Next steps for IndieWebCamp and IndieWeb efforts.
See something here you can help with? Jump in and help with incremental edits!
Questions? Ask in our discussion channels!
Roughly ordered by importance / oldest first.
Simplify and update How to Run an IndieWebCamp docs
- We need an easier/simpler/shorter "how to run an IndieWebCamp" page / documentation:
- IndieWebCamps
- many specific steps for this are documented on the page/section:
- We need IndieWebCamp in a box prepared to send to new organizers
- Things like "Hello my URL is" stickers, sticky notes for the grid, maybe masking tape. Or at least a list of things to order and have delivered to the venue
- Questions to ask registrants like: food prefs, accessibility needs, childcare needs etc
- Decrease challenges like all the wiki pages, the nice pages at etc
- Keeping the choice of which ticketing system to use, for regional prefs. E.g. Tito eventbrite brownpapertickets or even Meetup
- Possible templates for typical camp pages and planning layout so it doesn't have to be reinvented
- Add more detailed steps to documentation on what types of information should be gathered via a ticketing system
- Add some specific tutorials regarding certain ticketing systems such as Tito in regards to best practices like copying an existing event as the beginning for a new event
Improve Getting Started
In progress of updating Getting Started steps to:
- simplify steps (create subpages if necessary for longer explanations)
- reduce steps to only those that are required and have direct benefits
- i.e. are direct steps toward achieving IndieMark levels in various areas.
- provide an explicit "Why?" quick and easily understandable explanation of the benefits, the motivating reasons for taking this step. What problems are solved? What new capabilities do you get by taking this step.
- re-order steps in order of ease of implementation / dependency
- move nice-to-haves, or simpler side options, to other pages.
I've updated Connect and Personal Domain accordingly (including subsuming short domain as a "bonus" subpart of personal domain) so far and will work on subsequent Getting Started steps accordingly. However, if you want to help with these updates, please go for it and edit accordingly! - Tantek 15:06, 7 May 2013 (PDT)
Currently working on:
- ...
Improve Why Explanation
- create subsections on why for frustration, fear, death
- provide good photo/summary page links (e.g. lightboxes of screenshots) for all corp site failures on site-deaths and why pages.
- copy each "why" citation for a silo to a Criticisms or Downtime section for that silo
Process Criticism
- If/when you see IndieWeb critical (or silo apologist) articles, add to: challenges#Citations_to_process
- Go through challenges#Citations_to_process and analyze the articles, extracting new FAQs and specific challenges for the IndieWeb to overcome.
Blog Update to Call For A Distributed Web
(more than one person blogging about this would be good)
- Blog an update of the 2+ year old from an IndieWeb perspective, what IndieWeb technologies have solve the problems in the original post, status of the experimental tech the original post mentioned, etc.
- Include references to since it is newer than Brewster's post and has lot broader coverage of projects, efforts etc.
Bonus, also integrate the points / proposals / projects mentioned in into the post such that the post responds to both at the same time (there's a lot of overlap).
Blog State of the Interoperable Decentralized Web
(more than one person blogging about this would be good)
Follow-up to previous blog post and (Internet Archive link, and PDF, sorry, academic source) with case studies on some projects from that blog post and the 2016 Decentralized Web Summit
Consider also explicitly citing and following-up to:
Document from most to least interoperably deployed decentralized web solutions.
Noting second to last anything mentioned in the MIT report that is deployed with real users but single-project monoculture with all the downsides of that, fragility etc.
Noting last anything mentioned in the MIT report that is either not deployed (e.g. academic / theory / hand-waving / hype), or experimentally deployed, but no real (even selfdogfood) users.
Blog on Open Standards for the Decentralized Web
(more than one person blogging about this would be good)
Follow-up to previous blog posts and Aaron Parecki’s OSBridge 2016 talk on the topic, focusing first and mostly on:
- Well deployed interoperable web standards (10+ interop impls with real world daily users across systems)
- Webmention
- Micropub
- microformats2 (h-entry, h-card, h-feed, etc.)
- Emerging interoperable web standards (3+ interop impls with real world daily users across systems)
- Other standards being implemented (1+ impls, maybe interop, with real world daily users within systems)
- ActivityPub - e.g. on Mastodon etc.
