Indie Web Camp Brighton 2015
The importance of owning your data is getting more awareness. To grow it and help people get started, we're meeting for a bar-camp like collaboration in Brighton for two days of brainstorming, working, teaching, and helping.
Join us in Brighton and learn how to use open web technologies to empower and – maybe more importantly – encourage users to own their own content and identities.
- When: to at
- Where: 68 Middle Street, Brighton, England.
- URL: http://indiewebcamp.com/2015/Brighton
- Cost: Free
- You can sign up to attend here.
- Once you've done that, please add yourself to this page...

Name: Alison Austin
Personal URL:
Name: Amy Guy
Personal URL: http://rhiaro.co.uk/
Name: andrea rota
Personal URL: http://mey.vn/
Elsewhere: github.com/hotzeplotz @hotzeplotz
Name: Andy Dennis
Personal URL: http://dennisimo.com/
Name: Ashley Nye
Personal URL: http://ashleynye.co.uk/
Elsewhere: @ashjnye
Name: Auli Kütt
Personal URL: https://kirilind.me
Elsewhere: github.com/kirilind @kirilind
Name: Benjamin Parry
Personal URL: http://benjamin.parry.is
Elsewhere: github.com/benjaminparry @benjaminparry
Name: Calum Ryan
Personal URL: http://calumryan.com/
Elsewhere: @Calum_Ryan
Name: Daz Mothersele
Personal URL: http://www.darrenmothersele.com
Name: Giulia Alfonsi
Personal URL: https://giugee.com/
Name: Glenn Jones
Personal URL: http://glennjones.net/
Name: Guillermo Martinez
Personal URL: http://martinsgraphic.com
Name: Hesam Bahrami
Personal URL: http://gilgaz.com
Name: Johannes Dachsel
Personal URL: http://johannesdachsel.com/
Elsewhere: @johannesdachsel, github.com/johannesdachsel
Name: John Ellison
Personal URL: http://john-ellison.com
Elsewhere: https://github.com/johnellison github.com/johnellison] @iamjohnellison
Name: Josh Harrington
Personal URL: http://joshharrington.co.uk
Elsewhere: github.com/JoshHarrington @Josh_Harrington
Name: Lewis Nyman
Personal URL: http://lewisnyman.co.uk/
Name: Linnea Olsen
Personal URL: http://www.lilylionheart.se/
Name: Mark Norman Francis
Personal URL: http://marknormanfrancis.com/
Name: Nina Cornwall
Personal URL:
Name: Paul Lloyd
Personal URL: http://paulrobertlloyd.com
Elsewhere: github.com/paulrobertlloyd @paulrobertlloyd
Name: Paul Tibbetts
Personal URL: https://paultibbetts.uk/
Name: Paul Tran-Van
Personal URL:
Name: Paulo de Sousa
Personal URL:
Name: Peter Molnar
IndieWeb Projects: WordPress plugin: Keyring Reactions Importer
Personal URL: https://petermolnar.eu
Name: Robert Brook
Personal URL: http://robert-brook.com/
Name: Rosa Fox
Personal URL: http://www.rosa-fox.com/
Elsewhere: github.com/Rosa-Fox @rosaemerald
Name: Timon Walshe-Grey
Personal URL: http://yellowrabbitapps.co.uk/
Elsewhere: github
Name: Tom Morris
Personal URL: https://tommorris.org/
Name: LA Rafael
Personal URL: https://opensourcespecialist.co.uk/
Name: Valerie Hanesse
Personal URL:
Remote Attending
Name: Kevin Marks
IndieWeb Projects: unmung, fragmentions, noterlive, indiecard contribute to mf2py, microformat tests
Personal URL: http://www.kevinmarks.com
Elsewhere: @kevinmarks, github.com/kevinmarks, known, old blog
Name: Shane Hudson
Personal URL: https://shanehudson.net
Elsewhere: @shanehudson, github.com/shanehudson
Name: Jeremy Keith
Organization: Clearleft
IndieWeb Projects: small snippets of PHP and HTML for webmentions and POSSEing https://gist.github.com/adactio
Personal URL: https://adactio.com/
Elsewhere: twitter, github, dribbbleinstagram, huffduffer
Name: Charlotte Jackson
Organization: Clearleft
Personal URL: http://www.lottejackson.com/
Name: Tatiana Ugriumova
Organization: Drupal.org
Personal URL:
Day 1: Discussions | Day 2: Hacking | |
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14:00-14:45: 14:45-15:30 15:30-16:15 16:15-17:00 |
Blog posts
See 2015#Blog.