
From IndieWeb

Homebrew Website Club - Writing Edition was an IndieWeb meetup on Zoom held on 2024-10-08.



  • HWC aka "Homebrew Writing Club!"
  • No design, no coding, no programming
  • All things involving the written word?

Potential Topics

  • The process of publishing content that you plan to continually change
    • How do you present changes, etc.
    • Google Docs makes that available in the History feature
    • Joe has longer things for which this type of content would be relevant
    • Add Edit: at the end of an article, like journalists do; you could leave a comment too.
    • Joe trying to make site more friendly for reading; emphasizing the words, not visual materials.
    • The Guardian UK includes notes "This article is more than 1 month old"
    • There are a few different things on the spectrum: say something is out of date, make the reader aware something is old, update a post, create a series of posts that show the evolution of thinking.
  • Motivation to write, when and how you write
    • Visible motivation tool (e.g. calendar to track daily streaks)
    • Writing prompts online
    • Writing groups (accountability partners)
    • Writer's block: if you get it what do you do? Asked for many years on (a screenwriting podcast by Jeff Goldsmith)
      • Some don't get it
      • Some write during set hrs
      • Some write a certain number of words
      • Some don't and accept it
      • No right or single answer answer
      • The key seems to try to find what sort of motivational system might work for you, and experiment with that
      • Joe: read in an interview that writers should always be reading -- reading is a potential source of inspiration.
      • Don't overcomplicate writting - just eliminate any steps, that are stopping you, whenever this is editing, deciding the type of post, spellchecking, thinking about reader expectations, quality expectations,... that is how I write more.
  • Use smartphones to transcribe voice notes that can then be published as a blog post.
    • James: You should publish whatever was transcribed in the demo :D
    • Blogging feels more casual / spoken word that happens to be in written form.
    • Q: How to store -- usually in an email, sometimes in notes; used to use Slack for this too.
    • James: What if the results aren't good? Joe: Remember: don't overcomplicate.
  • Jo: You can record an audio diary.
  • Not many people publish audio notes that aren't podcasts.
  • People prefer different modalities; audio / written word / direct instruction / tutorial / livestream.
  • on the topic of audio and AI audio, I'd like to share this project again I think is very cool:
  • Template:arltung demonstrated the iOS keyboard feature to transcribe the words he was saying during the meeting.
  • See also "What is a "Vomit draft" and do you need to write one?"

Molly White does a voiceover of content:

  • James: try to read a story from his blog and tell it to different audiences: children, friends, etc.
  • Incongruence between transcription and the voiceover may be distracting. But it would still be fun to interject details into a recording!
    • Though the movies subtitles (taking here about the subtitles in the same langauge than the movie) do not always correspond word-by-word with what the actors are saying, since they are limited by the time and space and how much they can show and how much people are expected to read in that time frame. So subtitles can be shorter sentences than the movies. + The subtitles can sometimes provide a different specificity than hearing it would.
  • Sound quality matters, but you could add intontations / background to make something more immersive

James likes for manual transcription.

James note to self: Use "like" in a blog post. James idea: Page where you can drag and drop cassette tapes to hear them.

"smartphone supercomputer"

