April 5-12, 2019

Recent Events

From indieweb.org/events#Recent:

WordCamp Santa Clarita Valley
Come for two days of WordCamp Santa Clarita on Friday and Saturday April 5 & 6, 2019 featuring an IndieWeb-related talk by Chris Aldrich: "Micropub and WordPress: Custom Posting Applications" on Saturday afternoon. Any questions? Ask Chris in the chatroom! More…

Homebrew Website Club Meetup
Join us for an evening of IndieWeb personal site demos and discussions! Any questions? Ask in the chatroom! More…

Upcoming Events

From indieweb.org/events#Upcoming:

Virtual HWC for site builders who either can’t make a regular in-person meeting or don’t yet have critical mass to host one in their area. Everyone of all levels is welcome to participate remotely!

Homebrew Website Club Meetup
Join us for an evening of IndieWeb personal site demos and discussions! Any questions? Ask in the chatroom! More…

Homebrew Website Club Meetup
Join us for an evening of IndieWeb personal site demos and discussions! Any questions? Ask in the chatroom! More…

London, New York, New Haven, Virtual Americas, Nottingham
IndieWebCamp Berlin 2019 is the fifth in Berlin, happening the weekend before the Düsseldorf IndieWebCamp 2019 and beyond tellerrand // BERLIN 2019. One of many IndieWebCamps!
IndieWebCamp Düsseldorf 2019, the fifth IndieWebCamp in Düsseldorf, will be 11-12 May 2019, right before the beyond tellerrand conference in Düsseldorf.
Join us for the ninth edition of beyond tellerrand in our home town. 2 days of inspiring and motivating talks and Side Events. Tantek Çelik is speaking on IndieWeb topics

We’re now bringing the Accessibility Club to Düsseldorf for the first time. The meetup will use a BarCamp-like format, which means that we don't have a predefined schedule, invited speakers or conference-like talks. The Accessibility Club wants to give you the chance to get some real-world experience with assistive technology, deepen your knowledge about web accessibility and get you in touch with like-minded webworkers. The goal is to enable you to make accessibility a natural part of your daily work and mindset.

New York City, New Haven, Nottingham
Shoppagina.nl, Kanaalweg 14-L, Utrecht, Netherlands
IndieWebCamp Utrecht 2019 will be 18-19 May 2019 (save the dates!).

New York City, New Haven, San Francisco

Posts about the IndieWeb

From news.indieweb.org:

🔖 Nothing Fails Like Success | A List Apart
by alistapart.com on
The State of Open Data in Ghana.
by sadik.goifnetwork.org/profile/sadike25 on
Push notifications with Indigenous
by realize.be on

New Wiki Pages

From IndieWeb Wiki: New Pages:

WP Pusher

WP Pusher is a plugin that allows you to deploy your plugins and themes directly from GitHub, Bitbucket or GitLab.

Created by [jgmac1106] on Wednesday and edited 1 more time


Lwa is a in-progress social reader by Jacky Alciné at https://lwa.black.af that aims to provide an adaptive approach to rendering social feeds.

Created by jacky on Friday and edited 1 more time

Category:IndieWebCamp Berlin 2018

Created by Gregorlove.com on Monday


Virtual HWC for site builders who either can’t make a regular in-person meeting or don’t yet have critical mass to host one in their area. Everyone of all levels is welcome to participate remotely!

Created by Www.svenknebel.de on Thursday

Changed Wiki Pages

From IndieWeb Wiki: Recent Changes: