If you're interested in hosting a pop-up session, feel free to use this page to brainstorm or flesh out your event(s), or ask for help in the IndieWeb chat.
If you instead want to see a session happen or want someone else to host a session on a topic, please bring it up in IndieWeb chat and see if you can find someone interested to host (and have them add it to the wiki instead of you).
The session planning/development progresses on this page, by trying to get a core group of individuals who advise availability and interest, with sufficient time for others to join as well.
Once you confirm a date, please create an event on events.indieweb.org with the tag "popup", and create a page for session notes on the wiki, for example 2020/Pop-ups/GettingStartedWithWordPress. See our guidance for organizing pop-ups.
There is also a list of potential sessions that were held over in 2020 which may make interesting sessions for the future.
An incomplete list of holidays and other nearby events can be found on the planning page to help prevent scheduling conflicts.
h-events in WordPress Plugins
Greg McVerry and
David Shanske
- Can we do a hacking challenge and add proper microformats for events to popular Wordpress calendar plug-ins?
- #wordpressevents
- Google Meet
- Hack day? Maybe
- Demos? Hopefully
Add your +1 for interest in this topic:
Microformats Roundtable
Let's work through and discuss some of the open Microformats issue trackers. The proposal is to schedule 60, 90, or 120 minutes at a regular interval, either every month, every other month, or every 3 months, so we can finally address some of the long-standing microformats issues we have in the community. If we choose an alternating schedule, we can have different people from our various timezones each time.
- Name: Microformats Popup: Microformats2 Issues Resolution Session
- Description: (draft, feel free to edit/improve)
Designed for humans first and machines second, microformats are a set of simple, open data formats built upon existing and widely adopted standards.
Let's discuss how we can close out some outstanding microformats2 issues.
This is an intermediate session, with a prerequisite of basic knowledge of HTML and microformats. Experience with publishing and/or parsing is a plus. All are welcome.
More details will be posted over time
At the 2020/Pop-ups/Microformats session, there were several takeaways that would be good to resolve before trying another session. Specifically,
- perhaps a flow diagram of how a property can advance from proposed > draft > core
- what are the requirements / is the process to iterate on a Proposed property?
- what are the requirements / is the process to iterate on a Draft property?
- explicit lists of steps to follow to add a proposed property (with example "what specific real world use-cases they are solving, preferably with a link to a step-by-step user scenario, e.g. demonstratable using existing non-standard / single-site / single-implementation tools"), and transition a property from proposed to draft to core
- GitHub project labels to indicate the current state, and next-action(s) for individual proposals
- perhaps a flow diagram of the process for how a whole new microformat is developed and can be advance into a draft proposal and further
- using h-app as a live example that is actively being supported
- update https://microformats.org/wiki/process#Exploratory_Discussions accordingly
- higher level reasons / discussions of when to explore a new property for an existing microformat vs a new microformat
If we do not at least have a detailed proposal on this to discuss, then any discussion of stabilization will not be successful.
Add your +1 for interest in this topic:
David Shanske
Jacky Alciné - I have things I'd like to ask/address over at my user page.
Aaron Parecki
Tantek Çelik
Chris Aldrich
Barnaby Walters
Binyamin Green
gRegor Morrill
David Somers [omz13]
Aaron Parecki
- Add yourself here… (see this for more details)
- organizer(s) / facilitators
David Shanske - Organizer but not necessarily facilitator
Jacky Alciné is open to facilitate to get learning experience on how to
- Date
- Time
- Short description of the session
- #hashtag (used to create an Etherpad for the session
- Streaming video/audio platform
- Hack day?
- Demos?
Add your preferences below (using -1/0/+1 voting with your name and/or potential conflicts)
Tantek Çelik would cannot really do Saturdays (or Sundays for that matter), would prefer Fridays
capjamesg would prefer Friday, Saturday, or Sunday, but is open to other times. No times later than 12 noon PT.
Barnaby Walters is usually not free Sunday evenings (CET), flexible otherwise
David Shanske has a preference for weekends because he thinks people are more likely off work, but is available on weekdays on December 2, 9 and 15, 16, 19-21, 26, 27 as well as January 2nd
Aaron Parecki unavailable on Sundays, flexible otherwise, Pacific timezone
- ...
There are a number of common pieces of functionality that are shared across IndieWeb services, such as a means to provide /reply-context. This is used to facilitate bridging in some cases.
We can do this using i.e. a shared Python library, but it leads to be language-specific, and can't be used for folks in different tech stacks.
Instead, we can provide common HTTP-based services - perhaps backed by these shared libraries - to provide language-agnostic tools.
