IndieWebCamp NYC 2014 was a two-day maker event for creating and/or improving your personal website, and the very first IndieWebCamp in New York City.

Own your data.
Rather than posting content on third-party silos of content, we should all own the content we're creating. Publish on your own domain, and syndicate out to silos.
Join us at The New York Times building in New York City for two days of a BarCamp-style gathering of web creators building and sharing open web technologies to empower users to own their own identities & content, and advance the state of the indie web.
- When: through at
- Where: The New York Times,
620 8th Ave (corner of 40th Street & 8th Ave),
New York City, NY, US, . - URL: http://indiewebcamp.com/2014/NYC
- Cost: Free
- Directions: Just about every MTA subway train goes to Times Square. The Times Building is at the corner of 8th Ave & 40th St. When you get to the Times Building:
- Ring a doorbell at the outside, security should let you into the lobby
- Go to the security desk near the atrium (look for the trees).
- The security guards have the list of people who have RSVP'd.
- Guest List - click and add yourself (and optionally an apprentice)
- http://werd.io/2014/indiewebcamp-nyc Indie Event! Reply with an RSVP post on your own site and send a webmention!
- Lanyrd
- Plancast
Day 1: Discussion | Day 2: Hacking | |
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- Session Proposals
- Schedule Grid - hyperlinked to actual session pages
- Demos
- Sessions notes were taken directly into IRC:
Individual Session wiki pages - Day 1 (transfer from Etherpads as sessions complete)
- Introductions
- Showed IndieWebCamp ad (parody of SquareSpace ad)
- Demos
See and document from Day 1 IRC archives.
At Start:
- ...
- ...
At Finish: (see Day 2 IRC archives for details)
- Paul Ford demonstrated setting up rel-me on an android, then editing the wiki on same android to add himself to the Guest_List!
- Bear showed the work he has done to get his webmention post daemon to insert incoming mentions into the generated html files
- Tantek demoed his home-page contact buttons that allow anyone to reach him using only the html on his own site. (needs to be expanded, this is from memory)
- Jeremy Zilar showed that his website is now handling inbound webmentions, that his short form posts are being POSSE'd to twitter.
- Chloe Weil demoed a project she has been working on to extract all the personal metadata out of iTunes and into a database that she can manipulate.
When this seems pretty comprehensive, move it to Demos.
Our thanks to these sponsors for supporting the event.
- New York Times sponsored the venue meeting space, and morning coffee, bagels, and fruit.
- &yet sponsored lunch for Saturday and Sunday.
- Mozilla sponsored Saturday dinner and Sunday afternoon coffee & cookies.
Want to sponsor a future IndieWebCamp event? See:
- Organizers:
Jeremy Zilar,
Tantek Çelik,
Brian J Brennan
- Want to help organize? Get in touch with us on IRC!
- Want to help out?
- New York Times is hosting in a large conference room with
- a divider wall
- two long tables with ~20 chairs around each
- two projectors, one for each table
- 9:00-19:00 access to facilities each day
Food tasks:
- Breakfast/coffee (fruit, energy bars, bagels/shmear): NYT / Jeremy Zilar
- Plan: delivery lunches, and going out for Saturday dinner
- Saturday lunch: sponsor? order sandwiches? or downstairs Schnippers (sp?) burgers, fries, veggie burgers, milkshakes. can place an order online and have them bring it up, names on bags.
- Saturday dinner - Beer Authority (beer menu, bar food) 8th Ave & 40th Street
- Mozilla sponsorship(?)
- Sunday lunch: Lazzaras Pizza
- bandwidth fine
- decent wifi
Rooms have:
- projector screens
- power cords, power strips - all there in the tables
Session Grid: (Jeremy)
- 4x6" sticky notes (various colors?)
- sharpie pens
Questions for Organizers
- What is the capacity of the venue?
- 30-35 in unified room
- How many rooms will we have for sessions at the venue, how big is each, projectors? whiteboards?
- Conference room 1 / 20 / projector
- Conference room 2 / 20 / projector
- ... for each room
Put suggestions for Indie Web Camp New York City 2014 here.
- ...
- keep figuring out what else needs to be done to make the camp happen
- dividing up roles/responsibilities among organizers/volunteers
- do yours and help everyone else with theirs too.
Invite NYC Creators
We should reach out to NYC Creators and send them personal invitations, even publicly so (e.g. @-mention on Twitter), e.g.
- organizers of Brooklyn Beta - Chris & Cameron
- participants in Brooklyn Beta
Invite NYC Bloggers
Now that we have "Bloggers" as another category of participant, we should reach out to those that have shown an interest in things IndieWeb or indieweb-like and send them personal invitations, even publicly so (e.g. @-mention on Twitter), e.g.
- Anil Dash - http://dashes.com/ (e.g. The Web We Lost)
- invited per tweets from KevinMarks and Tantek
- Gina Trapani
- invited per tweets from KevinMarks and Tantek
- Paul Ford (@ftrain)
- Kevin Marks invited him via tweet
- Jeremy Zilar reached out to him
- Michael Donohoe (@donohoe) - leads up the dev team at the New Yorker
- Jeremy Zilar invite him
- Jeffrey Zeldman - http://zeldman.com/
- Jason Kottke - http://kottke.org (R.I.P. The Blog, 1997-2013)
- ...