(Redirected from 2021-07-10/Create/Notes)
Create Day July 2021 was a one-day virtual IndieWebCamp held on 2021-07-10.
Notes archived from: https://etherpad.indieweb.org/IWCCreateDay-2021-07-10
- capjamesg - jamesg.blog
- David Shanske
- Kevin Marks
- Tracy Durnell
- capjamesg is improving his blog search engine at https://search.jamesg.blog (but is in the UK so most / all work is not happening on call)
- Aaron Parecki is building an IndieAuth Ticket Auth implementation
- Martijn van der Ven is adding data to his homepage that will only show when a Bearer token is provided from the ticket auth.
- Finished and live: when using a valid Bearer token the URL of the "logged in" user shows at the top of the page, and the visitor is given a preview of the future profile photo.
- Tracy Durnell is designing a mushroom mascot and working on the 2021/homepage proposed update.
- Astrid Yu is continuing her sweeping rewrite of her website.
David Shanske
- Abstracted out the external token store and enhanced it to expire or refresh old tokens if an expiry is set.
- Fixed error messages based on other people testing.