(Redirected from events/2023-01-11-homebrew-website-club-pacific)
Homebrew Website Club - Pacific was an IndieWeb meetup on Zoom held on 2023-01-11.
- Archived from:
David Shanske
Anthony Ciccarello
T Michelle Moore
Angelo Gladding
Benjamin Atkin
Tantek Γelik
gRegor Morrill
benji demonstrated his watched page
- Some people will back-date posts to when they happened (published date old, updated as current date)
David Shanske has his first dentist appointment backdated and an updated posts feed for when those old posts are created/updated
- Recipes can be posted with plain text or can format ingretients with formatted amounts
Anthony Ciccarello used cooklang with this recipe (source) but hasn't used cooklang since
- Cooklang rendered output will sometimes list ingredients multiple times (if used in different steps)
Anthony Ciccarello would love to have ability to scale recipe ingredients
Anthony Ciccarello has intentionally avoided adding locations to posts to counteract "Instagram culture" where popular photos triggering overcrowding at a few places rather than exploring places nearby.
- Mix of Solid and IndieWeb attendees
- IndieWebCamps/Attending#Overall_Format
- What is a CMS?
- What is the difference between a CMS, SSG, static site CMS?
Anthony Ciccarello uses Netlify CMS. Considers a SSG a tool to generate HTML from a content source. CMS is a tool to create/manage content, and a SS CMS a tool to create/manage the source for a SSG.