Homebrew Website Club Europe/London - 2024 Look Ahead was an IndieWeb meetup on Zoom held on 2024-01-03.
- Archived from:
Mark Sutherland
Sara JakΕ‘a
Yousef Amar
Kevin Marks
Tantek Γelik
Angelo Gladding
Paul Watson
- ... add names
- Making personal websites
- The tools we all use
- WordPress, Laravel, static HTML, templating languages (jinja2, Nunjucks), Hugo, eleventy
- Publishing content from your personal website to the Fediverse:
- Granary translates data structures:
- ... add notes
Sara: James, what is the VS Code equivalent of the Grammarly? Really interested in that, if it does not require internet... (and don't want to derail the conversation with this)
- "Code Spell Checker" by Street Side Software.
- It mainly does typo identification. That's all I really wanted.
Thanks. Even if it dos only that, it is still helpful for some parts of my workflow.
We should lobby Meetable for a standard "notes" field so the Etherpad is easier to find (and subsequently the wiki archive)
representing site status as audio:
jo's new site
- First post!
- Do I win an award? :D
- yes, you get a cookie (imagine a cookie emoji here)
Terence Eden accidentally writes the same post twice
- IndieWeb Gift Calendar: 2023-12-indieweb-gift-calendar
2024 commitments page:
IndieWeb physical display devices
- IoT
capjamesg has a light with colors
- Sven Knebel has a color e-paper display showing the pixel art on his home page
Aaron Parecki has the location "clock" from Harry Potter showing his most recent location:
IndieWeb of Things? IWoT?
Never underestimate the power of a teenager
100 days
Tantek Γelik Other 100 days/posts ideas:
- 100 posts of HTML tags
- 100 posts about web standards
- 100 posts about W3C happenings
capjamesg mentioned 365 days of RFCs
- apparently written by Darius K. of fediverse/activitypub/mastodon writings fame
Productivity discussion
- inboxes
- tinbox - Tantek uses it to gather IndieWeb related to-do items
- todo.txt -
Kevin Marks brought this up
- GTD - Getting Things Done book & framework for productivity
- two part inbox vs curated next-actions concept
- 43 folders concept 12 (for months) + 31 (for days of the month)
Tantek Γelik has found just 12 folders quite useful for this, for moving some date-dependent things out of the "giant pile" of things to do
combining topics
- 100 days of productivity posts
"20 years of notebook"
Dada manifesto as a markov chain
Power of the Streak
Has anyone built a streak summary UI for their own website? Like
- You've posted about topic abc N days/weeks/months in a row, post one today to keep your streak going
- either by type of post, or by hashtag
Tagging people to do posts
- post about this topic abc and then tag 3 (or more/fewer) friends to do the same
- not about replying to your post or soliciting comments/replies
- about asking for others to do their own top-level posts
- this is a photo of something that inspired me, what is a photo of something that inspired you?
- here are my top 5 favorite albums of all time, what is your top 5?
- etc.
- An example of one attempt at that:
where can I get a feed of cats on shoulders?
- could also be a subject for 100 posts!
Are there lists of such trademarks that were elevated to generic usage (often nouns that were verbed) and then fell out of usage? (or are falling out of usage) E.g.
- Netscape
- MySpace / Facebook
- Slashdot -> Hacker Newsed / Reddited
response types
- Is there a flow/process for determining plausible reply/response types for a given URL's content?
- If the reply context is an event, prioritize an RSVP reply type in editor UI
- first use post type discovery, then something more...
- Useful for a bookmarklet for "generic reply" that, regardless of content on the current page, will open your editor with useful reply types and UX preselected
- no need to show "special" response options like RSVP on posts they don't apply to like non-events, or rather, doing so may set user expectations that are disappointed
- If the reply context is an event, prioritize an RSVP reply type in editor UI