  • Podcasts are a loaded word; the form has already been defined / put in a box.
  • Radio has specific presentation standards / coherence expectations / avoid dead air.
  • Listeners used to engaging with Twitch streams may have different expectations about recorded content
  • Professional content is professionally designed.
    • What is the audience? -- this helps you decide the degree to which you want to produce something.
  • What is the written equivalent of listening to a podcast in the background? Is there one? Reading requires more focus.
    • James: The newspaper when commuting; you can flick through the pages and explore without committing to reading a full thing.
    • Social media can feel like reading for vibes rather than information at times. Social media can be a reading or a thinking space.
  • James likes newspapers because they choose the content for him; he doesn't have to choose anything other than what paper to buy.
    • Bookstores are great because you can go and explore topics that you don't think about too much, and rapidly get new ideas.
    • "Read widely"; go learn about the world.
    • James likes to read lots of pages from different books in bookstores to get ideas.
  • Writing for the web pulls on other mediums than text -- it is hypertext! You can choose to add images, links, drawings, etc. All of this can weave together in storytelling / making blogs.
    • "hypertextual" -- embodying hypertext.
    • Joe / Tracy regularly link to other posts.
  • Tinkering with your website has secondary effects: noticing old links that are broken; finding old posts where you want to write more about the topic; what has changed, what is the same.
  • Scroll through your archives and see whether ideas can be continued.
  • -- the "send later feature in Gmail", per se; write letters to yourself.
    • Yousef writes these regularly.
    • Exercise: write a letter to yourself in the future.
    • Joe Crawford took classes from Larry Forman of San Diego City colleage in classes in Java and later C++ in the early 2000s and had his students write a letter to themselves to be sent many months later and it was a delight to receive that letter. Professor forman included sparkly glitter in the letters and it was delightful to hear from my slightly younger self.
      • "sparkles from the past" -- good band name.
  • The value of writing can come from the writing, not publishing / distribution.
  • Voice notes: it can be hard to record / publish them when you struggle with the sound of your voice.
  • Writing is easy to do technically: you can type. But with audio you need a microphone, etc. Video has a whole other set of requirements -- camera equipment, positioning. Videos take a long time to render.
  • James appreciates listening to vlogs.
  • Question: How to restart writing after not writing for a while? - There is a feeling, that one needs to have a reason to stop writing.
    • Thinking about continuity.
    • Maybe it's the personal significance of a blog that makes me (James) want to justify a break.

Sara: I have stopped writting fanfiction for a couple of years. And a blog for at least a year. No appologises, I just started again when I felt the need to write. For fanfiction, doing a monthly daily challange got be back in the higher level than before.

    • If you start feeling like it is a chore (this is a good description of how it feels like then maybe you need to stop writting for a month or more. Make it forbidden for you. I think it will do you good.
    • Blogging is a hobby for most of us, so only continue with it if it is fun
    • The first blog post after the last time I did not blog for a year was simply a quote from a book, the second was about the book I read
    • I agree with the Tantek suggestion of making it easier (like writting replies) - what type of writting is easiest for you? Write more of that... For me, they are very short fanfiction stories, yours will probably be different

Sara: You don't have to read everything :) It's good writing :D - James ~Thanks.

Sara: James, if you ever need somebody to write with you about the new topic, to make it easier, I will gladly jump on any new topic to write (or co-write if you want)

Streak for writing!

GitHub thing but for writing. Feel more motivated

Gamification for writing?

  • Joe demoed a visualization that showed how many posts were written over a period of time.
  • Tantek: Writing replies to something gives the satisfaction of having written something.
  • Tantek: Writing can be more than top-level posts.
  • Pierre: named blog "Daily dose of nothing" so now it has to be daily.
  • Write when you have a free block of time; while something is going on in the background (i.e. while food is cooking in the background).
  • James likes the challenge of finishing something by a deadline that is set in the moment (i..e before dinner, before midnight.)
  • Joe: Figure out what your rhythms are.
  • Joe: Is there space for an IndieWeb writing prompt? Possibly a daily writing prompt?
    • Tantek Γ‡elik: an "AI" that summarizes yesterday's IndieWeb chat archives into a topic for writing today
    • capjamesg said he could build one purely on statistical analysis
    • Check out (weekly)
    • Creating structure for the prompt would be interesting -- open ended potential (i.e. "here's a photo that means something to me"
    • Something you could answer in a sentence, or dig into deeper.

Sara: Another fun idea for a daily writing is Who, Where, Why and a Lie ( ), simply find a writting partner and start sending daily letter to create a story. (I will glady do it, if you want a partner.)