- Monoculture standards - "standards" only implemented (often driven by) a single implementation, summarize such monoculture problems etc.
IndieWeb Homepage Live Modules
Archive sessions and chat logs
Refer to Etherpad: Archiving IndieWebCamp notes.
- 2019/Düsseldorf/Demos from chat logs
- 2018/Nuremberg/Sessions
- 2018/Düsseldorf/Demos
- 2017/Nuremberg/Demos
- 2017/Nuremberg/Schedule#Sunday_May_21,_2017
- 2016/Berlin/Schedule
Move YouTube archived content to
As we've moved to storing new sessions on, you can volunteer to move old sessions there that were recorded on YouTube...and maybe even watch them as well.
If each of us take a few when time permits...we can get through them easily.
Instructed parties can enquire in chat for the credentials for our account if you do not have them.
List of session grid pages or individual videos to copy over:
- 2019/Austin/Schedule
- 2019/Online/Schedule
- 2019/New_Haven/Schedule
- 2019/Berlin/Schedule
- 2018/Schedule
- ...
Use What You Make
Goals: create an actual use what you make page separate from eat what you cook, and replace general use of selfdogfood with use what you make.
This needs multiple steps:
- ✅ extract the "use what you make" principle and supporting text/quotes from the eat what you cook metaphor and create a new page for use what you make rather than a redirect (may need to delete & recreate so it shows up as new), as the complement to make what you need.
- analyze the selfdogfood page for content that would make sense to include or move to the new use what you make page, and turn selfdogfood into more of a metaphor-focused & historical page similar to scratch your own itch
- analyze which pages link to selfdogfood, manually decide if they should reference and link to use what you make instead, and update those refs/links accordingly.
- ^ similarly, analyze which pages link to eat what you cook, manually decide if they should reference and link to use what you make instead, and update those refs/links accordingly.
- ✅ after creating the new use what you make page, update principles to link directly to it in principle 4
Update brainstorming page
For brainstorming page:
- Describe what it is, and how to create a Brainstorming section as part of wikifying
- list the existing specific brainstorming pages we have and includes a section about "Brainstorming" sections on wiki pages per expand_a_page#Common_Sections.
Update definitions with IndieWeb relevance
Update these pages so the definition is relevant to the IndieWeb wiki. After updating, remove the {{relevance needed}}
in the page to remove it from this list.
Also review older pages and add {{relevance needed}}
as needed.
New Pages
New pages to create, per request, or from See Also contributions clustered into specific pages here:
thundering herd
- Start a thundering herd page with scenarios and citations from RSS feed reader polling, and most recently Mastodon distributed retrieval of link previews from shared links
- historically: RSS thundering herd problem (feed readers all polling an RSS feed file exactly on the hour :00:00.0 and/or half hour :30:00.0)
- Mastodon DDoS of link previews for links shared on Mastodon
- took down downtime#2024-02-19_IndieWeb
- 2022-11-26 jwz: Mastodon stampede / FAQ: How do I stop Error 500 on my web site every time I post to Mastodon?
Every time I do a new blog post, within a second I have over a thousand simultaneous hits of that URL on my web server from unique IPs. Load goes over 100, and mariadb stops responding.
- 2024-02-12
Jeremy Keith Federation syndication
When I post a note to Mastodon, it includes a link back to the original note to my site. At this point Mastodon does its federation magic and starts spreading the post to all the instances subscribed to my account. And every single one of them follows the link back to the note on my site …all at the same time.
- 2024-05-01
There is an interesting article titled "Please Don’t Share Our Links on Mastodon: Here’s Why!" about the startling load that Mastodon's mass-distributed link preview generation has on small independent webservers. But I cannot link it to you, because of a reason
- which is about this article:
- re that article:
"🦆🐰🐺🐇🐭🐨🐴 we're all gonna visit 🐧's site at once to make a link preview
🦝 ooo, you shouldn't do that
🐧 I'm going to serve each of you six whole damn megabytes
🦝 ooo I've got another shouldn't just for you
🐧 maybe I should post about why is my site so slow
🦝 *furtling for crumbs at the bottom of the Shouldn't Bag* ooooo
🦊🦅🐗🐫 let's post about how none of this is actually a problem for anyone
🦝 *turning the Shouldn't bag upside down and shaking it* oh god hang on one at a time ONE at a TIME" @ifixcoinops May 2, 2024
- Some analysis of Mastodon's thundering herd impact and possible solutions:
- One issue tracking Mastodon's thundering herd problem: #4486 Mastodon can be used as a DDOS tool
See Also
- wikify
- wiki
- social web map — needs a lot of updating, and at least a rough sketch for publishing
- events
- Unprocessed to do items below here: (process/prioritize them and move them into the lists above)
- reply to and thread with specific indieweb suggestions and invitations
- reply to with mf2 h-card + XFN markup as a concrete existing (simpler?) alternative
- reply to with W3C Webmention (URL) and see h-entry for reply etc. markup
- Add Woodwind to all the tables in
- add h-feed and WebSub to the columns of this table, note which feed readers support either or both, and reach out to other OSS in that table requesting support (filing GH issues accordingly, and linking to them on their indieweb wiki pages!)
- help with tracking down (with citations!) the YYYY-MM-DD dates for the items listed here that would be helpful! timeline#Needs_Dates_and_incorporation_above
- Write a descriptions of how indieweb building blocks have been tied together in various implementations to make a clearer more complete independent (decentralized) social web picture
- Look into developing a "mf2 upgrade" module for the "soil" WordPress Plugin that would upgrade any Theme/Frontend microformat etc. markup to use mf2, re-using code and logic from
- Identify whole dead projects from and move/archive them to another page accordingly, perhaps with archive-org links for their dead links
- write up something similar (as user-accessible and devoid of jargon) as adapted for IndieWeb, e.g. on "A Guide to the IndieWeb For People Who Have A Love/Hate Relationship With Twitter" obviously crediting the original as inspiration
- Create a page that lists / analyzes / shows IndieWeb Equivalents to and is easily findable e.g. by searching for "Missing Building Blocks"
- low priority, but for comprehensiveness, make sure we have at least stub articles so we can have an updated place to document these (most of which we already do)
- Analyze litepub SSG for existing use of or potential for microformats2 markup per and submit minimal pull requests accordingly to improve LitePub’s mf2 support.
- "Why not just use your own domain for your to-do list and own your task. Here is my example: I send myself a webmention as updates. I have used Google Keep as well and just pin a “to-do, doing, done” (" @jgmac1106 August 28, 2018
- move Historical sections of pages to their own pages
- highlight best of breed screenshots for as many pages as possible near the tops of pages to immediately convey a product or spec or even concept
- Create an issue on Coralproject / talk asking to "Support Micropub to keep a copy of your comments on your own blog", noting the use-case / real-world example that there are Coral users that created their own Tumblr to just to manually keep a copy of their comments!
- write-up a "debunking" misconceptions entry for "No IndieWeb is not just people who program their own websites" per
- "@KevinMarks @cwebber @aaronpk I'm sorry but indieweb doesn't count, you're programming your own websites, you're not the general population. That method is not accessible for most people on here." @Gargron August 14, 2018
- Document when/how to setup initial yyyy.indieweb(.)org/cityname page as part of IndieWebCamp_Organizing#Before
- Document when/how to connect up tito registration to yyyy.indieweb(.)org/cityname page as part of IndieWebCamp_Organizing#Before, and be sure to uncomment / show Indie RSVPs!
- needs clean-up, some sort of IA/organization at a minimum clustering of similar "levels" of building blocks for easier chunking / understanding, and most of all, a set of diagrams illustrating how they interrelate
- do an iteration of updating IndieMark per recent tweet about it:
- "I found their IndieMark very interesting and useful for understanding the "how" part:
It "a set of metrics for measuring the indieweb-ness of a site, and a step-by-step approach to incrementally adopting indieweb features on your site"." @eldelacajita January 31, 2019
- "I found their IndieMark very interesting and useful for understanding the "how" part:
- submit patches to add microformats2 support to the HTML output from MHonArc
- ^^^ start here:
- Good example of a series of diagrams to explain the progression of a technology, could be useful to do an IndieWeb building blocks version:
- Incrementally update Getting Started on WordPress for accuracy and user-friendliness, see Chris Aldrich's work in progress on a rewrite: and feel free to merge from there into the current page.
- Simplify into a section with shortest possible list of IndieWeb Building Blocks necessary for interop, including using clustering to make fewer total blocks.
- add
to past camp demo pages for inclusion to Aldrich added a bunch in 2020-07 using search, but likely didn't get them all (yet)
- garden this: Pages that link to "selfdogfood" and instead how to contextually link to
- stub a rude FAQ page based on the general idea as described in with answers to "but it costs money to have a domain" and "but what’s the business model"
- "but it costs money to have a domain" is concern-trolling. It's a nonsense isolated argument when everyone making that argument has spent 100x on their hardware (and annual cell service!) that they are using to make the argument. also until we have cities/states/countries providing UBS like free public water/toilets to housing & healthcare and eventually wifi & domains, if you make something "free" to users then you turn them into the exploited product. also everything costs money and if it doesn't, then someone else is paying on your behalf, and very likely getting something out of it that benefits them in some way, e.g. ads, with the exception of something like UBS which requires political changes.
- "but what’s the business model": Nope, no business model here, please go find something else to exploit you capitalist.
- split reacji and reacjis into two separate pages similar to like and likes
- Make a new identity loss page from why#Identity_loss and leave a summary in place there.
- need to split-up and re-organize any specific content from blockchain into Bitcoin or cryptocurrency (possibly NFT or just as a subsection), and web3 (and maybe a few others?), creating new articles instead of redirects accordingly (please with IndieWeb-relevant definitions), so that all the edits don't go to only a small # of negative articles.
- Check past few weeks of newsletters for heavily edited wiki pages to see if they’ve perhaps grown to big and could have large sections split into separate pages.
- Create a new page for aggregator that is a much broader description than reader or feed reader and includes things like IndieNews and other uses for the word, and redirect aggregators, aggregate, and aggregation to aggregator
- split why post into its own page, it’s worth its own definition and expansion
- update Main_Page to not refer to Selfdogfood and instead say to use what you make or simpler: use the web (instead of email)
- Review whether long-troll should be on the wiki, part of or redirected to something else, or deleted as unrelated to the IndieWeb (may have been an accidental/unintended page creation from chat)
- Improve Getting Started to be at least as friendly for newcomers as:
- Once they've been uploaded, figure out appropriate pages for using the images/cards from IndieWeb Inspirational Cards as "hero" images at the top
- Uploaded: the Wiki links for the images can be found just at/below:
- Should we create a page about BDFLs and/or Messianic thinking as described in as a general warning to both avoid projects/efforts with such personalities, and to avoid becoming such a personality yourself? Also reference savior complex, messiah complex, and playing the victim
- need new page: JS framework (or JavaScript framework, or some other name variant better than these) that collects the JS-specific framework information/links across the wiki, which you can find by searching for "JS framework" or "Javascript framework", and then use it as a main|JS_framework link at the top of this section: framework#JS
- Update Posts about the IndieWeb for 2022-2023 by curating the best IndieNews articles about the IndieWeb from the this-week newsletter published in 2022-2023
- create a new page for the stream of posts from subscriptions/followings like home stream or news feed, find/add press/media references to those phrases and relevant Wikipedia articles as well
- ^ note Facebook introduced its stream of posts feature as news feed per
- Consider stubbing a Web 2.0 page based on the numerous references to it on the IndieWeb wiki, placing it within the context of IndieWeb discussions to clearly community its relevance to the IndieWeb at least minimally in the dfn, and more in the page contents.
- Add some summary user-understandable (non-technical) IndieWeb vision/media "talking points" to DNS and domain name pages so when the press asks you about domain names, you have a crisp & clear story/explanation to provide that has a good chance of being quoted. Context: search for "domain" in
- garden the antipatterns page so it is easier to skim / navigate and easily discover / reference existing anti-patterns
- Need graphic design help to Update a few past IndieWeb buttons from the old logo to the current logo, upload and update the buttons page accordingly.
- figure out a replacement term for "tweetable" and replace non-Twitter-specific instances of it on the wiki accordingly Search results
- Create a new section at the top of to-do for "New Pages to Create" and move items with redlinks in See Also up to the new section
- Come up with a term for the collaborative interactive pixel art grid thingy that both
Aaron Parecki and Sven Knebel have on their home pages now so we can document it as an IndieWeb site feature with examples. And link to it from grid#See_Also
- ^ also link to it from pixel-art#See_Also
- create a new page for DNS propagation to document the problem/challenge of the potential time delay between purchasing a domain name. pointing domain name servers at a web host, and having the domain actually serve your content on your web host. This can be a challenge for new folks at IndieWebCamps who want to setup a new site, and why we encourage new folks to purchase their domain and set it up with at least a static web host like GitHub pages on day 1, so they can get things working on day 2.
- Figure out the purpose of user-profile vs home page (especially homepage#Silo_Examples) vs personal feed and crosslink them accordingly, moving content as necessary, and summarize at the top precisely what the page is about and its relation to the others (do we need a diagram or two or three to help clarify this?)
- split why blog into its own page, moving relevant content from why post and blog#Why and blogging#Why_to_blog, leaving a main template in those places with a summary perhaps of the top 3 points in the context of each page
- go through the red links on 2023/SD/intro-demos and decide which ones should be redirects or new pages that are IndieWeb relevant, and create them accordingly!
- maybe split IWC-specific buttons from general concept on buttons
- fix dfn of ebook to be indieweb relevant and add IndieWeb Examples of at least aaronpk and capjamesg, and See Also pandoc
- lost site unlinking: search for kylewm(.)com davidpea(.)ch notenoughneon(.)com links on the wiki and at a minimum wrap them in "nowiki" tags and if they’re in IndieWeb Examples sections, move them to a "Previous Examples" subsection, and ideally add links from around the time their links were added to each page.
- Consider deleting redirect and creating a new page for 80x15 with its own IndieWeb Examples section (e.g. IndieWeb itself buttons#80x15, global site footer of ), maybe Organization examples (e.g. and links to galleries like
- Go through past IndieWebCamps/cities individual camp pages, for each that has a "Photos" section (each should!), expand dfn to summary of the camp & stats, location including city state (if any) country, nth camp overall, nth in-person (or nth online), nth in country, nth in city/region (e.g. LA as one city region), n total number of participants (remote-only in parens), n sessions (link), n hours of sessions, n hours of recordings (link to playlist of all sessions), keynotes (if any) on topics 1 2 3 (linked recordings) by keynoters A B C (linked personal sites), finishing with n demos
- create a page on non-technical defining it as an unhelpful & unwelcoming othering phrase per discussion in
- "capjamesg, also the very framing of "people who are not technical" is unwelcoming" @[tantek] January 18, 2024
- go through the wiki and copy edit / repair / replace uses of "non-technical" or "non technical" with more helpful & welcoming text, leaving archived meeting/session notes as-is because history is what it was Search results
- check the high level pages which link to IndieMark and re-evaluate if it is serving the intends purpose for those pages or not, and if not, add to IndieMark#todo or similar what needs to be improved about IndieMark
- process topics for /discuss FAQs re: terminology and why/why not to discuss some topics in some channels, and hybrid user/technical origins of IndieWeb vs today's desired user-centric focus by default and movement of all technical specific details to dedicated channels (#indieweb-dev #indieweb-wordpress #indieweb-known) and wiki page sections or technical wiki pages.
- add an FAQ somewhere about "I am a software engineer and I either do not understand IndieWeb or am discouraged by the technical nature" as pointed out by aciccarello & capjamesg in, and note possible explanation
- consider creating a page on full stack debunking the assumption and self-described use of "full stack" by some webdevs to mean they know everything about web development from the server to the pixels (they usually don't) and worse, the anti-learning perspective that "full-stack" reinforces, if you're already "full", that means you have no need or capacity to consume any more knowledge then right?
