Homebrew Website Club - The Americas was an IndieWeb meetup on Zoom held on 2021-03-17.
- Archived from:
- Maxwell Joslyn
- Herb Bowie
David Shanske
- Jacob Hall
Angelo Gladding
- Scott Jack
- Benjamin Atkin
- Kevin Choi
Tantek Γelik
Welcome Scott Jack!
- microformats and properties for music posts
- Jacob mentioned MusicBrainz for tagging his music -- looks like they have an API with JSON and XML endpoints
- ...and ListenBrainz is their new project for scrobbles! It seems to be in early beta but I'm getting pretty excited about it and would love to hear others' thoughts -jacob
Control my desk light! Post to come
How useful is it to post granular information about your life? We discussed the virtues of posting your day-to-day drinking, health, travel data
- Ben Atkin brings up a great point - "It's impressive that Aaron conducts himself in such a way that he is confident sharing all that info about his life"
- Dave mentions Aaron had some [privacy-related?] issues with posting his flight itineraries before flying - some kind of unwanted attention; had to change them to show up on his site after each flight takes place
- it's so easy accidentally leak more data than you intended, such as by failing to strip EXIF from photos
Jacob's demo: added a homepage feed to his site w/ post type display, and sent his first webmention!