  • Otherwise there are mutiple monthly challanges with the prompt lists for each day, once could just take one of these. If we take past ones into account, we would have the material for years.
    • James: Can you link to a few of these?
  • What is the writing equivalent of doing a duet, or working with an orchestra?
  • GitHub green squares streak for your website -- streaks.
  • James' MediaWiki contribution sparkline:
  • Anyone could build a third-party service that shows a green sparkline / grid like GitHub of activity of your blog.
    • What are the ethics of this / not great manners potentially? It may make people feel more pressured about not writing.
    • Trends in stats still tell stories.
  • Joe: Is there such thing as a writing coach?
    • Could bloggers be "writing coaches" to each other?
    • James has been motivated to write when in the same room as someone else.
  • Yousef: An opt-in leaderboard of writing; cumulative sum in the month? Send monthly summary.
    • Tracy: Like National Novel Writing Month, where you can see whether someone is "on track" to get 50,000 words for the month.
  • James: Poetry pharmacy; could there be a blogging pharmacy.
  • "Writing Lab" is an amazing expression.
  • Jo: Could you write a blog post that is a list of things you recommend reading if you are sad.
    • James: This could extend to any emotion / feeling / vibe.
  • Tantek Γ‡elik: How do you choose what to write about next? (especially if you have a massive backlog)
    • Yousef: do the easy stuff first!
    • Yousef: prioritise based on demand? The more you're asked about something, the higher it should go
    • Sara: Whatever I feel like inspired to write? I usually have a much smaller amount of ideas hunting my mind
    • I am similar to Sara on this issue ( jo)
    • Sara: It is also easier to write, if the idea recently marrinated in my mind
    • Writing something because it can be a resource you can link other people to. "When to use a for loop" but for writing; three or more, write a post.
  • β€œA writer is a person who cares what words mean, what they say, how they say it. Writers know words are their way towards truth and freedom, and so they use them with care, with thought, with fear, with delight. By using words well they strengthen their souls. Story-tellers and poets spend their lives learning that skill and art of using words well. And their words make the souls of their readers stronger, brighter, deeper.” ― Ursula K. Le Guin
  • Tantek Γ‡elik: How do you know when you are repeating yourself? Could you use help recognizing that?
    • related:
    • Use statistics to find posts you have written in the past that reference the same concepts as a current post.
    • This should be in your writing UI.
    • It can be good to repeat yourself, though! It encourages you to revisit a topic.
    • For technical writing, having exact snippets are helpful.
  • How to build your own auto-complete:
    • You can add synonym expansion / search for root words / stemming / etc.
  • How to find content approximately related: (vector embeddings)
  • Technical writers deserve better tooling - James
    • There should be tools to assemble content; composing content from a corpus of things.
    • ZenDesk for customer support allows you to make standard responses to things that can be recommended when a representative is writing something. Could take into account what the user can access based on their plan, etc. Then a personal touch can be added.
    • Gmail has templates you can create for chunks of text that you can insert by default in an email. (Superhuman has this too)
    • Tantek: first time someone says hello, Loqi responds with a writing prompt.
    • Maybe people could use !topic add [xyz] to add a topic to the random rotation.
    • Use Fisher Yates to shuffle.
    • Should there be a hashtag?
  • Chat topic: Where is the list of bloggers / sites / how do I know what is an "official site"? Well, they are all around; the IndieWeb is more about self empowerment than determining if something is indie web. People have the expectation that this thing exists though.
  • "sparkly ideas"
  • ... add notes
Homebrew Website Club
Events are listed on as of 2020-01
2024 01-03 🎑🌎 β€’ 01-10 🏰🎑 β€’ 01-13 🌌 β€’ 01-17 🎑🌎 β€’ 01-24 🎑 β€’ 01-31 🎑🌎 β€’ 02-07 🎑 β€’ 02-14 🏰🎑🌎 β€’ 02-21 🎑 β€’ 02-28 🎑🌎 β€’ 03-13 🏰🎑🌎 β€’ 03-20 🎑 β€’ 03-27 🎑🌎 β€’ 04-03 🎑 β€’ 04-08 πŸ“œ β€’ 04-10 🏰🎑🌎 β€’ 04-17 🎑 β€’ 04-24 🌎 β€’ 04-27 🌌 β€’ 05-01 🎑 β€’ 05-08 🏰🎑🌎 β€’ 05-09 🌐 β€’ 05-15 🎑 β€’ 05-22 🎑🌎 β€’ 05-23 🌐 β€’ 05-27 πŸ“œ β€’ 05-29 🎑 β€’ 06-05 🎑🌎 β€’ 06-12 🏰🎑 β€’ 06-19 🎑🌎 β€’ 06-26 🎑 β€’ 07-01 πŸ“œ β€’ 07-03 🏰🎑🌎 β€’ 07-10 🏰🎑 β€’ 07-11 🌐 β€’ 07-17 🎑🌎 β€’ 07-24 🎑 β€’ 07-31 🎑🌎 β€’ 08-07 🎑 β€’ 08-14 🎑🌎 β€’ 08-28 🎑🌎 β€’ 09-04 🎑 β€’ 09-11 🎑🌎🌎 β€’ 09-18 🎑 β€’ 09-25 🎑🌎🌎 β€’ 10-02 β€’ 10-08 β€’ 10-09 β€’ 10-16 β€’ 10-30
2023 01-04 🎑🌎 β€’ 01-11🌎 β€’ 01-18 🎑🌎 β€’ 01-25 🌎 β€’ 02-01 🎑🌎 β€’ 02-08 🌎 β€’ 02-15 🎑🌎 β€’ 02-22 🌎 β€’ 03-01 🎑🌎 β€’ 03-08 🎑🌎 β€’ 03-15 🎑🌎 β€’ 03-22 🎑🌎 β€’ 03-29 🎑🌎 β€’ 04-05 🎑 β€’ 04-12 🎑🌎 β€’ 04-15 🌌 β€’ 04-19 🎑 β€’ 04-26 🎑🌎 β€’ 05-03 🎑 β€’ 05-10 🎑🌎 β€’ 05-17 🎑 β€’ 05-20 🌌 β€’ 05-24 🎑🌎 β€’ 05-31 🎑🌎 β€’ 06-07 🎑 β€’ 06-14 🎑🌎 β€’ 06-21 🎑 β€’ 06-28 🎑🌎 β€’ 07-01 🌌 β€’ 07-05 🎑 β€’ 07-12 🎑🌎 β€’ 07-19 🎑 β€’ 07-26 🎑🌎 β€’ 08-02 🎑 β€’ 08-09 🎑🌎 β€’ 08-16 🎑🌎 β€’ 08-23 🎑🌎 β€’ 08-26 🌌 β€’ 09-06 🎑🌎 β€’ 09-13 🎑🌎 β€’ 09-20 🎑 β€’ 09-27 🎑🌎 β€’ 10-04 🎑 β€’ 10-11 🎑🌎 β€’ 10-18 🎑 β€’ 10-25 🎑🌎 β€’ 11-01 🎑 β€’ 11-08 🎑🌎 β€’ 11-15 🎑🏰 β€’ 11-22 🎑🌎 β€’ 11-29 🎑 β€’ 12-06 🎑🌎 β€’ 12-13 🏰🎑 β€’ 12-20 🎑🌎
2022 01-05 🌎 β€’ 01-12 🎑🌎 β€’ 01-19 🌎 β€’ 01-26 🎑🌎 β€’ 02-02 🌎 β€’ 02-09 🎑🌎 β€’ 02-16 🌎 β€’ 02-23 🎑🌎 β€’ 03-02 🌎 β€’ 03-09 🎑🌎 β€’ 03-16 🌎 β€’ 03-23 🎑🌎 β€’ 03-30 🌎 β€’ 04-06 🎑🌎 β€’ 04-13 🌎 β€’ 04-20 🎑🌎 β€’ 04-27 🌎 β€’ 05-04 🧭 β€’ 05-11 🌎 β€’ 05-15 🌐 β€’ 05-18 🎑🌎 β€’ 05-25 🌎 β€’ 06-01 🧭 β€’ 06-08 🌎 β€’ 06-15 🎑🌎 β€’ 06-18 🌌 β€’ 06-22 🌎 β€’ 06-29 🎑🌎 β€’ 07-06 🌎 β€’ 07-13 🌎 β€’ 07-20 🌎 β€’ 07-27 🌎 β€’ 08-03 🌎 β€’ 08-10 🎑🌎 β€’ 08-17 🌎 β€’ 08-24 🎑🌎 β€’ 08-31 🌎 β€’ 09-07 🎑🌎 β€’ 09-14 🌎 β€’ 09-21 🎑🌎 β€’ 09-28 🌎 β€’ 10-02 🌌 β€’ 10-05 🎑🌎 β€’ 10-12 🌎 β€’ 10-19 🎑🌎 β€’ 10-26 🌎 β€’ 11-02 🎑🌎 β€’ 11-09 🌎 β€’ 11-16 🎑🌎 β€’ 11-23 🌎 β€’ 11-30 🎑🌎 β€’ 12-07 🌎 β€’ 12-14 🎑🌎 β€’ 12-21 🎑🌎 β€’ 12-28 🌎
2021 01-06 🎑🌎 β€’ 01-13 🌎 β€’ 01-20 🎑🌎 β€’ 01-27 🌎 β€’ 02-03 🎑🌎 β€’ 02-10 🌎 β€’ 02-17 🎑🌎 β€’ 02-24 🌎 β€’ 03-03 🎑🌎 β€’ 03-10 🌎 β€’ 03-17 🎑🌎 β€’ 03-24 🌎 β€’ 03-31 🎑🌎 β€’ 04-07 🌎 β€’ 04-14 🎑🌎 β€’ 04-21 🌎 β€’ 04-28 🎑🌎 β€’ 05-05 🌎 β€’ 05-12 🎑🌎 β€’ 05-19 🌎 β€’ 05-26 🎑🌎 β€’ 06-02 🌎 β€’ 06-09 🎑🌎 β€’ 06-16 🌎 β€’ 06-23 🎑🌎 β€’ 06-30 🌎 β€’ 07-07 🎑🌎 β€’ 07-14 🌎 β€’ 07-21 🎑🌎 β€’ 07-28 🌎 β€’ 08-04 🌎 β€’ 08-11 🌎 β€’ 08-18 🎑🌎 β€’ 08-25 🌎 β€’ 09-01 🌎 β€’ 09-15 🎑🌎 β€’ 09-22 🌎 β€’ 09-29 🎑🌎 β€’ 10-06 🌎 β€’ 10-13 🎑🌎 β€’ 10-20 🌎 β€’ 10-27 🎑🌎 β€’ 11-03 🌎 β€’ 11-10 🎑🌎 β€’ 11-17 🌎 β€’ 11-24 🌎 β€’ 12-01 🌎 β€’ 12-08 🎑🌎 β€’ 12-15 🌎 β€’ 12-22 🌎 β€’ 12-29 🌎
2020 2020-01 β€’ 2020-02 β€’ 2020-03 β€’ 2020-04 β€’ 2020-05 β€’ 2020-06 β€’ 06-17 🌴 β€’ 2020-07 β€’ … β€’ 08-05🌴 β€’ 08-12🌴 β€’ 08-19🌴 β€’ 08-26🌴 β€’ 09-02🌴 β€’ 09-09🌴 β€’ 09-16🌴 β€’ 09-23🌴 β€’ 09-30🌴 β€’ 10-07🌴 β€’ 10-14🌴 β€’ 10-21🌎 β€’ 10-28🌎 β€’ … β€’ 11-04 🌎 β€’ 11-11 🌎 β€’ 11-18 🌎 β€’ 11-25 🌎 β€’ 12-02 🌎 β€’ 12-09 🌎 β€’ 12-16 🌎 β€’ 12-23 🌎 β€’ 12-30 🌎
