January 13-20, 2017

Upcoming Events

Nürnberg GERMANY, Birmingham ENGLAND, London ENGLAND, Baltimore MD, Bellingham WA, Portland OR, San Francisco CA
Homebrew Website Club Meetup
Join us for an evening of quiet writing, wiki editing, IndieWeb demos and discussions! Create or update your personal web site! Finish that blog post you’ve been writing, edit the wiki! Demos of recent IndieWeb breakthroughs, share what you've gotten working! Join a community with like-minded interests. Bring friends that want a personal site! Any questions? Ask in the chatroom!

Bellingham, Göteborg, Los Angeles, Portland, San Francisco
Homebrew Website Club Meetup
Join us for an evening of quiet writing, wiki editing, IndieWeb demos and discussions! Create or update your personal web site! Finish that blog post you’ve been writing, edit the wiki! Demos of recent IndieWeb breakthroughs, share what you've gotten working! Join a community with like-minded interests. Bring friends that want a personal site! Any questions? Ask in the chatroom!

Bellingham, Göteborg, Los Angeles, Portland, San Francisco
Homebrew Website Club Meetup
Join us for an evening of quiet writing, wiki editing, IndieWeb demos and discussions! Create or update your personal web site! Finish that blog post you’ve been writing, edit the wiki! Demos of recent IndieWeb breakthroughs, share what you've gotten working! Join a community with like-minded interests. Bring friends that want a personal site! Any questions? Ask in the chatroom!

Posts about the IndieWeb

Week in Review #100DaysOfIndieWeb
by aaronparecki.com on

New Community Members

New Wiki Pages


tinbox is short for "t inbox" a shortcut for adding stuff to Tantek's https://indieweb.org/Tantek#inbox by typing something like tinbox << scratch an indieweb itch today.

Created by Tantek.com on Thursday and edited 10 more times

multilingual blogging

multilingual blogging is writing blogposts in multiple languages, but not necessarily translating them into the different languages you speak.

Created by sebsel on Saturday with 3 more edits by seblog.nl and loqi.me


nvite is a service for managing events and tickets.

Created by gRegorLove on Thursday and edited 2 more times


bedroll is a blogroll of people that have stayed over at your house..

Created by Zegnat on Tuesday and edited 1 more time


Homebrew Website Club Meetup

Created by Gregorlove.com on Thursday and edited 1 more time

calendar heatmap

calendar heatmap is a heatmap that shows a a value over time through color coding it on a 2-dimensional calendar view.

Created by sknebel on Friday


Homebrew Website Club Meetup

Created by Gregorlove.com on Thursday

normalized URL

normalized URL is a URL with non-significant alternatives removed, like the default :80 port.

Created by voxpelli on Friday


forestry.io is a online CMS, web host, and automated build tool for static sites.

Created by [keithjgrant] on Friday


Inoreader is https://www.inoreader.com/, a feed reader service..

Created by sknebel on Wednesday

Changed Wiki Pages