Homebrew Website Club Europe/London was an IndieWeb meetup on Zoom held on 2022-08-10.
- When: 2022-08-10
- Archived from:
Session: HWC London 10/08/22
Please note that all contributions to this pad and other IndieWebCamp documents are considered to be released under the public domain according to CC0.
Mark Sutherland
- ... add names
- Using Laravel for building a site
- Lots of fundamental structure similarities between Laravel and frameworks in other languages like Ruby on Rails in Ruby
- Showing posts from the "distant past" (posts from long ago that don't have a timestamp assigned)
- Walkthroughs of how marksuth's website work
- Walkthrough of James' site
- James uses GitHub Actions
- ... add notes
Please note that all contributions to this pad and other IndieWebCamp documents are considered to be released under the public domain according to CC0.