2019 12-22 β€’ 12-11 β€’ 12-04 β€’ 11-27 β€’ 11-21 β€’ 11-16 β€’ 11-13 β€’ 11-06&07 β€’ 10-30&31 β€’ 10-16&19 β€’ 10-02 β€’ 09-26 β€’ 09-18&19 β€’ 09-11&12 β€’ 09-04&05 β€’ 09-02 β€’ 08-28 β€’ 08-21 β€’ 08-19 β€’ 08-15 β€’ 08-07&08 β€’ 08-05 β€’ 08-01 β€’ 07-24&25 β€’ 07-22 β€’ 07-18 β€’ 07-10&11&13 β€’ 07-03&04 β€’ 06-26&27 β€’ 06-24 β€’ 06-20 β€’ 06-12&13 β€’ 06-10 β€’ 06-09 β€’ 06-06 β€’ 05-29&30 β€’ 05-27 β€’ 05-23 β€’ 05-15 β€’ 05-09 β€’ 05-01&02 β€’ 04-29 β€’ 04-25 β€’ 04-17&18 β€’ 04-15 β€’ 04-11 β€’ 04-03&04 β€’ 04-01 β€’ 03-28 β€’ 03-20&21 β€’ 03-06 β€’ 02-27 β€’ 02-20 β€’ 02-06 β€’ 01-23 β€’ 01-09
2018 12-26 β€’ 12-12&11 β€’ 11-28&27 β€’ 11-14&11-13 β€’ 10-31 β€’ 10-17&16 β€’ 10-10&09 β€’ 10-03 β€’ 09-19&18 β€’ 09-05 β€’ 08-22 β€’ 08-08 β€’ 08-01 β€’ 07-25 β€’ 07-11 β€’ 07-04 β€’ 06-27 β€’ 06-13 β€’ 05-30&29 β€’ 05-23 β€’ 05-16&15 β€’ 05-02&01 β€’ 04-18 β€’ 04-11 β€’ 04-10 β€’ 04-04 β€’ 03-27 β€’ 03-21 β€’ 03-14 β€’ 03-07 β€’ 02-21&20 β€’ 02-14 β€’ 02-07&06 β€’ 01-24&23 β€’ 01-11&10&09
2017 12-27 β€’ 12-14&13&12 β€’ 11-30&29 β€’ 11-22 β€’ 11-16&15 β€’ 11-01 β€’ 10-19&18 β€’ 10-05&04 β€’ 09-21&20 β€’ 09-13 β€’ 09-07&06 β€’ 08-23 β€’ 08-15 β€’ 08-09&08 β€’ 08-02 β€’ 07-26&25 β€’ 07-12&11 β€’ 06-28 β€’ 06-20 β€’ 06-14 β€’ 06-07&06 β€’ 05-31 β€’ 05-17 β€’ 05-10 β€’ 05-03 β€’ 04-26 β€’ 04-19 β€’ 04-12 β€’ 04-05 β€’ 03-22 β€’ 03-08 β€’ 03-02&01 β€’ 02-22 β€’ 02-14 β€’ 02-08 β€’ 01-25 β€’ 01-11
2016 12-28 β€’ 12-21 β€’ 12-14 β€’ 12-07 β€’ 11-30 β€’ 11-23 β€’ 11-16 β€’ 11-09 β€’ 11-02 β€’ 10-26 β€’ 10-19 β€’ 10-05 β€’ 09-21 β€’ 09-14 β€’ 09-07 β€’ 08-24 β€’ 08-17 β€’ 08-10 β€’ 07-27 β€’ 07-13 β€’ 07-06 β€’ 06-29 β€’ 06-15 β€’ 06-08 β€’ 06-01 β€’ 05-25 β€’ 05-18 β€’ 05-11 β€’ 05-04 β€’ 04-27 β€’ 04-20 β€’ 04-12 β€’ 04-06 β€’ 03-23 β€’ 03-09 β€’ 02-24 β€’ 02-10&09 β€’ 02-02 β€’ 01-27 β€’ 01-13
2015 12-30 β€’ 12-16 β€’ 12-08 β€’ 12-02&01 β€’ 11-24 β€’ 11-18&17 β€’ 11-10 β€’ 11-04&03 β€’ 10-21&20 β€’ 10-13 β€’ 10-07&06 β€’ 09-24&23 β€’ 09-17 β€’ 09-10&09 β€’ 09-03 β€’ 08-27&26 β€’ 08-20 β€’ 08-13&12 β€’ 07-29 β€’ 07-15 β€’ 07-01 β€’ 06-17 β€’ 06-03 β€’ 05-20 β€’ 05-06 β€’ 04-22 β€’ 04-08 β€’ 03-25 β€’ 03-11 β€’ 02-25 β€’ 02-11 β€’ 02-07-ko β€’ 01-28 β€’ 01-14
2014 12-17 β€’ 12-03 β€’ 11-19 β€’ 11-05 β€’ 10-22 β€’ 10-08 β€’ 10-05-par β€’ 09-24 β€’ 09-10 β€’ 08-27 β€’ 08-13 β€’ 07-30 β€’ 07-16 β€’ 07-02 β€’ 06-18 β€’ 06-04 β€’ 05-21 β€’ 05-07 β€’ 04-23 β€’ 04-09 β€’ 03-26 β€’ 03-19 β€’ 03-12 β€’ 02-26 β€’ 02-12 β€’ 01-29 β€’ 01-15
2013 12-18 β€’ 12-04 β€’ 11-20