Homebrew Website Club - The Americas was an IndieWeb meetup on Zoom held on 2021-06-02.
- Archived from:
David Shanske
Angelo Gladding
- Maxwell Joslyn
- Erin Brown Template:emb
Marty McGuire
Benjamin Atkin
gRegor Morrill
- Welcome Erin Brown to the Indieweb!
- has been "lurking the Indieweb chats to do reading before speaking up"
- teaches web design and also works in sports journalism
- no website yet but "that's the goal for this summer"
Angelo Gladding discovered that this startup recently changed its name to one which conflicts with his framework,
Marty McGuire describes his Micropub setup on his static site - a separate service which writes content files and commits and pushes them to the site's github repo. that kicks off a different service which actually handles building and publishing the site, sending webmentions, etc.
- based on
- GWG shows recently-added historical post, going back to the 1990s!
- has a "this week in my site history" historical feature
- looking through old trip itineraries and photo rolls and thinking of posting those soon as well.