- Consider creating pages for publish and/or publishing from an IndieWeb perspective that go beyond blogging
- come up with a replacement for "itches" in the context of wikifying#Write_down_your_itches and for the itches page itself (see alternatives at the bottom there) and update that wikifying section accordingly to be more broadly appealing
- delete and recreate and actual meta tag page listing IndieWeb uses of the meta tag whether for viewport, metaformats, or some other actual specific IndieWeb use-case, then link to MDN for the generic meaning / use, no need to duplicate generic info here
- figure out where to document a discoverable place for newcomers to feel welcome to introduce themselves. Perhaps delete/recreate introduction for this purpose and create a separate stub introduction session article documenting the first session at IndieWebCamps like 2019/Introduction
- more for an RSS nostalgia page:
- "Hey #indieweb #openweb #webstandards folks, I'm writing a piece for @fumacapt on why RSS matters and why it's cool. Can you share your personal perspective, resources you go back to, clients for different platforms?That would be ace. It's going to be out next week, and it's in Portuguese." @john_fisherman February 23, 2024
- 2023/Nuremberg/Introductions#To_Do
- 2023/Nuremberg/Projects#To_Do
- archive into separate Projects page per
- archive into separate Demos page per
- Create a simple stub page for terms of service with redirects TOS, ToS, tos that documents examples of terms of service from personal sites (if any?), silos, and others(?), and especially egregious unilateral changes of ToS like that by EyeEm:
- capture the IWC DUS 2021 intro demos notes from chat into the page itself as noted on the stub page now: 2021/Düsseldorf/Intros
- Webmention page needs a specific subsection for services for sending webmentions and then redirects from and to that specific subsection fragment identifier, for easier discoverability to help folks who have a static site or similar send webmentions without having to setup webmention sending directly on their website
- delete the redirect visibility and recreate visibility as a new user-centric page documenting the user-relevant aspects of the visibility of posts, linking to pages/terms like public, unlisted, protected, private, and summarizing what they mean, how they are different, and perhaps including related work in Micropub extensions, other protocols, and tools support. See also audience
- file a feature request issue (or directly submit a PR) on to add h-entry and h-card support for better webmention, reply-context, link-preview etc support
- file a feature request issue (or directly submit a PR) on to add h-entry and h-card support for better webmention, reply-context, link-preview etc support
- purge "Pega" spam from 2024-05-18 meta IRC logs
- Expand the blockchain article with more graphics and more easily understood criticism, citing for example:
which is from
- Figure out how to disentangle and disambiguate readers meaning Feed Readers (e.g. see Special:WhatLinksHere/readers) and the user-friendly term "readers" to mean people reading a/your personal website, which is more active and action-specific than followers which implies a different relationship.
- ^ per events/2024-05-29-hwc-europe discussion
- garden and update reply-chain page, reverify IndieWeb Examples, stub screenshots needed, software/service examples, perhaps distinguish reply-chain shown below a post vs above a post as part of its reply-context
- to do: consider splitting out privacy policy into its own page from disclosure
- Remove [[1]] as a recommendation from pages like Quick Start and IndieWeb as a Service. It has a shutdown notice on the website (as of 2025-01-10). Look to see if Brian Schrader has an announcement somewhere.
- Consider creating an unpublished page based on the mentions in Search results for unpublished, e.g. SearchResults 1 – 7 of 7
- draft Draft posts appear with the preface "This is an unpublished draft. It may or may not be published in the future. Please do not share th ...ting a draft post that does not show up on your home page or any feeds. An unpublished page is visible only to logged in administrators at its permalink. ...
- Musicbrainz Whether it is published or unpublished, popular or fringe, western or non-western, human or non-human — we want it ...
- mobile posting was an Android app "Bookmarklet Free" for this, but it appears it was unpublished in 2018
- 2010-199-tantek-fsws-talk ** 2008 - BoingBoing "unpublished" all articles by Violet Blue (>100 posts)
- Tumblr * Criticism: iOS app hides posts tagged with tags from an unpublished blocklist: thread: ...
- POSSE … by checking if a post on his site has been unpublished / deleted and sending the appropriate api request for likes, reposts and no ...
- Falcon Server: Handle delete saved unpublished post, undelete deleted unpublished post * explicit support for (JS auto-saving) an unpublished draft, like Gmail (no URL? or use post status or something similar) ...
- … and definition primarily meaning a post not yet published but likely intended for publication, secondary meaning a post (or software!) that was published but was explicitly removed from publication however not deleted (though in some cases, deletions of posts by a specific author were referred to as unpublishing that author)
- Extract also mentions/usage of "unpublished" in chat search:
- annotation page's See Also section needs quite a bit of gardening and incorporating into the main page sections