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Martijn van der Ven is a long-time web tinkerer living in Sweden (CEST or Europe/Stockholm timezone). Pronouns: he or they.

I am Martijn. Once upon a time I followed an online lesson in HTML on my grandfather’s computer. Then I built websites on MSN Groups (R.I.P.) and GeoCities (R.I.P.). From March 2016 to March 2017, I was working professionally with PHP in the Netherlands. Besides that I work mostly with front-end technologies in my spare time.

Very interested in tools for a multilingual web. I speak Dutch (nl-NL), English(en-GB), and Swedish (sv-SE) fluently. I have a good understanding of German (de-DE) as well. Accessibility and crazy loopholes in specs are hobbies of mine.

You might know me as Zegnat from the IndieWeb chat. In fact, some would say I am the IRC rebel fleet leader. The explanation behind the name Zegnåt (note the diacritical mark) is available on my personal wiki.

You can link to this page using {{martijnvdven}} or {{Zegnat}}.

My personal website

It is

  • All lowercase. This is important because directory names are case-sensitive on the server.
  • With a trailing /. Less important, but canonical. It is a directory.
  • Serving HTTP. Plans to move to HTTPS are being discussed.
    • The domain will not be moves to HTTPS until it is moved to a new hosting company or Binero offers free certificates.
    • As of 2017-12-07 it is hosted at Hetzner and serving HTTPS!


The domain name was first registered in 2006 to bring all of the family’s email under a single provider. Since 2008 information about me has been available on (Though I had a short-lived fling with as well.)

The website and email were hosted by Cliche (DK) from 2006 until it was moved to Binero (SE) somewhere during 2013.

The content of has stayed very static from early 2014 to mid-2017, with only minor iterative presentation changes. During IWS 2017 it was drastically rebuilt both in information contained, its markup, and its presentation.

The 2017 Rebuild

The rebuild not only tries to do a better job of reconsolidating all my online identities through rel-me links, but also adds an additional heap of personal information like length, weight, pronouns, and relationship status. The reasoning behind some of this data is that is was always available to people through other silos, but never through a canonical representation.

Facebook should not contain more information about me than my own homepage.”

As an experiment (almost) all data is added to the microformats representation of the page, all living within a single giant h-card. I am always looking for more information I could add.

My activity feed

Will be published on


The domain name was first registered in 2012 to become a personal domain (minus the use to represent myself).


More on this Wiki


See Also