed JSON
- For all sorts of post types
- There is also a link for an h-feed to test readers with
- There is also more error reporting in Together. “That should be useful.”
Jim Pick
Jim Pick
- Wanting to merge IndieWeb stuff with Dat stuff
- Landing page asks for a name
- It can then publish a personal page on Dat immediately
- using the hashbase service, the Dat page is also available on the internet, https://jim-pick-indieweb.hashbase.io/ (URL is no longer live as of 2018-09-29)
- Got it working 5 minutes before demos.
Sebastian Kippe
- https://sebastian.kip.pe
- Likes to publish what city/country he is in at any given time
- Used Swarm with webhooks
- Swarm broke the API, and will not be supporting it any longer (at least not for free users)
- Now uses OwnTracks
- Sends to Huginn
- Not entirely finished, working on a system that will automatically post to a website when he enters a new city
Johannes Ernst
Johannes Ernst
- Wants to make Together installable with 1 command on UBOS
- Shows the JSON config needed to install Together, very little configuration
- https://github.com/jernst/ubos-together
Greg McVerry
Greg McVerry
- been working with the question: how to onboard students and teachers
- wants to make remixable syllibi
- Because everyone is teaching the same courses online
- learning CSS grids at the same time, http://edu307syllabus18summer.jgregorymcverry.com/
- On his own website, he took Post Kinds Plugin to recreate his twitter feed
- Added not 1, but 2 webrings
- Found a WP plugin for webrings
- Worked on 2018/post type page example
AJ Jordan
AJ Jordan
- Does not know how to use cords
- Bugged him that spec.indieweb.org didn’t have anything
- Went to the whatwg page and stole their HTML
- Created a github repo with that HTML linking to all the indieweb specs
- And pinged
Aaron Parecki to put it online
- Also worked on lazymention
- Will crawl your website and send webmentions for them
- Which allows static sites to send webmentions
- Interesting server error that would crash the whole thing: apparently false does not equal true
- Last thing he did was adding pretty job urls
- in theory the server would start, take a frontpage URL, and return a nice URL to see what is happening
- The URL is accessible, shows it is in progress, and shows the number of pending webmentions
- Eventually the page will say it has completed the task
Michael Toomin
- https://invisible.college/@toomim
- Was at the filtering/algo session yesterday
- Thought he knew how to do it, so built a prototype
- Lots of content on the IndieWeb, but hard to filter and rank it, unlike silos
- Shows https://invisible.college/@toomim/indierep
- Bunch of posts that can be sorted by scores
- Can drag “people” around in the scoring
- Anything with a URL can be filtered and sorted
- Can grab posts from all over
- Lowering Caleb’s score
- All the scores you set are available at a URL
- Scores can be pulled from all over the place, because published scores at a URL can be imported by anyone
- Maybe someone makes a function that filters cat photos, then you could pull that in
- Or filter out people with political biases. Ot see the oposite of what you normally see.
- For discovery: people can make groups
- Groups can be rated, e.g. rate up the indieweb group to surface everything indieweb people are writing
Jack Jamieson
Jack Jamieson, https://jackjamieson.net
- Got “one very small job” done
- Recently started adding read posts, but wanted to keep them separate
- Filtered them out on his theme, and added a reading page separately
- Started working on a microsub-server-as-a-wordpress-plugin
- Started with the micropub plugin, and find&replaced micropub for microsub
- Mixed results. But surprisingly good.
- Can now login to Monocle, and it will give an error message
- But it isn’t the first error, he has been through a few!
- Thanks to
Malcolm Blaney for advice
Doug Beal
- Got his website fully migrated (he showed half migration during intro)
- IndieAuth suddenly started working, because Authorization headers are no longer being stripped
- Did a read post, and a checkin
- Proud member of two webrings!
- As a finale: ... Taking his site offline
- Docker files https://github.com/dougbeal/docker-dougbeal.com.git
Marty McGuire
Marty McGuire, https://martymcgui.re
- Now feels like he needs to end his demo by taking his website down
- Worked on a little project
- New project on Glitch
- He wants to question the fact that we rely on domain names
- Lots of problems, DNS, domain names, don’t always align
- "I dunno, this DNS thing sounds like a fad to me" -
Marty McGuire
- https://🕸.ws
- The problem is clearly visible because they mess with the webring . ws domain name
- Can add himself automatically to the indieweb ring
- webring uses hashemoji to create a unique emoji for everyone
- next and back links are real, not random at all (even though he gets different pages every time) [lots of laughter]
- Wanted Webmention to work on Dat: DatMention
- Copying a URL from Webmention.rocks
- Demos how Beaker works with writing things
- Post showed up on webmention.rocks
- Created the Dat content into the archive he selected through Beaker
- Had to write a mirroring tool because none of the tools support Dat
- Has a Glitch proxy that makes it available to the HTTP webmention endpoint
- Would like us to update tools to talk other protocols
Ryan Johnson
- https://iambismark.net
- Worked on basic building blocks
- Was updating his blog with vim and rsync
- Can now use Quill to post
- Shows off multi-part uploads through micropub.rocks
- excited about the progress he made
- http://lovi.star.is
- went from zero to IndieWeb
- 36 hours ago had no website, now has domain and WordPress setup
- Webmention did not work quite out of the box.
- Generated some content this morning
- Today got the homepage. able to use https://www.wpbeaverbuilder.com
David Shanske
David Shanske
- Has talked about Vouch yesterday at the session
- And has been building a plugin for Vouches
- Shows a “gRegorLove webmention”
- Not really doing much with the Vouch
- Also added a new button: he can not only approve a person, but also use “approve & whitelist” to immediately whitelist the sender for the future
- “Coming soon to a WordPress near you”
Nate Angell
- https://xolotol.org
- Worked on his WordPress setup
- Got rid of Disqus
- Has successfully received his first Webmention from
Chris Aldrich
Aaron Parecki
Aaron Parecki, https://aaronpk.com
- spent a lot of time helping other people on projects
- did got a couple of things done
- people were filing bugs against his projects all day
- fixed an issue in indielogin where a question mark was in the wrong spot in regex
- Webmention.rocks has CORS headers now so you can test from browsers
- Also launched
AJ Jordan’s HTML on spec.indieweb.org
- Just set the DNS record, so it may not even work right now
- For the demo, he is bypassing DNS completely
- What he was really excited about are the new IndieAuth servers: micro.blog and dobrado
- Also joined the webring
- His user ID is the trademark symbol
- At the very bottom of his website, there is the spiderweb-ring emojis webring
Michelle JL
- Michelle JL made a plain website
- Was playing with Gatsby, SSG; wanted to make an indieweb starter with it
- Demoed on localhost
- Right now has the h-card up
- Added a pretty how-to that quickly shows what things can be changed to modify h-cards
- Will continue to iterate on post types
Tom Brown
- https://herestomwiththeweather.com/
- Added IndieAuth login via Goodreads