These services are pipes, and during this pop-up, let's discuss some of the existing services, as well as brainstorm some alternatives that we as a community want to go after.
Add your +1 for interest in this topic:
Jamie Tanna
Ryan Barrett
Angelo Gladding
David Somers [omz13]
Jacky Alciné
Peter Molnar
- Add yourself here… (see this for more details)
- organizer(s) / facilitators
- Date
- Time
- Short description of the session
- #hashtag (used to create an Etherpad for the session - #pipes
- Streaming video/audio platform
- Hack day? - maybe as a follow-up? or as part of it?
- Demos?
Add your preferences below (using -1/0/+1 voting with your name and/or potential conflicts)
- +1
Jamie Tanna
2022-05-14: note There is a tentative weekend HWC on the 15th, for 2 hours though
- 0
Jacky Alciné
- -1
Jamie Tanna
- +1
Jacky Alciné
- +1
Jamie Tanna
- +1
Jamie Tanna
- +1
Jamie Tanna
Using DWeb tech on the IndieWeb. How can one leverage Tor/IPFS/Hypercore/Braid(OT/CRDT) on their website today? Also, a crash course of IW building blocks for people coming from the DWeb and an appeal to cross-pollinate by prototyping from your own site.
Add your +1 for interest in this topic:
Jacky Alciné - Ideas on p2p/dweb sites are on my userpage
- Maxwell Joslyn - I'm hugely into Braid. I want to use it to enable cross-site goblin invasions. Count me in times 100.
- +0
Tantek Çelik - here to help cross-pollinate, and reality check, e.g.
- IPFS is a hashweb, not a "DWeb" in any user-centric meaningful way
- Add yourself here… (see this for more details)
- organizer(s) / facilitators
Angelo Gladding
Jacky Alciné
- Add yourself here… (see this for more details)
- Date
- Time
- Short description of the session
- #hashtag (used to create an Etherpad for the session
- Streaming video/audio platform
- Hack day?
- Demos?
Personal Site Search
How can personal websites leverage search to provide a better experience to their users? What are the benefits and tradeoffs of deferring site search to an external provider like Google or DuckDuckGo versus building one's own personal search engine? What features should a personal search engine have? These are questions we would like to discuss in the Personal Site Search Pop Up.
This session is a place for anyone who owns a personal site, or who is interested in personal sites, to come and discuss web search in the context of their site.
Add your +1 for interest in this topic:
capjamesg is interested in hosting this event
Chris Aldrich
Jacky Alciné is interested in this for seeding Microsub clients
- Add yourself here… (see this for more details)
- organizer(s) / facilitators
- Add yourself here… (see this for more details)
- Date
- Time
- Short description of the session
- #hashtag (used to create an Etherpad for the session
- Streaming video/audio platform
To discuss how we will decide to restart in-person events, reflect on how the online only model has worked for us, and other outstanding organizers issues.
Not sure if this is for you? See Organizers for a brief description of who is an IndieWeb organizer (changes every year!)
Add your +1 for interest in this topic:
David Shanske
Tantek Çelik
Aaron Parecki
Chris Aldrich
- Maxwell Joslyn - if I understand the current (2021-05-12) definition of organizers, hosting a number of HWCs over the last year counts. I'd like to learn more about running larger Indieweb events, and in-person ones, so I can help do so in the future.
Marty McGuire
- Add yourself here… (see this for more details)
- Date
- Time
- Short description of the session
- #hashtag (used to create an Etherpad for the session
- Streaming video/audio platform
Positive Arguments
Many reasons we share to join the IndieWeb are negative, focused on why the corporate web is bad. In 2021, a lot of people are aware of the problems with corporate sites, but may see no other option, so could a perspective shift to focus on the positive attributes of the IndieWeb encourage more to join?
The goal of the session would be to discuss which parts of a 2012 discussion about positive arguments for the IndieWeb are still relevant, which might have gone stale, and if there's anything missing, add it, while making the page into a bit nicer to read. Additionally I'd like to add the topic of "self expression" is essentially missing from the wiki. We're in 2022, and communities like Yesterweb are gaining a lot of traction, because they focus on the same aspects as what made the web a hobby in the 90s and the early 2000s: freedom of (artistic) expression, having a home on the net, a custom representation of one's self. The epitome of this was probably Flash, the most popular of it was MySpace profiles, and I'm starting to believe that we're losing this from the web, and it was never a strong point in IndieWeb.
- organizer(s)
Add your +1 for interest in this topic:
Tracy Durnell - interested in this from a marketing perspective, and maybe talking about whether / how self-expression and the "weird web" connect with a DIY / handmade ethos (webpunk?) and aesthetic
David Shanske
Binyamin Green - It's entirely possible to shift perspective, within the current set of arguments. Similar to Tracy, I'd like to see about improving PR for the IndieWeb.
