Homebrew Website Club - The Americas was an IndieWeb meetup on Zoom held on 2021-04-21.
- Archived from:
David Shanske
Jacob Hall
Angelo Gladding
- Template:eitilt
- Maxwell Joslyn
- Ben Atkin
- Kevin Choi
Tracy Durnell
- Jacky Alcine
Tantek Γelik
- journeyman - a trained worker who is employed by someone else or a worker or sports player who is reliable but not outstanding.
- apprentice - a person who is learning a trade from a skilled employer, having agreed to work for a fixed period at low wages.
- three levels of IndieWeb:
- click a button and it just works (
- a little tinkering (Known/WP)
- bespoke/artisinal (spec implementations)
- [ libraries ]
- 2018/NYC/Organizers
- 2018/NYC/badges - IndieMon
- Edit main page:
- Three columns of IndieWeb discussion
Getting_Started - has overview of IndieWeb options Tutorial_Set_up_micro_dot_blog - example of a tutorial on the
- an indieweb commercial?
- get Micro Monday podcast to feature someone from IndieWeb?
- working on each others code, projects, help gettin ghtem working?
- think also: "reply day" where we deliberately go tother peoples websites and write in repsones to their posts
IndieWeb mascot
- Turtle or hermit crab - carries its home with it
- hermit CAT ?!??!
- Loki - dinosaur - robot dinosaur
- - cats
- Anime / pokemon style?
- octopus - gardening
- bees - social bees?
- "Although most bees are solitary or subsocial, the family Apidae contains three distinct groups that exhibit eusocial behavior: these are commonly known as stingless bees, bumble bees, and honey bees."
- mushrooms
- many beautiful varieties!
- mycelium under the earth connects them
- a web version of geocaching - go t a place and find a code gto be entered into some url? is this anything?
- games played between sites with webmentions?
- playing board games between website, eg. chess?
- IndieWeb Chess - space#chess_game_use-case
GIMP mushroom splashscreen: [1] - IWC intro with veggies