Jacky Alciné
- I'm interested to see how we can do a more-pro versus "ugh, the cons" and even weave that into our sites
Chris Lott
Chris Aldrich
- Template:hollie
- Add yourself here… (see this for more details)
Meta Gardening / Collective Community Science Online
Looking at the big picture of the personal website / blog ecosystem: what is made possible with our websites en masse? What could our websites contribute? There are community science apps and websites people can contribute to, is there an IndieWeb way to participate? It can be hard to find useful gardening information and learn from others' experience and wisdom.
- ways to collate observational data from many websites for scientific use?
- using microformats to mark up observational data and gardening info (e.g. companion planting)
- collecting microclimate data corresponding to natural phenomena (phenology) - is this useful if collected in a standardized format by many bloggers in many places? is this useful to track for climate change?
- how can we track our own gardening info in a way that's useful for ourselves, and others? (e.g. varieties, timing, companion planting, style of gardening, etc. to make planting decisions easier next year)
- ways to exchange gardening advice on our websites
- organizer(s)
Tracy Durnell
- Add yourself here… (see this for more details)
Add your +1 for interest in this topic:
Anthony Ciccarello
- +1
Jacky Alciné
- I have the goal of building a mointorable garden sometime in 2022 so this would be ideal for me.
Chris Aldrich
- Add yourself here… (see this for more details)
Personal websites as productivity tools
How can, and do, people use their websites as productivity tools or to increase their effectiveness? What systems and processes do people use to get the most out of their site?
Types of productivity and personal growth people probably use their websites for:
- Tracking - quantified self
- Task management - replacement for apps?
- Learning / knowledge management - digital gardens
- Accountability - personal reviews
- organizer(s)
Tracy Durnell
Chris Aldrich (happy to help out)
- Add yourself here… (see this for more details)
Add your +1 for interest in this topic:
Jacky Alciné
Chris Lott
Chris Aldrich
Jamie Tanna
- Add yourself here… (see this for more details)
IndieWeb and Activism
How does IndieWeb fit into political activism, resistance, and counterculture? On social media, it's become common to share messages about social justice and participate in 'events' like changing your profile picture to showcase support for a movement. How are people using their websites now to write about or support causes? What benefits could a distributed communication model offer organizers? What challenges and risks does website-based activism face?
- organizer(s) / facilitators
Tracy Durnell
- Add yourself here… (see this for more details)
Add your +1 for interest in this topic:
- +1
Tantek Çelik
Chris Aldrich
- +1
Jacky Alciné is curious!
- Template:hollie is very interested!
- Add yourself here… (see this for more details)
Related Wiki Pages
Sending the Golden Ticket: TicketAuth Delivery
The needed extension to IndieAuth to allow people to get per-user access to resources on our site is here. The extension doesn't explicit say how one could go about this and how one could build up such a system for their own use (or for the use of others). This popup is an attempt to collect ideas from the community on how implementors and users of TicketAuth could go about making it work. Current and previous idea include the following:
- after someone follows you,
- to whomever sends you a Webmention,
- people within your address book
- ... add some ideas ...
Hat tip to David Shanske for the golden ticket term during HWC 2022-07-06.
- organizer(s) / facilitators
Jacky Alciné
- Add yourself here… (see this for more details)
Add your +1 for interest in this topic:
- +1
Jacky Alciné has ideas on this but would like to learn if other people would be into it
- +1
David Somers [omz13] I did throw together a ticketing spec via issue #113 ... comes with use cases, flows, and a nice on-behalf-off for third-parties to get private resources
- +1
David Shanske Have been editing the Ticket Auth spec to expand explanation
- Add yourself here… (see this for more details)
Related Wiki Pages
Analog Meets Online
This session was held on January 22, 2022. Event page: https://events.indieweb.org/2022/01/indiewebcamp-popup-analog-meets-online-b8c2zEb33yBS
Personal Libraries
This session was held on Saturday, February 19, 2022. Event page at https://events.indieweb.org/2022/02/personal-libraries-pop-up-session-Wax8N17zQuY0
Displaying Responses and Features
This session was held on Saturday, August 6, 2022. Event page at https://events.indieweb.org/2022/08/indiewebcamp-popup-displaying-responses-Zy6oOwt29sxD
How to Make the IndieWeb More Approachable
This session was held on Sunday, November 27, 2022. Event page at https://events.indieweb.org/2022/11/indiewebcamp-popup-how-to-make-the-indieweb-more-approachable-cj3LAW8IE9p5
See Also
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